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TXmsgcv TXcv_r Teb h ehpt Te hfo, e eceaisdTe hTe heokeaisd eokTebcsoy TeptTebcc e h Te h Tetwsk^ Tetws etws hd' tetwse Tetwskut etwsklTetwdr_twc_ck Tetwss^ Tetwskurtetwdr_dtwkwkTetwdr_twkwkTetwdr_hgm TerTecsdr2skdr Tecskq TecstTecssoyk Tecskle TecsutqTecskepi"Tecskqs&preTecskqs& dTecstepi" TecsTecsk_xmȊsTecsxmȊs Tecs'ptTecsbdflt TecsptTtmyssuTplT  Tmd5_ y Tmd5_ Tmd5_ hkd |md5go tp&pess _md5go T_md5go Tmd5go|pumd5goT 'i TogmtTfo TktTitl tpmssTpTdeT:cTp Tphutdn Tprf Tpkt TpcvmsgTpk Tppl kakbTp?msgTp?p tppldcv Ttk tȟYpeT{iizrcv_mssTrcvpju Tcwnd Ttwr tpktae Tps tpwndn tdowr tdovy t֫e(Tpsmd5 tds?Tpwnpli_medtps@BDFHJMPSW]`cehjlnprtvxz|~ #(+/26=@CFJVZ]`dgjnrux|  #&),/258;>ADGKNQTWZ]`cfiloruxconsoleearlycon<4>Malformed early option '%s' calling %pF @ %i initcall %pF returned %d after %Ld usecs error code %d preemption imbalance disabled interrupts initcall %pF returned with %s early options/dev/console<4>Warning: unable to open an initial console. <4>Failed to execute %s <4>Failed to execute %s. Attempting defaults... /sbin/init/etc/init/bin/init/bin/shNo init found. Try passing init= option to kernel.<4>Parameter %s is obsolete, ignored Too many boot env vars at `%s'Too many boot init vars at `%s'<5>%s<5>Kernel command line: %s Booting kernel<4>start_kernel(): bug: interrupts were enabled *very* early, fixing it <2>start_kernel(): bug: interrupts were enabled early <2>initrd overwritten (0x%08lx < 0x%08lx) - disabling it. HOME=/TERM=linux/dev/root<5>VFS: Insert %s and press ENTER readonlyVFS: Mounted root (%s filesystem)%s on device %u:%u. VFS: Cannot open root device "%s" or %s Please append a correct "root=" boot option; here are the available partitions: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on %sList of all partitions: No filesystem could mount root, tried: /dev/%u:%unfs<6>Waiting %dsec before mounting root device... mtdubi<6>Waiting for root device %s... <3>%s <3>RAMDISK: error while reading compressed data<3>RAMDISK: EOF while reading compressed data<3>RAMDISK: incomplete write (%d != %d) /dev/ram<5>RAMDISK: %s image found at block %d <0>RAMDISK: %s decompressor not configured! <5>RAMDISK: romfs filesystem found at block %d <5>RAMDISK: cramfs filesystem found at block %d <5>RAMDISK: squashfs filesystem found at block %d <5>RAMDISK: Minix filesystem found at block %d <5>RAMDISK: ext2 filesystem found at block %d <5>RAMDISK: Couldn't find valid RAM disk image starting at %d. RAMDISK: image too big! (%dKiB/%ldKiB) /initrd.image<3>RAMDISK: could not determine device size <3>RAMDISK: could not allocate buffer <5>RAMDISK: Loading %dKiB [%ld disk%s] into ram disk... done disk #%d. Error closing the disk. disk #%dError opening disk. Loading disk #%d... %cdone. root floppy disk to be loaded into RAM disk/dev/root.old/old/linuxrc<5>Trying to move old root to /initrd ... /root/initrdokay /initrd does not exist. Ignored. <5>Unmounting old root <5>Trying to free ramdisk memory ... linuxrcbroken paddingjunk in compressed archivecan't allocate bufferscompression method %s not configuredcan't allocate link hash entryTRAILER!!!can't allocate dir_entry buffer070707incorrect cpio method used: use -H newc option070701no cpio magic<6>Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs... /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/init/initramfs.c<6>rootfs image is not initramfs (%s); looks like an initrd <6>Calibrating delay loop (skipped) preset value.. <6>Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. <6>Calibrating delay loop... %lu.%02lu BogoMIPS (lpj=%lu) Cobalt buttonscascadecobalt-lcdcobalt-qube-ledscobalt-raq-ledspower-offrtc_cmosserial8250Cobalt RaQCobalt QubeCobalt Qube2Cobalt RaQ2MIPS Cobaltreserved<6>MIPS counter frequency %dHz PCI memoryPCI I/Ophysmap-flashfirmware<6>CPU revision is: %08x (%s) <6>FPU revision is: %08x Wait instruction disabled. R2000R3000AR3000R4400PCR4000PCR4400SCR4000SCNEC VR4111NEC VR4121NEC VR4122NEC VR4181ANEC VR4131NEC VR4133<6>Unexpected CPU of NEC VR4100 series NEC Vr41xxR4300R4600TX3927TX3912TX3922R4700R49XXR5000R5432R5500NevadaR6000R6000ARM7000RM9000RM8000R10000R12000R14000ICT Loongson-2MIPS 4KcMIPS 4KEcMIPS 4KScMIPS 5KcMIPS 20KcMIPS 24KcMIPS 25KcMIPS 34KcMIPS 74KcMIPS 1004KcAu1000Au1500Au1100Au1550Au1200Au1250Au1210Au1xxxSiByte SB1SiByte SB1ABroadcom BCM3302Broadcom BCM4710Broadcom BCM6345Broadcom BCM6348Broadcom BCM6358Sandcraft SR71000Philips PR4450Cavium Octeon<6>Unknown Octeon chip! %s: unaligned epc - sending SIGBUS. %s: DSP branch but not DSP ASE - sending SIGBUS. CPU%d %3d: %10u %14s %s, %sERR: %10u unexpected IRQ # %d Can't analyze schedule() prologue at %p mips<6> memory: %0*Lx @ %0*Lx (usable) (ROM data) (reserved) type %lu <4>Trying to add an invalid memory region, skipped <3>Ooops! Too many entries in the memory map! <6>Determined physical RAM map: <6>User-defined physical RAM map: <3>initrd start must be page aligned <3>initrd start < PAGE_OFFSET Incorrect memory mapping !!!<6>Wasting %lu bytes for tracking %lu unused pages <6>Initrd not found or empty<3>Initrd extends beyond end of memory<6>Initial ramdisk at: 0x%lx (%lu bytes) - disabling initrd System RAMKernel codeKernel data<4>topology_init: register_cpu %d failed (%d) <6>Disabling ulri Code: (Bad address in epc) %c%0*x%cCache error exception: cp0_errorepc == %0*lx c0_cacheerr == %08x primarysecondaryinsnDecoded c0_cacheerr: %s cache fault in %s reference. ED ET EE EB EI E1 E0 Error bits: %s%s%s%s%s%s%s IDX: 0x%08x Can't handle the cache error!<6>Writing ErrCtl register=%08lx <6>Readback ErrCtl register=%08lx dis<6>Cache parity protection %sabled <6>L2 cache parity protection %sabled <6>Enable cache parity protection for MIPS 20KC/25KF CPUs. <7>SDBBP EJTAG debug exception - not handled yet, just ignored! <7>c0_depc = %0*lx, DEBUG = %08x Cpu %d $%2d : %0*lx %*sHi : %0*lx Lo : %0*lx epc : %0*lx %pS ra : %0*lx %pS Status: %08x KUo IEo KUp IEp KUc IEc KX SX UX USER SUPERVISOR KERNEL BAD_MODE ERL EXL IE Cause : %08x BadVA : %0*lx PrId : %08x (%s) Caught unexpected vectored interrupt.Caught reserved exception %ld - should not happen.Index : %0x Pagemask: %0x EntryHi : %0*lx EntryLo0: %0*lx EntryLo1: %0*lx Caught Machine Check exception - %scaused by multiple matching entries in the TLB.not Call Trace: (Bad stack address)[<%p>] %pS Call Trace: Stack : ...Process %s (pid: %d, threadinfo=%p, task=%p, tls=%0*lx) %s[#%d]: Fatal exception in interrupt<0>Fatal exception: panic in 5 seconds Fatal exceptionNMI taken!!!! NMI<7>Thread Underflow <7>Thread Overflow <7>Invalid YIELD Qualifier <7>Gating Storage Exception <7>YIELD Scheduler Exception <7>Gating Storage Schedulier Exception <7>*** UNKNOWN THREAD EXCEPTION %d *** MIPS MT Thread exception in kerneldo_cpu invoked from kernel context!RI FaultReserved instruction in kernel code%s instruction in kernel codeKernel bug detectedMath emu break/trapTrapBreakFP exceptionFP exception in kernel codeInteger overflowInstructionData<1>%s bus error, epc == %0*lx, ra == %0*lx Oopsunaligned_instructionsunaligned_actionUnhandled kernel unaligned accessUnhandled kernel unaligned access or invalid instructionKernel unaligned instruction accessMIPStimergt641xx-timer0gt641xx_timer0/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/arch/mips/kernel/stacktrace.c__dbe_table<4>%s: Unknown symbol %s <3>module %s: dangerous R_MIPS_26 RELArelocation <3>module %s: relocation overflow <3>module %s: dangerous R_MIPS_26 REL relocation <3>module %s: dangerous R_MIPS_LO16 REL relocation <7>spurious 8259A interrupt: IRQ%d. i8259XT-PICpic1pic2GT641xxsystem type : %s processor : %ld FPU V%d.%dcpu model : %%s V%%d.%%d%s BogoMIPS : %u.%02u noyeswait instruction : %s microsecond timers : %s tlb_entries : %d extra interrupt vector : %s hardware watchpoint : %sno ASEs implemented :%s%s%s%s%s%s shadow register sets : %d core : %d VCE%%c exceptions : %s not availablepit<1>CPU %d Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address %0*lx, epc == %0*lx, ra == %0*lx <6>Freeing %s: %ldk freed unused kernel memoryinitrd memoryOh boy, that early out of memory?<6>Memory: %luk/%luk available (%ldk kernel code, %ldk reserved, %ldk data, %ldk init, %ldk highmem) No TLB refill handler yet (CPU type: %d)TLB refill handler space exceededTLB load handler fastpath space exceededTLB store handler fastpath space exceededTLB modify handler fastpath space exceededNo R6000 TLB refill handler yetNo R8000 TLB refill handler yet<4>Micro-assembler field overflow <4>Invalid micro-assembler branch target Unsupported Micro-assembler relocation %dUnsupported Micro-assembler instruction %d<3>iounmap: bad address %p remap_area_pte: page already exists Don't know how to probe P-caches on this cpu.Improper R4000SC processor configuration detectedVIPTVIVTPrimary instruction cache %ldkB, %s, %s, linesize %d bytes. PIPTno aliasescache aliasesPrimary data cache %ldkB, %s, %s, %s, linesize %d bytes Dunno how to handle MIPS32 / MIPS64 second level cacheUnified secondary cache %ldkB %s, linesize %d bytes. direct mapped2-way3-way4-way5-way6-way7-way8-way<4>No TLB space left for add_temporary_entry No TLB presentRestricting TLB to %d entries Ignoring invalid argument ntlb=%d fpuemustatsemulatedloadsstorescp1opscp1xops%s=<%08x> =Nan %c%cInfinity%cZero%c0.%c1.Illegal/Unknown IEEE754 value class<%08x,%08x> <7>floating point exception in "%s", type=%s spdpxpsididivmulsubaddfspfcmpflogbscalbabsnegdp_tintdp_tlongdp_flongfdpsp_tintfintsp_tlongsp_flongsqrtAlgorithmics/MIPS FPU Emulator v1.5 /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/sched_rt.c/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/sched_fair.c/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/include/trace/events/sched.hsched_kthread_stop: task %s:%d sched_kthread_stop_ret: ret %d sched_wait_task: task %s:%d [%d] sched_wakeup: task %s:%d [%d] success=%d [%03d] sched_wakeup_new: task %s:%d [%d] success=%d [%03d] sched_migrate_task: task %s:%d [%d] from: %d to: %d sched_process_free: task %s:%d [%d] sched_process_exit: task %s:%d [%d] sched_process_wait: task %s:%d [%d] sched_process_fork: parent %s:%d child %s:%d sched_signal_send: sig: %d task %s:%d sched_stat_wait: task: %s:%d wait: %Lu [ns] sched_stat_runtime: task: %s:%d runtime: %Lu [ns], vruntime: %Lu [ns] sched_stat_sleep: task: %s:%d sleep: %Lu [ns] sched_stat_iowait: task: %s:%d iowait: %Lu [ns] field:char comm[TASK_COMM_LEN]; offset:%u; size:%u; field:pid_t pid; offset:%u; size:%u; print fmt: "%s", %s task %s:%dREC->comm, REC->pid field:int ret; offset:%u; size:%u; ret %dREC->ret field:int prio; offset:%u; size:%u; task %s:%d [%d]REC->comm, REC->pid, REC->prio field:int success; offset:%u; size:%u; field:int cpu; offset:%u; size:%u; task %s:%d [%d] success=%d [%03d]REC->comm, REC->pid, REC->prio, REC->success, REC->cpu field:char prev_comm[TASK_COMM_LEN]; offset:%u; size:%u; field:pid_t prev_pid; offset:%u; size:%u; field:int prev_prio; offset:%u; size:%u; field:long prev_state; offset:%u; size:%u; field:char next_comm[TASK_COMM_LEN]; offset:%u; size:%u; field:pid_t next_pid; offset:%u; size:%u; field:int next_prio; offset:%u; size:%u; task %s:%d [%d] (%s) ==> %s:%d [%d]REC->prev_comm, REC->prev_pid, REC->prev_prio, REC->prev_state ? __print_flags(REC->prev_state, "|", { 1, "S"} , { 2, "D" }, { 4, "T" }, { 8, "t" }, { 16, "Z" }, { 32, "X" }, { 64, "x" }, { 128, "W" }) : "R", REC->next_comm, REC->next_pid, REC->next_prio field:int orig_cpu; offset:%u; size:%u; field:int dest_cpu; offset:%u; size:%u; task %s:%d [%d] from: %d to: %dREC->comm, REC->pid, REC->prio, REC->orig_cpu, REC->dest_cpu field:char parent_comm[TASK_COMM_LEN]; offset:%u; size:%u; field:pid_t parent_pid; offset:%u; size:%u; field:char child_comm[TASK_COMM_LEN]; offset:%u; size:%u; field:pid_t child_pid; offset:%u; size:%u; parent %s:%d child %s:%dREC->parent_comm, REC->parent_pid, REC->child_comm, REC->child_pid field:int sig; offset:%u; size:%u; sig: %d task %s:%dREC->sig, REC->comm, REC->pid field:u64 delay; offset:%u; size:%u; task: %s:%d wait: %Lu [ns]REC->comm, REC->pid, (unsigned long long)REC->delay field:u64 runtime; offset:%u; size:%u; field:u64 vruntime; offset:%u; size:%u; task: %s:%d runtime: %Lu [ns], vruntime: %Lu [ns]REC->comm, REC->pid, (unsigned long long)REC->runtime, (unsigned long long)REC->vruntimetask: %s:%d sleep: %Lu [ns]task: %s:%d iowait: %Lu [ns]|sched_switch: task %s:%d [%d] (%s) ==> %s:%d [%d] char[TASK_COMM_LEN]pid_tretpriosuccessprev_commprev_pidprev_prioprev_statenext_commnext_pidnext_prioorig_cpuparent_commparent_pidchild_commchild_pidsigu64sched_kthread_stopsched_kthread_stop_retsched_wait_tasksched_wakeupsched_wakeup_newsched_switchsched_migrate_tasksched_process_freesched_process_exitsched_process_waitsched_process_forksched_signal_sendsched_stat_waitsched_stat_runtimesched_stat_sleepsched_stat_iowait<6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to sched_kthread_stop <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to sched_kthread_stop_ret <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to sched_wait_task <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to sched_wakeup <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to sched_wakeup_new <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to sched_switch <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to sched_migrate_task <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to sched_process_free <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to sched_process_exit <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to sched_process_wait <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to sched_process_fork <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to sched_signal_send <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to sched_stat_wait <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to sched_stat_runtime <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to sched_stat_sleep <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to sched_stat_iowait sched_featuresFAIR_SLEEPERSNO_%llu rt_rq[%d]: .%-30s: %Ld rt_nr_runningrt_throttled .%-30s: %Ld.%06ld rt_timert_runtimesched_debug/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/sched.c<3>bad: scheduling from the idle thread! cfs_rq[%d]:%s exec_clockMIN_vruntimemin_vruntimemax_vruntimespreadspread0 .%-30s: %ld nr_runningload .%-30s: %d nr_spread_over .%-30s: %lld.%06ld se->exec_startse->vruntimese->sum_exec_runtime .%-30s: %lld se->load.weightSched Debug Version: v0.09, %s %.*s now at %Lu.%06ld msecs .%-40s: %Ld jiffies .%-40s: %Ld.%06ld sysctl_sched_latencysysctl_sched_min_granularitysysctl_sched_wakeup_granularitysysctl_sched_child_runs_firstsysctl_sched_features cpu#%d .%-30s: %lu nr_switchesnr_load_updatesnr_uninterruptiblenext_balancecurr->pidclockcpu_load[0]cpu_load[1]cpu_load[2]cpu_load[3]cpu_load[4] runnable tasks: task PID tree-key switches prio exec-runtime sum-exec sum-sleep ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %15s %5d %9Ld.%06ld %9Ld %5d %15Ld %15Ld %15Ld.%06ld %15Ld.%06ld %15Ld.%06ld<6>%-13.13s %c %08lx %5lu %5d %6d 0x%08lx running <6> task PC stack pid father <3>BUG: scheduling while atomic: %s/%d/0x%08x %s (%d, #threads: %d) --------------------------------------------------------- %-35s:%14Ld.%06ld se.exec_startse.vruntimese.sum_exec_runtimese.avg_overlapse.avg_wakeupse.avg_running%-35s:%21Ld nr_voluntary_switchesnr_involuntary_switchesse.load.weightclock-deltacpuacctschedWGENTLE_FAIR_SLEEPERSNORMALIZED_SLEEPERSTART_DEBITWAKEUP_PREEMPTADAPTIVE_GRANASYM_GRANWAKEUP_SYNCWAKEUP_OVERLAPWAKEUP_RUNNINGSYNC_WAKEUPSAFFINE_WAKEUPSSYNC_LESSSYNC_MORENEXT_BUDDYLAST_BUDDYCACHE_HOT_BUDDYARCH_POWERHRTICKDOUBLE_TICKLB_BIASLB_SHARES_UPDATEASYM_EFF_LOADOWNER_SPINNONIRQ_POWERtask_structsighand_cachesignal_cachefiles_cachefs_cachemm_structvm_area_struct&mm->mmap_sem<6>fork(): process `%s' used deprecated clone flags 0x%lx /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/fork.c%d-%d %-16s [%s] execdomainspersonality-%ldLinux<4>Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint <4>------------[ cut here ]------------ <4>WARNING: at %s:%d %pS() <4>---[ end trace %016llx ]--- Tainted: Not tainted<0>Kernel panic - not syncing: %s <0>Rebooting in %d seconds..[%5lu.%06lu] <4>log_buf_len: allocation failed <5>log_buf_len: %d <6>debug: ignoring loglevel setting. brl,brl=<3>need port name after brl= ttyS<6>turn off boot console %s%d <6>Too late to register bootconsole %s%d <6>console [%s%d] enabled, bootconsole disabled <6>%sconsole [%s%d] enabled Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug) /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/exit.cAiee, killing interrupt handler!Attempted to kill the idle task!<1>Fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed! <6>note: %s[%d] exited with preempt_count %d Attempted to kill init!/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/softirq.c/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/include/trace/events/irq.hirq_handler_entry: irq=%d handler=%s unhandledhandledirq_handler_exit: irq=%d return=%s field:int irq; offset:%u; size:%u; field:__data_loc char[] name; offset:%u; size:%u; irq=%d handler=%sREC->irq, __get_str(name)irq=%d return=%sREC->irq, REC->ret ? "handled" : "unhandled" field:int vec; offset:%u; size:%u; softirq=%d action=%sREC->vec, __print_symbolic(REC->vec, { HI_SOFTIRQ, "HI" }, { TIMER_SOFTIRQ, "TIMER" }, { NET_TX_SOFTIRQ, "NET_TX" }, { NET_RX_SOFTIRQ, "NET_RX" }, { BLOCK_SOFTIRQ, "BLOCK" }, { BLOCK_IOPOLL_SOFTIRQ, "BLOCK_IOPOLL" }, { TASKLET_SOFTIRQ, "TASKLET" }, { SCHED_SOFTIRQ, "SCHED" }, { HRTIMER_SOFTIRQ, "HRTIMER" }, { RCU_SOFTIRQ, "RCU" })softirq_entry: softirq=%d action=%s softirq_exit: softirq=%d action=%s irq__data_loc char[]irq_handler_entryirq_handler_exitsoftirq_entrysoftirq_exit<6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to irq_handler_entry <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to irq_handler_exit <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to softirq_entry <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to softirq_exit ksoftirqd/%dksoftirqd for %i failed Attempt to kill tasklet from interrupt <3>huh, entered softirq %td %s %pwith preempt_count %08x, exited with %08x? HITIMERNET_TXNET_RXBLOCKBLOCK_IOPOLLTASKLETSCHEDHRTIMERRCU%*s%0*llx-%0*llx : %s ioportsiomemrelaxedstrict<4>resource map sanity check conflict: 0x%llx 0x%llx 0x%llx 0x%llx %s Expanded resource %s due to conflict with %s <4>Trying to free nonexistent resource <%016llx-%016llx> /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/resource.ccheck-regionPCI IOPCI mem%s%lu/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/sysctl.c<6>warning: process `%s' used the deprecated sysctl system call with %d.vmsched_child_runs_firstsched_min_granularity_nssched_latency_nssched_wakeup_granularity_nssched_shares_ratelimitsched_shares_threshsched_migration_costsched_nr_migratesched_time_avgtimer_migrationsched_rt_period_ussched_rt_runtime_ussched_compat_yieldcore_uses_pidcore_patterncore_pipe_limitreal-root-devprint-fatal-signalsctrl-alt-delftrace_dump_on_oopsmodprobemodules_disabledhotplugacctsysrqcad_pidthreads-maxrandomoverflowuidoverflowgidpid_maxpanic_on_oopsprintkprintk_ratelimitprintk_ratelimit_burstprintk_delayngroups_maxrandomize_va_spacesoftlockup_panicsoftlockup_threshhung_task_panichung_task_check_counthung_task_timeout_secshung_task_warningsmax_lock_depthpoweroff_cmdslow-workblk_iopollovercommit_memorypanic_on_oomoom_kill_allocating_taskoom_dump_tasksovercommit_ratiopage-clusterdirty_background_ratiodirty_background_bytesdirty_ratiodirty_bytesdirty_writeback_centisecsdirty_expire_centisecsnr_pdflush_threadsswappinesslowmem_reserve_ratiodrop_cachesmin_free_kbytespercpu_pagelist_fractionmax_map_countlaptop_modeblock_dumpvfs_cache_pressuremmap_min_addrscan_unevictable_pagesinode-nrinode-statefile-nrfile-maxnr_opendentry-stateleases-enabledir-notify-enablelease-break-timeaio-nraio-max-nrinotifyepollsuid_dumpablebinfmt_misc<2>capable() called with invalid cap=%u <6>warning: `%s' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use) <6>warning: `%s' uses deprecated v2 capabilities in a way that may be insecure. /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/include/trace/events/timer.htimer_init: timer %p timer_start: timer %p: func %pf, expires %lu, timeout %ld timer_expire_entry: timer %p: now %lu timer_expire_exit: timer %p timer_cancel: timer %p CLOCK_MONOTONICCLOCK_REALTIMEHRTIMER_MODE_RELHRTIMER_MODE_ABShrtimer_init: hrtimer %p, clockid %s, mode %s hrtimer_start: hrtimer %p, func %pf, expires %llu, softexpires %llu hrtimer_expire_entry: hrtimer %p, now %llu hrtimer_expire_exit: hrtimer %p hrtimer_cancel: hrtimer %p itimer_state: which %d, expires %lu, it_value %lu.%lu, it_interval %lu.%lu itimer_expire: which %d, pid %d, now %lu field:void * timer; offset:%u; size:%u; timer %pREC->timer field:void * function; offset:%u; size:%u; field:unsigned long expires; offset:%u; size:%u; field:unsigned long now; offset:%u; size:%u; timer %p: func %pf, expires %lu, timeout %ldREC->timer, REC->function, REC->expires, (long)REC->expires - REC->nowtimer %p: now %luREC->timer, REC->now field:clockid_t clockid; offset:%u; size:%u; field:enum hrtimer_mode mode; offset:%u; size:%u; hrtimer %p, clockid %s, mode %sREC->timer, REC->clockid == 0 ? "CLOCK_REALTIME" : "CLOCK_MONOTONIC", REC->mode == HRTIMER_MODE_ABS ? "HRTIMER_MODE_ABS" : "HRTIMER_MODE_REL" field:s64 expires; offset:%u; size:%u; field:s64 softexpires; offset:%u; size:%u; hrtimer %p, func %pf, expires %llu, softexpires %lluREC->timer, REC->function, (unsigned long long)ktime_to_ns((ktime_t) { .tv64 = REC->expires }), (unsigned long long)ktime_to_ns((ktime_t) { .tv64 = REC->softexpires }) field:s64 now; offset:%u; size:%u; hrtimer %p, now %lluREC->timer, (unsigned long long)ktime_to_ns((ktime_t) { .tv64 = REC->now })hrtimer %p field:int which; offset:%u; size:%u; field:cputime_t expires; offset:%u; size:%u; field:long value_sec; offset:%u; size:%u; field:long value_usec; offset:%u; size:%u; field:long interval_sec; offset:%u; size:%u; field:long interval_usec; offset:%u; size:%u; which %d, expires %lu, it_value %lu.%lu, it_interval %lu.%luREC->which, REC->expires, REC->value_sec, REC->value_usec, REC->interval_sec, REC->interval_usec field:cputime_t now; offset:%u; size:%u; which %d, pid %d, now %luREC->which, (int) REC->pid, REC->nowvoid *functionunsigned longnowclockid_tclockidenum hrtimer_modes64softexpireswhichcputime_tvalue_secvalue_usecinterval_secinterval_usectimer_inittimer_starttimer_expire_entrytimer_expire_exittimer_cancelhrtimer_inithrtimer_starthrtimer_expire_entryhrtimer_expire_exithrtimer_cancelitimer_stateitimer_expire<6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to timer_init <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to timer_start <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to timer_expire_entry <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to timer_expire_exit <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to timer_cancel <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to hrtimer_init <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to hrtimer_start <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to hrtimer_expire_entry <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to hrtimer_expire_exit <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to hrtimer_cancel <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to itimer_state <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to itimer_expire /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/timer.c<3>huh, entered %p with preempt_count %08x, exited with %08x? <3>schedule_timeout: wrong timeout value %lx uid_cachesigqueue/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/signal.c%s/%d: potentially unexpected fatal signal %d. <0>Power down. <4>%s failed to allocate memory for "%s" <4>Failed to start orderly shutdown: forcing the issue <0>System halted. <0>Restarting system. <0>Restarting system with command '%s'. PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/binkhelper<3>request_module: runaway loop modprobe %s -q--PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/include/trace/events/workqueue.hworkqueue_insertion: thread=%s:%d func=%pf workqueue_execution: thread=%s:%d func=%pf workqueue_creation: thread=%s:%d cpu=%d workqueue_destruction: thread=%s:%d field:char thread_comm[TASK_COMM_LEN]; offset:%u; size:%u; field:pid_t thread_pid; offset:%u; size:%u; field:work_func_t func; offset:%u; size:%u; thread=%s:%d func=%pfREC->thread_comm, REC->thread_pid, REC->functhread=%s:%d cpu=%dREC->thread_comm, REC->thread_pid, REC->cputhread=%s:%dREC->thread_comm, REC->thread_pidthread_commthread_pidwork_func_tworkqueue_insertionworkqueue_executionworkqueue_creationworkqueue_destruction<6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to workqueue_insertion <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to workqueue_execution <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to workqueue_creation <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to workqueue_destruction /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/workqueue.c%s/%d<3>BUG: workqueue leaked lock or atomic: %s/0x%08x/%d <3> last function: workqueuePID/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/rcupdate.c<4>parse_args(): option '%s' enabled irq's! <3>%s: Unknown parameter `%s' <3>%s: `%s' too large for parameter `%s' <3>%s: `%s' invalid for parameter `%s' parameters<4>%s (%d): error creating kset /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/params.c<3>Module '%s' failed add to sysfs, error number %d <3>The system will be unstable now. <3>%s: missing param set value <3>%s: string doesn't fit in %u chars. <3>%s: expects arguments <3>%s: can only take %i arguments <3>%s: needs at least %i arguments %li%hu%hi<3>%s: string parameter expected <3>%s: string parameter too long POSIX clock register failed for clock_id %d posix_timers_cachekthreadd/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/posix-cpu-timers.c<6>RT Watchdog Timeout: %s[%d] off/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/hrtimer.c<4>Could not switch to high resolution mode on CPU %d <6>hres_timers_resume() called with IRQs enabled!<4>hrtimer: interrupt took %llu ns nsproxy/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/srcu.c&sp->mutex&nh->mutex%llu notesuevent_seqnumuevent_helperprofiling<3>pm_qos_param: cpu_dma_latency setup failed <3>pm_qos_param: network_latency setup failed <3>pm_qos_param: network_throughput setup failed process_%dcpu_dma_latencynetwork_latencynetwork_throughputcred_jar&p->cred_guard_mutexCRED: put_cred_rcu() sees %p with usage %d async/mgr/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/async.casync/%icalling %lli_%pF @ %i initcall %lli_%pF returned 0 after %lld usecs async_waiting @ %i async_continuing @ %i after %lli usec profileprof_cpu_mask/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/profile.c<4>kernel sleep profiling requires CONFIG_SCHEDSTATS <6>kernel schedule profiling enabled (shift: %ld) <6>kernel KVM profiling enabled (shift: %ld) <6>kernel profiling enabled (shift: %ld) .%d<3>sysctl table check failed: Parent without procnameParent without ctl_nameNo procnameDirectory with data?Directory with maxlen?Writable sysctl directoryDirectory with proc_handlerDirectory with strategyDirectory with extra1Directory with extra2<3>%s: failed: ref: Inconsistent directory namesNo dataNo maxlenNo minNo maxMissing strategyNo proc_handlerSysctl already existsUnknown sysctl binary pathprocname does not match binary path procnamectl_name does not match binary path ctl_namebogus .modenetabiarlans390dbfsunrpcpmfrvostypeosreleaseversionhostnamedomainnamereboot-cmdpowersave-napsg-big-buffl2crshmmaxmsgmaxmsgmnbshmallmsgmnistop-ashmmniieee_emulation_warningsuserprocess_debugsoft-powerunaligned-trapscons-poweroffhz_timerunknown_nmi_panicbootloader_typespin_retryacpi_video_flagsignore-unaligned-usertrapcompat-lognmi_watchdogpanic_on_unrecovered_nminr_hugepageshugetlb_shm_grouplegacy_va_layoutzone_reclaim_modemin_unmapped_ratiovdso_enabledmin_slab_ratiocoreunixipv4ipxappletalknetromax25bridgeroseipv6x25token-ringdecnetsctpllcnetfilterdccpirdanf_conntrack_maxxfsocfs2cdromparportraidmac_hidscsiipmiisaarlan0arlan1arlan2arlan3debug_stoppabledebug_activerpc_debugnfs_debugnfsd_debugnlm_debugudp_slot_table_entriestcp_slot_table_entriesmin_resvportmax_resvportsuspendcmodep0cmcache-modepin-cxnrpoolsizeentropy_availread_wakeup_thresholdwrite_wakeup_thresholdboot_iduuidwmem_maxrmem_maxwmem_defaultrmem_defaultnetdev_max_backlogmessage_costmessage_burstoptmem_maxdev_weightsomaxconnnetdev_budgetxfrm_aevent_etimexfrm_aevent_rseqthwarningsmax_dgram_qlenip_forwardip_dynaddrneighroutetcp_timestampstcp_window_scalingtcp_sacktcp_retrans_collapseip_default_ttlip_no_pmtu_disctcp_syn_retriesipfrag_high_threshipfrag_low_threshipfrag_timetcp_keepalive_timetcp_keepalive_probestcp_retries1tcp_retries2tcp_fin_timeouttcp_syncookiestcp_stdurgtcp_rfc1337tcp_max_syn_backlogip_local_port_rangeicmp_echo_ignore_allicmp_echo_ignore_broadcastsicmp_ignore_bogus_error_responsesigmp_max_membershipstcp_tw_recycletcp_keepalive_intvlinet_peer_thresholdinet_peer_minttlinet_peer_maxttlinet_peer_gc_mintimeinet_peer_gc_maxtimetcp_orphan_retriestcp_abort_on_overflowtcp_synack_retriestcp_max_orphanstcp_max_tw_bucketstcp_facktcp_reorderingtcp_ecntcp_dsacktcp_memtcp_wmemtcp_rmemtcp_app_wintcp_adv_win_scaleip_nonlocal_bindicmp_ratelimiticmp_ratemasktcp_tw_reusetcp_frtotcp_low_latencyipfrag_secret_intervaligmp_max_msftcp_no_metrics_savetcp_moderate_rcvbuftcp_tso_win_divisoricmp_errors_use_inbound_ifaddrtcp_congestion_controltcp_abcipfrag_max_disttcp_mtu_probingtcp_base_msstcp_workaround_signed_windowstcp_dma_copybreaktcp_slow_start_after_idlecipso_cache_enablecipso_cache_bucket_sizecipso_rbm_optfmtcipso_rbm_strictvalidtcp_available_congestion_controltcp_allowed_congestion_controltcp_max_ssthreshtcp_frto_responseip_queue_maxlenipx_pprop_broadcastingaarp-expiry-timeaarp-tick-timeaarp-retransmit-limitaarp-resolve-timedefault_path_qualityobsolescence_count_initialisernetwork_ttl_initialisertransport_timeouttransport_maximum_triestransport_acknowledge_delaytransport_busy_delaytransport_requested_window_sizetransport_no_activity_timeoutrouting_controllink_fails_countbridge-nf-call-arptablesbridge-nf-call-iptablesbridge-nf-call-ip6tablesbridge-nf-filter-vlan-taggedbridge-nf-filter-pppoe-taggedrestart_request_timeoutcall_request_timeoutreset_request_timeoutclear_request_timeoutacknowledge_hold_back_timeoutlink_fail_timeoutmaximum_virtual_circuitsno_activity_timeouticmpbindv6onlyip6frag_high_threship6frag_low_threship6frag_timeip6frag_secret_intervalmld_max_msfip6_queue_maxlenacknowledgement_hold_back_timeoutx25_forwardrif_timeoutnode_addressnode_namedefault_devicetime_waitdn_countdi_countdr_countdst_gc_intervalno_fc_max_cwnddecnet_memdecnet_rmemdecnet_wmemrto_initialrto_minrto_maxrto_alpha_exp_divisorrto_beta_exp_divisorvalid_cookie_lifeassociation_max_retranspath_max_retransmax_init_retransmitshb_intervalcookie_preserve_enablemax_burstaddip_enableprsctp_enablesndbuf_policysack_timeoutrcvbuf_policyllc2stationnf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_syn_sentnf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_syn_recvnf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_establishednf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_fin_waitnf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_close_waitnf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_last_acknf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_time_waitnf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_closenf_conntrack_udp_timeoutnf_conntrack_udp_timeout_streamnf_conntrack_icmp_timeoutnf_conntrack_generic_timeoutnf_conntrack_bucketsnf_conntrack_log_invalidnf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_max_retransnf_conntrack_tcp_loosenf_conntrack_tcp_be_liberalnf_conntrack_tcp_max_retransnf_conntrack_sctp_timeout_closednf_conntrack_sctp_timeout_cookie_waitnf_conntrack_sctp_timeout_cookie_echoednf_conntrack_sctp_timeout_establishednf_conntrack_sctp_timeout_shutdown_sentnf_conntrack_sctp_timeout_shutdown_recdnf_conntrack_sctp_timeout_shutdown_ack_sentnf_conntrack_countnf_conntrack_icmpv6_timeoutnf_conntrack_frag6_timeoutnf_conntrack_frag6_low_threshnf_conntrack_frag6_high_threshnf_conntrack_checksumdiscoverydevnamefast_poll_increasediscovery_slotsdiscovery_timeoutslot_timeoutmax_baud_ratemin_tx_turn_timemax_tx_data_sizemax_tx_windowmax_noreply_timewarn_noreply_timelap_keepalive_timelookupsdropsreadswritescache_hitsallocated_dquotsfree_dquotssyncsirix_sgid_inheritirix_symlink_modepanic_maskerror_levelxfssyncd_centisecsinherit_syncinherit_nodumpinherit_noatimexfsbufd_centisecsage_buffer_centisecsinherit_nosymlinksrotorstepinherit_nodefragfilestream_centisecsstats_clearmax_user_instancesmax_user_watchesmax_queued_eventsnmautocloseautoejectcheck_mediaspeed_limit_minspeed_limit_maxmouse_button_emulationmouse_button2_keycodemouse_button3_keycodelogging_levelpoweroff_powercyclemembaseportbaseportshiftspreadingCodechannelNumberscramblingDisabletxAttenuationsystemIdmaxDatagramSizemaxFrameSizemaxRetriesreceiveModepriorityrootOrRepeaterSIDregistrationModeregistrationFilllocalTalkAddresscodeFormatnumChannelschannel1channel2channel3channel4txCleartxRetriestxRoutingtxScrambledrxParametertxTimeoutMswaitCardTimeoutchannelSetwaitTimelParameter_15headerSizetx_delay_mswaitReTransmitPacketMaxSizefastReTransCountdriverRetransmissionstxAckTimeoutMsregistrationInterruptshardwareTyperadioTypewriteEEPROMwriteRadioTypeentry_exit_debugin_speedout_speedin_speed10out_speed10in_speed_maxout_speed_maxmeasure_ratepre_Command_Waitrx_tweak1rx_tweak2tx_queue_lenarlan0-txRingarlan0-rxRingarlan0-18arlan0-ringarlan0-shm-cpyconfig0reset0arlan1-txRingarlan1-rxRingarlan1-18arlan1-ringarlan1-shm-cpyconfig1reset1arlan2-txRingarlan2-rxRingarlan2-18arlan2-ringarlan2-shm-cpyconfig2reset2arlan3-txRingarlan3-rxRingarlan3-18arlan3-ringarlan3-shm-cpyconfig3reset3allflushmin_delaymax_delaygc_threshmax_sizegc_min_intervalgc_timeoutredirect_loadredirect_numberredirect_silenceerror_costerror_burstgc_elasticitymtu_expiresmin_pmtumin_adv_mssgc_min_interval_msip_conntrack_maxip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_syn_sentip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_syn_recvip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_establishedip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_fin_waitip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_close_waitip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_last_ackip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_time_waitip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_closeip_conntrack_udp_timeoutip_conntrack_udp_timeout_streamip_conntrack_icmp_timeoutip_conntrack_generic_timeoutip_conntrack_bucketsip_conntrack_log_invalidip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_max_retransip_conntrack_tcp_looseip_conntrack_tcp_be_liberalip_conntrack_tcp_max_retransip_conntrack_sctp_timeout_closedip_conntrack_sctp_timeout_cookie_waitip_conntrack_sctp_timeout_cookie_echoedip_conntrack_sctp_timeout_establishedip_conntrack_sctp_timeout_shutdown_sentip_conntrack_sctp_timeout_shutdown_recdip_conntrack_sctp_timeout_shutdown_ack_sentip_conntrack_countip_conntrack_checksumip_default_modeax25_default_modebackoff_typeconnect_modestandard_window_sizeextended_window_sizet1_timeoutt2_timeoutt3_timeoutidle_timeoutmaximum_retry_countmaximum_packet_lengthprotocoldama_slave_timeoutratelimitack_timeouthb_ctl_pathtimeslicespintimebase-addrdmamodesdevicesautoprobe0autoprobe1autoprobe2autoprobe3forwardingmc_forwardingproxy_arpaccept_redirectssecure_redirectssend_redirectsshared_mediarp_filteraccept_source_routebootp_relaylog_martianstagarp_filtermedium_iddisable_xfrmdisable_policyforce_igmp_versionarp_announcearp_ignorepromote_secondariesarp_acceptarp_notifysrc_valid_markmcast_solicitucast_solicitapp_solicitretrans_timebase_reachable_timedelay_first_probe_timegc_stale_timeunres_qlenproxy_qlenanycast_delayproxy_delaylocktimegc_thresh1gc_thresh2gc_thresh3retrans_time_msbase_reachable_time_mshop_limitmtuaccept_raautoconfdad_transmitsrouter_solicitationsrouter_solicitation_intervalrouter_solicitation_delayuse_tempaddrtemp_valid_lfttemp_prefered_lftregen_max_retrymax_desync_factormax_addressesforce_mld_versionaccept_ra_defrtraccept_ra_pinfoaccept_ra_rtr_prefrouter_probe_intervalaccept_ra_rt_info_max_plenproxy_ndprejbusyactive/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/stacktrace.c<6>save_stack_trace_tsk() not implemented yet. %*cWARNING: Persistent clock returned invalid value! Check your CMOS/BIOS settings. WARNING: Boot clock returned invalid value! Check your CMOS/BIOS settings. /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/time/timekeeping.ctimekeeping<5>Clock: inserting leap second 23:59:60 UTC <5>Clock: deleting leap second 23:59:59 UTC <4>Override clocksource %s is not HRT compatible. Cannot switch while in HRT/NOHZ mode <6>Switching to clocksource %s pmtmrWarning: clock=pmtmr is deprecated. Use clocksource=acpi_pm. acpi_pmWarning! clock= boot option is deprecated. Use clocksource=xyz current_clocksourceavailable_clocksource<%p>Timer List Version: v0.5 HRTIMER_MAX_CLOCK_BASES: %d now at %Ld nsecs cpu: %d clock %d: .base: %p .index: %d .resolution: %Lu nsecs .get_time: .offset: %Lu nsecs active timers: #%d: , S:%02lx, %s/%d # expires at %Lu-%Lu nsecs [in %Ld to %Ld nsecs] .%-15s: %Lu nsecs expires_next .%-15s: %Lu hres_activenr_eventsnr_retriesnr_hangsmax_hang_timenohz_modeidle_ticktick_stoppedidle_jiffiesidle_callsidle_sleepsidle_entrytimeidle_waketimeidle_exittimeidle_sleeptimelast_jiffiesnext_jiffiesidle_expiresjiffies: %Lu Tick Device: mode: %d Per CPU device: %d Clock Event Device: max_delta_ns: %lu min_delta_ns: %lu mult: %lu shift: %d mode: %d next_event: %Ld nsecs set_next_event: set_mode: event_handler: timer_list/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/time/clockevents.c<6>Clockevents: could not switch to one-shot mode: no tick device %s is not functional. %s does not support one-shot mode. <4>CE: %s increasing min_delta_ns to %lu nsec <6>Switched to NOHz mode on CPU #%d <3>NOHZ: local_softirq_pending %02x Timer Stats Version: v0.2 Sample period: %ld.%03ld s Overflow: %d entries %4luD, %5d %-16s %4lu, %5d %-16s %ld total events, %ld.%03ld events/sec %ld total events timer_stats/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/futex.c<3>fixup_owner: ret = %d pi-mutex: %p pi-state %p <4>Maximum lock depth %d reached task: %s (%d) /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/rtmutex.c/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/up.c/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/include/trace/events/module.hmodule_load: %s %s module_free: %s module_get: %s call_site=%pf refcnt=%d module_put: %s call_site=%pf refcnt=%d module_request: %s wait=%d call_site=%pf field:unsigned int taints; offset:%u; size:%u; __get_str(name), __print_flags(REC->taints, "", { (1UL << 0), "P" }, { (1UL << 1), "F" }, { (1UL << 10), "C" })__get_str(name) field:unsigned long ip; offset:%u; size:%u; field:int refcnt; offset:%u; size:%u; %s call_site=%pf refcnt=%d__get_str(name), (void *)REC->ip, REC->refcnt field:bool wait; offset:%u; size:%u; %s wait=%d call_site=%pf__get_str(name), (int)REC->wait, (void *)REC->ipunsigned inttaintsiprefcntboolwaitmodule_loadmodule_freemodule_getmodule_putmodule_request<4>Symbol %s is being used by a non-GPL module, which will not be allowed in the future <4>Please see the file Documentation/feature-removal-schedule.txt in the kernel source tree for more details. <4>Symbol %s is marked as UNUSED, however this module is using it. <4>This symbol will go away in the future. <4>Please evalute if this is the right api to use and if it really is, submit a report the linux kernel mailinglist together with submitting your code for inclusion. <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to module_load <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to module_free <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to module_get <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to module_put <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to module_request %s %u %u %s,[permanent],UnloadingLiveLoading 0x%pModules linked in: %s%s [last unloaded: %s]modulesatd<4>%s: %s: kernel tainted. <4>%s: no symbol version for %s %s: disagrees about version of symbol %s liveunknowncominggoing<3>%s: module sysfs not initialized <3>%s: module is already loaded holders%s: gave up waiting for init of module %s. %s: out of memory loading ELF.gnu.linkonce.this_module<4>%s: module has no symbols (stripped?) __versions.modinfomodule_layoutbad vermagic<3>%s: version magic '%s' should be '%s' staging<4>%s: module is from the staging directory, the quality is unknown, you have been warned. .initlicenseunspecifiedGPLGPL v2GPL and additional rightsDual BSD/GPLDual MIT/GPLDual MPL/GPL<4>%s: module license '%s' taints kernel. ndiswrapperdriverloader%s: please compile with -fno-common __param__ksymtab__kcrctab__ksymtab_gpl__kcrctab_gpl__ksymtab_gpl_future__kcrctab_gpl_future__ksymtab_unused__kcrctab_unused__ksymtab_unused_gpl__kcrctab_unused_gpl.ctors__tracepoints_ftrace_eventsno versions for exported symbols<3>%s: exports duplicate symbol %s (owned by %s) .debug__verbose__obsparm<4>%s: Ignoring obsolete parameters sections<3>Module len %lu truncated <4>No module found in object __ex_table<4>%s: '%s'->init suspiciously returned %d, it should follow 0/-E convention %s: loading module anyway... Fsrcversioninitstate%0*lx %c %s [%s] %0*lx %c %s kallsyms+%#lx/%#lx [%s]+%#lx/%#lx[%s] noneprocessorsplatformfreezerpm_testRestarting tasks ... <3>Freezing of tasks failed after %d.%02d seconds (%d tasks refusing to freeze): <3> %s (elapsed %d.%02d seconds) Freezing user space processes ... Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... done.<6>suspend debug: Waiting for 5 seconds. <3>PM: Some devices failed to suspend <3>PM: Some devices failed to power down <6>PM: Syncing filesystems ... <7>PM: Preparing system for %s sleep <7>PM: Entering %s sleep <7>PM: Finishing wakeup. standby<6>PM: %s %d kbytes in %d.%02d seconds (%d.%02d MB/s) %d:%d <7>PM: Hibernation mode set to '%s' <6>hibernation debug: Waiting for 5 seconds. <3>PM: Some devices failed to power down, aborting resume <7>PM: Checking image partition %s <7>PM: Resume from partition %d:%d <7>PM: Checking hibernation image. <7>PM: Preparing processes for restore. <7>PM: Reading hibernation image. <3>PM: Restore failed, recovering. <7>PM: Resume from disk failed. <6>PM: Starting manual resume from disk <3>PM: Some devices failed to power down, aborting hibernation <3>PM: Some system devices failed to power down, aborting hibernation <3>PM: Error %d creating hibernation image <7>PM: writing image. <2>PM: Please power down manually <7>PM: Image restored successfully. /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/power/hibernate.ctesttestprocshutdownresumeimage_size<7>PM: Basic memory bitmaps freed <7>PM: Marking nosave pages: %016lx - %016lx <7>PM: Basic memory bitmaps created kernel versionsystem typekernel releasemachine<3>PM: Image mismatch: %s memory size<6>PM: Creating hibernation image: <6>PM: Need to copy %u pages <7>PM: Normal pages needed: %u + %u, available pages: %u <3>PM: Not enough free memory <3>PM: Memory allocation failed <6>PM: Hibernation image created (%d pages copied) <6>PM: Preallocating image memory... done (allocated %lu pages) Allocated <6>PM: Registered nosave memory: %016lx - %016lx Could not allocate memory for swsusp_header <7>PM: Image device not initialised <3>PM: Adding page to bio failed at %ld S1SUSPEND<7>PM: Signature found, resuming <7>PM: Error %d checking image file <6>PM: Loading image data pages (%u pages) ... %3d%%done Read<7>PM: Image successfully loaded <7>PM: Error %d resuming /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/power/swap.c<3>PM: Cannot find swap device, try swapon -a. <7>PM: Free swap pages: %u <3>PM: Not enough free swap <6>PM: Saving image data pages (%u pages) ... Wrote<6>PM: SSWAP-SPACESWAPSPACE2<3>PM: Swap header not found! | Syncing filesystems ... <3>SNAPSHOT_PMOPS: invalid argument %ld snapshot<6>PM: Restoring platform NVS memory <6>PM: Saving platform NVS memory powerOffPower Off<6>Process accounting paused <6>Process accounting resumed <6>Disabling %s control group subsystem %s %llu #subsys_name hierarchy num_cgroups enabled %s %d %d %d ,%s,noprefix,release_agent=%s,name=%s/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/cgroup.cnoprefixrelease_agent=name=&cgrp->pidlist_mutex<6>Initializing cgroup subsys %s &ss->hierarchy_mutex<3>cgroup: Subsys %s id == %d %lld &l->mutexcgroupcgroups<6>cgroup: Couldn't allocate dentry for %s: %ld <6>Failed to create cgroup %s: %d <6>Race in cgroup_clone() - leaking cgroup %s %d:%sname=%sTHAWEDFROZENFREEZING/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/cpuset.cCpus_allowed: Cpus_allowed_list: Mems_allowed: Mems_allowed_list: <6>%s cpuset=%s mems_allowed=%s cpusetcpuset,noprefix,release_agent=/sbin/cpuset_release_agentpid_namespacepid_%d<6>audit: %s (after initialization) (until reboot)audit_send_reply<3>audit: %s audit: %s <4>audit: audit_lost=%d audit_rate_limit=%d audit_backlog_limit=%d <3>audit: *NO* daemon at audit_pid=%d auditd dissapeared <5>type=%d %s printk limit exceeded out of memory in audit_expand key=(null)rate limit exceeded<4>audit: audit_backlog=%d > audit_backlog_limit=%d backlog limit exceededout of memory in audit_log_startaudit(%lu.%03lu:%u): %s=%d old=%d auid=%u ses=%u sid=%u subj=%suser pid=%d uid=%u auid=%u ses=%u ssid=%ukauditdaudit_enabledaudit_failureaudit_pidaudit_rate_limitaudit_backlog_limit msg= msg='%.1024s' audit_enabled=%d res=0 op=trim res=1 op=make_equiv old= new=<6>audit: initializing netlink socket (%s) cannot initialize netlink socketinitialized0123456789ABCDEFauid=%u ses=%u op= list=%d res=%d<3>AUDIT_POSSIBLE is deprecated <4>audit rule for LSM '%s' is invalid audit_send_listadd ruleremove ruleerror updating LSM filterscannot initialize inotify handle/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/audit_watch.cauid=%u ses=%u op= path= list=%d res=1error updating watch, skippingerror updating watch, removingupdated ruleswatchdog/%d<3>watchdog for %i failed <3>BUG: soft lockup - CPU#%d stuck for %lus! [%s:%d] softlockup: hung taskskhungtaskd<3>INFO: task %s:%d blocked for more than %ld seconds. <3>"echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message. hung_task: blocked tasksirq %d, desc: %p, depth: %d, count: %d, unhandled: %d ->handle_irq(): %p, ->chip(): %p, ->action(): %p ->action->handler(): %p, %14s set IRQ_INPROGRESSIRQ_DISABLEDIRQ_PENDINGIRQ_REPLAYIRQ_AUTODETECTIRQ_WAITINGIRQ_LEVELIRQ_MASKEDIRQ_NOPROBEIRQ_NOREQUESTIRQ_NOAUTOEN<4>IRQ %d device %s returned IRQ_WAKE_THREAD but no thread function available.<6>NR_IRQS:%d <3>exiting task "%s" (%d) is an active IRQ thread (irq %d) <3>setting trigger mode %d for irq %u failed (%pF) /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/irq/manage.cPrimary handler called for nested irq %d Unbalanced IRQ %d wake disable <4>Unbalanced enable for IRQ %d irq/%d-%s<4>IRQ %d uses trigger mode %d; requested %d <4>IRQ %d/%s: IRQF_DISABLED is not guaranteed on shared IRQs Trying to free IRQ %d from IRQ context! Trying to free already-free IRQ %d <4>Misrouted IRQ fixup support enabled. <4>This may impact system performance. <4>Misrouted IRQ fixup and polling support enabled <4>This may significantly impact system performance <6>IRQ lockup detection disabled <3>irq event %d: bogus return value %x <3>irq %d: nobody cared (try booting with the "irqpoll" option) <3>handlers: <3>[<%p>] (%s)<0>Disabling IRQ #%d <3>Trying to mark IRQ%d probeable <3>Trying to mark IRQ%d non-probeable <3>Trying to install chip data for IRQ%d <3>BUG: bad set_irq_chip_data(IRQ#%d) <3>Trying to install msi data for IRQ%d <3>Trying to install controller data for IRQ%d <3>Trying to install type control for IRQ%d chained <4>Trying to install %sinterrupt handler for IRQ%d <3>Trying to set irq type for IRQ%d /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/irq/chip.c<3>Trying to install chip for IRQ%d <3>Trying to initialize invalid IRQ%d <3>Trying to cleanup invalid IRQ%d <3>Destroying IRQ%d without calling free_irq /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/irq/devres.cspuriouscount %u unhandled %u last_unhandled %u ms <6>Hierarchical RCU implementation. /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/rcutree.c/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/rcutree_plugin.h<4>relay: one or more items not logged [item size (%Zd) > sub-buffer size (%Zd)] %s%d/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/relay.c<3>CPU has no buffer! task_delay_inforegistered taskstats version %d taskstats&(per_cpu(listener_array, i).sem)<7>Probe %d : %p <5>tracepoint %s busy /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/tracepoint.ctracing_onpermanently disabled /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/trace/ring_buffer.c<4>Delta way too big! %llu ts=%llu write stamp = %llu <4>Tracing recursion: depth[%ld]:HC[%lu]:SC[%lu]:NMI[%lu] &buffer->mutex field: u64 timestamp; offset:0; size:%u; field: local_t commit; offset:%u; size:%u; field: char data; offset:%u; size:%u; # compressed entry header type_len : 5 bits time_delta : 27 bits array : 32 bits padding : type == %d time_extend : type == %d data max type_len == %d <...><6>ftrace bootup tracer '%s' not registered. [%s%s%s%s0 %lu (expanded: %lu) /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/trace/trace.c%d %d %llu %d ? ##### CPU %u buffer started #### Unknown type %d &iter->mutexprint-parentno%s # tracer: %s # preemption# %s latency trace v1.1.5 on %s 2.6.32-5-r5k-cobalt# -------------------------------------------------------------------- # latency: %lu us, #%lu/%lu, CPU#%d | (M:%s VP:%d, KP:%d, SP:%d HP:%ddesktop# ----------------- # | task: %.16s-%d (uid:%d nice:%ld policy:%ld rt_prio:%ld) # => started at: # => ended at: # # _------=> CPU# # / _-----=> irqs-off # | / _----=> need-resched # || / _---=> hardirq/softirq # ||| / _--=> preempt-depth # |||| /_--=> lock-depth # |||||/ delay # cmd pid |||||| time | caller # \ / |||||| \ | / # TASK-PID CPU# TIMESTAMP FUNCTION # | | | | | entries: %ld overrun: %ld commit overrun: %ld Ftrace: previous read must page-align Ftrace: splice_read should page-align <0>Dumping ftrace buffer: <0>--------------------------------- <0>%s<0> (ftrace buffer empty) <4>Could not create debugfs '%s' entry tracing<4>Could not create debugfs directory 'tracing' options<4>Could not create debugfs directory 'options' per_cpu<4>Could not create debugfs directory 'per_cpu' tracing_enabledtrace_optionstracing_cpumasktraceavailable_tracerscurrent_tracerREADMEtrace_pipebuffer_size_kbtrace_markersaved_cmdlinestrace_clockcpu%ldtrace_pipe_raw<6>Tracer %s not registered <6>Tracer must have a name <6>Tracer has a name longer than %d <6>Tracer %s already registered <6>Starting tracer '%s' <3>tracer: failed to allocate ring buffer! localglobalsym-offsetsym-addrverbosehexbinblocksched-treetrace_printkftrace_preemptbranchannotateuserstacktracesym-userobjprintk-msg-onlycontext-infolatency-formatsleep-timegraph-time/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/trace/trace_output.c<4>Need to add type to trace.h <4>event %d failed to register # %lx %s: %lx : # %ld %ld %ld %d %d %c %d %d %d %c %5d:%3d:%c %s [%03d] %5d:%3d:%c %s +==>%lx %lx %16s-%-5d [%03d] %5lu.%06lu: %c%c%c%16s %5d %3d %d %08x %08lx [%08llx] %ld.%03ldms (+%ld.%03ldms): %8.8s-%-5d %3d %4lldus%c: <%08lx> => <-[+0x%lx]?? &session->stat_mutextrace_stat<4>Could not create debugfs 'trace_stat' entry printk_formats0x%lx : "\n\t\\"/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/trace/trace_sched_switch.c<6>wakeup trace: Couldn't activate tracepoint probe to kernel_sched_wakeup <6>wakeup trace: Couldn't activate tracepoint probe to kernel_sched_wakeup_new <6>sched trace: Couldn't activate tracepoint probe to kernel_sched_switch <7>nop_test_accept flag set to %d: we accept. Now cat trace_options to see the result <7>nop_test_refuse flag set to %d: we refuse.Now cat trace_options to see the result noptest_nop_accepttest_nop_refuse[%5ld.%09ld] calling %s @ %i [%5ld.%09ld] initcall %s returned %d after %llu msecs initcallblock_rq_remapblock_remapblock_splitblock_unplug_ioblock_unplug_timerblock_plugblock_sleeprqblock_getrqblock_bio_queueblock_bio_frontmergeblock_bio_backmergeblock_bio_completeblock_bio_bounceblock_rq_completeblock_rq_requeueblock_rq_issueblock_rq_insertblock_rq_abort/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/trace/blktrace.c%s%02x ..<4>Warning: could not register block events <4>Warning: could not register the block tracer %llu + %u <- (%d,%d) %llu %3d,%-3d %2s %3s %llu / %llu [%s] [%s] %llu ..) %llu [%d] %u messageUnknown action %x %3d,%-3d %2d %5d.%09lu %5u %2s %3s # DEV CPU TIMESTAMP PID ACT FLG # | | | | | | droppedact_maskstart_lbaend_lbarequeueissuecompleteaheadmetadiscarddrv_datablkQbackmergefrontmergeGgetrqsleeprqplugUunplug_ioUTunplug_timerinsertsplitbounceremapblk_classicname: %s format: field:%s %s; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:%s %s; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:%s %s; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:%s %s; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:%s %s; offset:%zu; size:%zu; unsigned shortcommon_typeunsigned charcommon_flagscommon_preempt_countcommon_pidcommon_lock_depthFORMAT TOO BIG TRACE_SYSTEM<4>Could not create debugfs 'events' directory <4>No memory to create event subsystem %s <4>Could not create event subsystem %s <4>Could not allocate filter for subsystem '%s' <4>Could not create debugfs '%s/filter' entry <4>Could not create debugfs '%s' directory <4>Could not initialize trace point events/%s available_events<4>Could not create debugfs 'available_events' entry set_event<4>Could not create debugfs 'set_event' entry header_pageheader_event<4>Failed to enable trace event: %s <4>Failed to register trace events module notifier field:enum kmemtrace_type_id type_id; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:unsigned long call_site; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:const void * ptr; offset:%zu; size:%zu; print fmt: %s, %s "type:%u call_site:%lx ptr:%p"REC->type_id, REC->call_site, REC->ptr field:size_t bytes_req; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:size_t bytes_alloc; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:gfp_t gfp_flags; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:int node; offset:%zu; size:%zu; "type:%u call_site:%lx ptr:%p req:%zi alloc:%zi" " flags:%x node:%d"REC->type_id, REC->call_site, REC->ptr, REC->bytes_req, REC->bytes_alloc, REC->gfp_flags, REC->node field:u64 from; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:u64 to; offset:%zu; size:%zu; "from: %llx to: %llx"REC->from, REC->to field:unsigned int line; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:char func[TRACE_FUNC_SIZE+1]; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:char file[TRACE_FILE_SIZE+1]; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:char correct; offset:%zu; size:%zu; "%u:%s:%s (%u)"REC->line, REC->func, REC->file, REC->correct field:char func[KSYM_SYMBOL_LEN]; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:int result; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:unsigned long duration; offset:%zu; size:%zu; "%s %d %lx"REC->func, REC->result, REC->duration field:pid_t caller; offset:%zu; size:%zu; "%d %s"REC->caller, REC->func field:resource_size_t phys; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:unsigned long virt; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:unsigned long len; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:int map_id; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:unsigned char opcode; offset:%zu; size:%zu; "%lx %lx %lx %d %x"(unsigned long)REC->phys, REC->virt, REC->len, REC->map_id, REC->opcode field:unsigned long value; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:unsigned long pc; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:unsigned char width; offset:%zu; size:%zu; "%lx %lx %lx %d %x %x"(unsigned long)REC->phys, REC->value, REC->pc, REC->map_id, REC->opcode, REC->width field:unsigned long ip; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:char buf; offset:%zu; size:0; "%08lx %s"REC->ip, REC->buf field:const char * fmt; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:u32 buf; offset:%zu; size:0; "%08lx fmt:%p"REC->ip, REC->fmt field:unsigned int tgid; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:unsigned long caller[FTRACE_STACK_ENTRIES]; offset:%zu; size:%zu; "\t=> (%08lx)\n\t=> (%08lx)\n\t=> (%08lx)\n\t=> (%08lx)\n" "\t=> (%08lx)\n\t=> (%08lx)\n\t=> (%08lx)\n\t=> (%08lx)\n"REC->caller[0], REC->caller[1], REC->caller[2], REC->caller[3], REC->caller[4], REC->caller[5], REC->caller[6], REC->caller[7] field:unsigned long arg1; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:unsigned long arg2; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:unsigned long arg3; offset:%zu; size:%zu; "(%08lx) (%08lx) (%08lx)"REC->arg1, REC->arg2, REC->arg3 field:unsigned int prev_pid; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:unsigned char prev_prio; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:unsigned char prev_state; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:unsigned int next_pid; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:unsigned char next_prio; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:unsigned char next_state; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:unsigned int next_cpu; offset:%zu; size:%zu; "%u:%u:%u ==+ %u:%u:%u [%03u]"REC->prev_pid, REC->prev_prio, REC->prev_state, REC->next_pid, REC->next_prio, REC->next_state, REC->next_cpu"%u:%u:%u ==> %u:%u:%u [%03u]" field:unsigned long func; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:unsigned long long calltime; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:unsigned long long rettime; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:unsigned long overrun; offset:%zu; size:%zu; field:int depth; offset:%zu; size:%zu; "<-- %lx (%d) (start: %llx end: %llx) over: %d"REC->func, REC->depth, REC->calltime, REC->rettime, REC->depth"--> %lx (%d)"REC->func, REC->depth field:unsigned long parent_ip; offset:%zu; size:%zu; " %lx <-- %lx"REC->ip, REC->parent_ip %lx <-- %lx--> %lx (%d)<-- %lx (%d) (start: %llx end: %llx) over: %d%u:%u:%u ==> %u:%u:%u [%03u]%u:%u:%u ==+ %u:%u:%u [%03u](%08lx) (%08lx) (%08lx) => (%08lx) => (%08lx) => (%08lx) => (%08lx) => (%08lx) => (%08lx) => (%08lx) => (%08lx) %08lx fmt:%p%08lx %s%lx %lx %lx %d %x %x%lx %lx %lx %d %x%d %s%s %d %lx%u:%s:%s (%u)from: %llx to: %llxtype:%u call_site:%lx ptr:%p req:%zi alloc:%zi flags:%x node:%dtype:%u call_site:%lx ptr:%penum kmemtrace_type_idtype_idcall_siteconst void *ptrsize_tbytes_reqbytes_allocgfp_tgfp_flagslinechar[TRACE_FUNC_SIZE+1]char[TRACE_FILE_SIZE+1]charcorrectchar[KSYM_SYMBOL_LEN]resultdurationcallerresource_size_tphysvirtmap_idopcodewidthconst char *fmttgidunsigned long[FTRACE_STACK_ENTRIES]arg1arg2arg3next_statenext_cpuunsigned long longcalltimerettimeoverrunparent_ipftracefuncgraph_entryfuncgraph_exitcontext_switchwakeupspecialkernel_stackuser_stackbprintprintmmiotrace_rwmmiotrace_mapboot_callboot_rethw_branchkmem_allockmem_freeOP_NONE parse_error: %s __data_locnone /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/kernel/trace/trace_events_filter.c||&&!===<<=>=(No errorInvalid operatorUnbalanced parensToo many operandsOperand too longField not foundIllegal operation for field typeIllegal integer valueCouldn't find or set field in one of a subsystem's eventsToo many terms in predicate expressionMissing field name and/or valueMeaningless filter expression/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/include/trace/events/power.hpower_start: type=%lu state=%lu power_end: dummy=%lu power_frequency: type=%lu state=%lu field:u64 type; offset:%u; size:%u; field:u64 state; offset:%u; size:%u; type=%lu state=%lu(unsigned long)REC->type, (unsigned long)REC->state field:u64 dummy; offset:%u; size:%u; dummy=%lu(unsigned long)REC->dummy(unsigned long)REC->type, (unsigned long) REC->statepower_startpower_endpower_frequency<6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to power_start <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to power_end <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to power_frequency <5>Slow work thread pool: Shutting down <5>Slow work thread pool: Shut down complete kslowd<7>Slow work thread pool: OOM <5>Slow work thread pool: Starting up <5>Slow work thread pool: Ready <3>Slow work thread pool: Aborting startup on ENOMEM <3>Slow work thread pool: Aborted kslowd%03umin-threadsmax-threadsvslow-percentage/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/mm/bootmem.c<6>bootmem::%s nid=%td start=%lx end=%lx <6>bootmem::%s nid=%td start=%lx end=%lx flags=%x <6>bootmem::%s silent double reserve of PFN %lx <6>bootmem::%s nid=%td start=%lx end=%lx reserve=%d flags=%x <6>bootmem::%s nid=%td size=%lx [%lu pages] align=%lx goal=%lx limit=%lx <1>bootmem alloc of %lu bytes failed! Out of memory<6>bootmem::%s nid=%td start=%lx map=%lx end=%lx mapsize=%lx <6>bootmem::%s nid=%td start=%lx end=%lx aligned=%d <6>bootmem::%s nid=%td released=%lx /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/mm/oom_kill.c<4>tried to kill init! <4>tried to kill an mm-less task! <3>Killed process %d (%s) <4>%s invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x%x, order=%d, oom_adj=%d <6>[ pid ] uid tgid total_vm rss cpu oom_adj name <6>[%5d] %5d %5d %8lu %8lu %3d %3d %s <3>%s: kill process %d (%s) score %li or a child Out of memory (oom_kill_allocating_task)Out of memory and no killable processes... out of memory. Compulsory panic_on_oom is selected. out of memory. panic_on_oom is selected out of memory from page fault. panic_on_oom is selected. /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/mm/page_alloc.c<4>Could not find start_pfn for node %d <7>mminit::memory_register Entering add_active_range(%d, %#lx, %#lx) %d entries of %d used <2>More than %d memory regions, truncating <7>remove_active_range (%d, %lu, %lu) mminit::memmap_init Initialising map node %d zone %lu pfns %lu -> %lu <1>BUG: Bad page state: %lu messages suppressed <1>BUG: Bad page state in process %s pfn:%05lx <1>page:%p flags:%p count:%d mapcount:%d mapping:%p index:%lx <7>On node %d totalpages: %lu <7>free_area_init_node: node %d, pgdat %08lx, node_mem_map %08lx <7> %s zone: %lu pages used for memmap <4> %s zone: %lu pages exceeds realsize %lu <7> %s zone: %lu pages reserved Normal<7> %s zone: %lu pages, LIFO batch:%lu Zone PFN ranges: %-8s %0#10lx -> %0#10lx Movable zone start PFN for each node Node %d: %lu early_node_map[%d] active PFN ranges %3d: %0#10lx -> %0#10lx %s per-cpu: CPU %4d: hi:%5d, btch:%4d usd:%4d active_anon:%lu inactive_anon:%lu isolated_anon:%lu active_file:%lu inactive_file:%lu isolated_file:%lu unevictable:%lu dirty:%lu writeback:%lu unstable:%lu free:%lu slab_reclaimable:%lu slab_unreclaimable:%lu mapped:%lu shmem:%lu pagetables:%lu bounce:%lu %s free:%lukB min:%lukB low:%lukB high:%lukB active_anon:%lukB inactive_anon:%lukB active_file:%lukB inactive_file:%lukB unevictable:%lukB isolated(anon):%lukB isolated(file):%lukB present:%lukB mlocked:%lukB dirty:%lukB writeback:%lukB mapped:%lukB shmem:%lukB slab_reclaimable:%lukB slab_unreclaimable:%lukB kernel_stack:%lukB pagetables:%lukB unstable:%lukB bounce:%lukB writeback_tmp:%lukB pages_scanned:%lu all_unreclaimable? %s lowmem_reserve[]:%lu*%lukB = %lukB %ld total pagecache pages Built %i zonelists in %s order, mobility grouping %s. Total pages: %ld /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/include/linux/gfp.h<4>%s: page allocation failure. order:%d, mode:0x%x <6>%s hash table entries: %d (order: %d, %lu bytes) Failed to allocate %s hash table Movable/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/mm/page-writeback.ckswapd%dFailed to start kswapd on node %d %s: orphaned page <3>shrink_slab: %pF negative objects to delete nr=%ld dev/zeroshmem_inode_cache<3>Could not register tmpfs <3>Could not kern_mount tmpfs ,size=%luk,nr_inodes=%lu,mode=%03o,uid=%u,gid=%u<3>tmpfs: No value for mount option '%s' nr_blocksnr_inodesmpol<3>tmpfs: Bad mount option %s <3>tmpfs: Bad value '%s' for mount option '%s' tmpfssecurity./build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/include/trace/events/kmem.hGFP_NOWAITkmalloc: call_site=%lx ptr=%p bytes_req=%zu bytes_alloc=%zu gfp_flags=%s kmem_cache_alloc: call_site=%lx ptr=%p bytes_req=%zu bytes_alloc=%zu gfp_flags=%s kmalloc_node: call_site=%lx ptr=%p bytes_req=%zu bytes_alloc=%zu gfp_flags=%s node=%d kmem_cache_alloc_node: call_site=%lx ptr=%p bytes_req=%zu bytes_alloc=%zu gfp_flags=%s node=%d kfree: call_site=%lx ptr=%p kmem_cache_free: call_site=%lx ptr=%p mm_page_free_direct: page=%p pfn=%lu order=%d mm_pagevec_free: page=%p pfn=%lu order=0 cold=%d mm_page_alloc: page=%p pfn=%lu order=%d migratetype=%d gfp_flags=%s mm_page_alloc_zone_locked: page=%p pfn=%lu order=%u migratetype=%d percpu_refill=%d mm_page_pcpu_drain: page=%p pfn=%lu order=%d migratetype=%d mm_page_alloc_extfrag: page=%p pfn=%lu alloc_order=%d fallback_order=%d pageblock_order=%d alloc_migratetype=%d fallback_migratetype=%d fragmenting=%d change_ownership=%d field:unsigned long call_site; offset:%u; size:%u; field:const void * ptr; offset:%u; size:%u; field:size_t bytes_req; offset:%u; size:%u; field:size_t bytes_alloc; offset:%u; size:%u; field:gfp_t gfp_flags; offset:%u; size:%u; call_site=%lx ptr=%p bytes_req=%zu bytes_alloc=%zu gfp_flags=%sREC->call_site, REC->ptr, REC->bytes_req, REC->bytes_alloc, (REC->gfp_flags) ? __print_flags(REC->gfp_flags, "|", {(unsigned long)(((gfp_t)0x10u) | ((gfp_t)0x40u) | ((gfp_t)0x80u) | ((gfp_t)0x20000u) | ((gfp_t)0x02u) | ((gfp_t)0x08u)), "GFP_HIGHUSER_MOVABLE"}, {(unsigned long)(((gfp_t)0x10u) | ((gfp_t)0x40u) | ((gfp_t)0x80u) | ((gfp_t)0x20000u) | ((gfp_t)0x02u)), "GFP_HIGHUSER"}, {(unsigned long)(((gfp_t)0x10u) | ((gfp_t)0x40u) | ((gfp_t)0x80u) | ((gfp_t)0x20000u)), "GFP_USER"}, {(unsigned long)(((gfp_t)0x10u) | ((gfp_t)0x40u) | ((gfp_t)0x80u) | ((gfp_t)0x80000u)), "GFP_TEMPORARY"}, {(unsigned long)(((gfp_t)0x10u) | ((gfp_t)0x40u) | ((gfp_t)0x80u)), "GFP_KERNEL"}, {(unsigned long)(((gfp_t)0x10u) | ((gfp_t)0x40u)), "GFP_NOFS"}, {(unsigned long)(((gfp_t)0x20u)), "GFP_ATOMIC"}, {(unsigned long)(((gfp_t)0x10u)), "GFP_NOIO"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x20u), "GFP_HIGH"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x10u), "GFP_WAIT"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x40u), "GFP_IO"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x100u), "GFP_COLD"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x200u), "GFP_NOWARN"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x400u), "GFP_REPEAT"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x800u), "GFP_NOFAIL"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x1000u), "GFP_NORETRY"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x4000u), "GFP_COMP"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x8000u), "GFP_ZERO"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x10000u), "GFP_NOMEMALLOC"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x20000u), "GFP_HARDWALL"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x40000u), "GFP_THISNODE"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x80000u), "GFP_RECLAIMABLE"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x08u), "GFP_MOVABLE"} ) : "GFP_NOWAIT" field:int node; offset:%u; size:%u; call_site=%lx ptr=%p bytes_req=%zu bytes_alloc=%zu gfp_flags=%s node=%dREC->call_site, REC->ptr, REC->bytes_req, REC->bytes_alloc, (REC->gfp_flags) ? __print_flags(REC->gfp_flags, "|", {(unsigned long)(((gfp_t)0x10u) | ((gfp_t)0x40u) | ((gfp_t)0x80u) | ((gfp_t)0x20000u) | ((gfp_t)0x02u) | ((gfp_t)0x08u)), "GFP_HIGHUSER_MOVABLE"}, {(unsigned long)(((gfp_t)0x10u) | ((gfp_t)0x40u) | ((gfp_t)0x80u) | ((gfp_t)0x20000u) | ((gfp_t)0x02u)), "GFP_HIGHUSER"}, {(unsigned long)(((gfp_t)0x10u) | ((gfp_t)0x40u) | ((gfp_t)0x80u) | ((gfp_t)0x20000u)), "GFP_USER"}, {(unsigned long)(((gfp_t)0x10u) | ((gfp_t)0x40u) | ((gfp_t)0x80u) | ((gfp_t)0x80000u)), "GFP_TEMPORARY"}, {(unsigned long)(((gfp_t)0x10u) | ((gfp_t)0x40u) | ((gfp_t)0x80u)), "GFP_KERNEL"}, {(unsigned long)(((gfp_t)0x10u) | ((gfp_t)0x40u)), "GFP_NOFS"}, {(unsigned long)(((gfp_t)0x20u)), "GFP_ATOMIC"}, {(unsigned long)(((gfp_t)0x10u)), "GFP_NOIO"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x20u), "GFP_HIGH"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x10u), "GFP_WAIT"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x40u), "GFP_IO"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x100u), "GFP_COLD"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x200u), "GFP_NOWARN"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x400u), "GFP_REPEAT"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x800u), "GFP_NOFAIL"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x1000u), "GFP_NORETRY"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x4000u), "GFP_COMP"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x8000u), "GFP_ZERO"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x10000u), "GFP_NOMEMALLOC"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x20000u), "GFP_HARDWALL"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x40000u), "GFP_THISNODE"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x80000u), "GFP_RECLAIMABLE"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x08u), "GFP_MOVABLE"} ) : "GFP_NOWAIT", REC->nodecall_site=%lx ptr=%pREC->call_site, REC->ptr field:struct page * page; offset:%u; size:%u; field:unsigned int order; offset:%u; size:%u; page=%p pfn=%lu order=%dREC->page, ((unsigned long)((REC->page) - mem_map) + ((((0UL)) + ((1UL) << 12)-1) >> 12)), REC->order field:int cold; offset:%u; size:%u; page=%p pfn=%lu order=0 cold=%dREC->page, ((unsigned long)((REC->page) - mem_map) + ((((0UL)) + ((1UL) << 12)-1) >> 12)), REC->cold field:int migratetype; offset:%u; size:%u; page=%p pfn=%lu order=%d migratetype=%d gfp_flags=%sREC->page, ((unsigned long)((REC->page) - mem_map) + ((((0UL)) + ((1UL) << 12)-1) >> 12)), REC->order, REC->migratetype, (REC->gfp_flags) ? __print_flags(REC->gfp_flags, "|", {(unsigned long)(((gfp_t)0x10u) | ((gfp_t)0x40u) | ((gfp_t)0x80u) | ((gfp_t)0x20000u) | ((gfp_t)0x02u) | ((gfp_t)0x08u)), "GFP_HIGHUSER_MOVABLE"}, {(unsigned long)(((gfp_t)0x10u) | ((gfp_t)0x40u) | ((gfp_t)0x80u) | ((gfp_t)0x20000u) | ((gfp_t)0x02u)), "GFP_HIGHUSER"}, {(unsigned long)(((gfp_t)0x10u) | ((gfp_t)0x40u) | ((gfp_t)0x80u) | ((gfp_t)0x20000u)), "GFP_USER"}, {(unsigned long)(((gfp_t)0x10u) | ((gfp_t)0x40u) | ((gfp_t)0x80u) | ((gfp_t)0x80000u)), "GFP_TEMPORARY"}, {(unsigned long)(((gfp_t)0x10u) | ((gfp_t)0x40u) | ((gfp_t)0x80u)), "GFP_KERNEL"}, {(unsigned long)(((gfp_t)0x10u) | ((gfp_t)0x40u)), "GFP_NOFS"}, {(unsigned long)(((gfp_t)0x20u)), "GFP_ATOMIC"}, {(unsigned long)(((gfp_t)0x10u)), "GFP_NOIO"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x20u), "GFP_HIGH"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x10u), "GFP_WAIT"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x40u), "GFP_IO"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x100u), "GFP_COLD"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x200u), "GFP_NOWARN"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x400u), "GFP_REPEAT"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x800u), "GFP_NOFAIL"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x1000u), "GFP_NORETRY"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x4000u), "GFP_COMP"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x8000u), "GFP_ZERO"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x10000u), "GFP_NOMEMALLOC"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x20000u), "GFP_HARDWALL"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x40000u), "GFP_THISNODE"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x80000u), "GFP_RECLAIMABLE"}, {(unsigned long)((gfp_t)0x08u), "GFP_MOVABLE"} ) : "GFP_NOWAIT"page=%p pfn=%lu order=%u migratetype=%d percpu_refill=%dREC->page, ((unsigned long)((REC->page) - mem_map) + ((((0UL)) + ((1UL) << 12)-1) >> 12)), REC->order, REC->migratetype, REC->order == 0 field:int order; offset:%u; size:%u; page=%p pfn=%lu order=%d migratetype=%dREC->page, ((unsigned long)((REC->page) - mem_map) + ((((0UL)) + ((1UL) << 12)-1) >> 12)), REC->order, REC->migratetype field:int alloc_order; offset:%u; size:%u; field:int fallback_order; offset:%u; size:%u; field:int alloc_migratetype; offset:%u; size:%u; field:int fallback_migratetype; offset:%u; size:%u; page=%p pfn=%lu alloc_order=%d fallback_order=%d pageblock_order=%d alloc_migratetype=%d fallback_migratetype=%d fragmenting=%d change_ownership=%dREC->page, ((unsigned long)((REC->page) - mem_map) + ((((0UL)) + ((1UL) << 12)-1) >> 12)), REC->alloc_order, REC->fallback_order, (11-1), REC->alloc_migratetype, REC->fallback_migratetype, REC->fallback_order < (11-1), REC->alloc_migratetype == REC->fallback_migratetypestruct page *pagealloc_orderfallback_orderalloc_migratetypefallback_migratetypekmallockmem_cache_allockmalloc_nodekmem_cache_alloc_nodekfreekmem_cache_freemm_page_free_directmm_pagevec_freemm_page_allocmm_page_alloc_zone_lockedmm_page_pcpu_drainmm_page_alloc_extfrag<6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to kmalloc <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to kmem_cache_alloc <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to kmalloc_node <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to kmem_cache_alloc_node <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to kfree <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to kmem_cache_free <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to mm_page_free_direct <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to mm_pagevec_free <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to mm_page_alloc <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to mm_page_alloc_zone_locked <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to mm_page_pcpu_drain <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to mm_page_alloc_extfrag kmemGFP_HIGHUSER_MOVABLEGFP_HIGHUSERGFP_USERGFP_TEMPORARYGFP_KERNELGFP_NOFSGFP_ATOMICGFP_NOIOGFP_HIGHGFP_WAITGFP_IOGFP_COLDGFP_NOWARNGFP_REPEATGFP_NOFAILGFP_NORETRYGFP_COMPGFP_ZEROGFP_NOMEMALLOCGFP_HARDWALLGFP_THISNODEGFP_RECLAIMABLEGFP_MOVABLE%s %lu Node %d, zone %8s pages free %lu min %lu low %lu high %lu scanned %lu spanned %lu present %lu %-12s %lu protection: (%lu, %lu) pagesets cpu: %i count: %i high: %i batch: %i all_unreclaimable: %u prev_priority: %i start_pfn: %lu inactive_ratio: %uPage block order: %d Pages per block: %lu %-43s Free pages count per migrate type at order%6d %-23sNumber of blocks type %12s UnmovableReclaimableReserveIsolateNode %d, zone %8s %6lu Node %4d, zone %8s, type %12s %12lu buddyinfopagetypeinfovmstatzoneinfonr_free_pagesnr_inactive_anonnr_active_anonnr_inactive_filenr_active_filenr_unevictablenr_mlocknr_anon_pagesnr_mappednr_file_pagesnr_dirtynr_writebacknr_slab_reclaimablenr_slab_unreclaimablenr_page_table_pagesnr_kernel_stacknr_unstablenr_bouncenr_vmscan_writenr_writeback_tempnr_isolated_anonnr_isolated_filenr_shmempgpginpgpgoutpswpinpswpoutpgalloc_normalpgalloc_movablepgfreepgactivatepgdeactivatepgfaultpgmajfaultpgrefill_normalpgrefill_movablepgsteal_normalpgsteal_movablepgscan_kswapd_normalpgscan_kswapd_movablepgscan_direct_normalpgscan_direct_movablepginodestealslabs_scannedkswapd_stealkswapd_inodestealpageoutrunallocstallpgrotatedunevictable_pgs_culledunevictable_pgs_scannedunevictable_pgs_rescuedunevictable_pgs_mlockedunevictable_pgs_munlockedunevictable_pgs_clearedunevictable_pgs_strandedunevictable_pgs_mlockfreedbdibdi-%sBdiWriteback: %8lu kB BdiReclaimable: %8lu kB BdiDirtyThresh: %8lu kB DirtyThresh: %8lu kB BackgroundThresh: %8lu kB WritebackThreads: %8lu b_dirty: %8lu b_io: %8lu b_more_io: %8lu bdi_list: %8u state: %8lx wb_mask: %8lx wb_list: %8u wb_cnt: %8u /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/mm/backing-dev.c<3>bdi %p/%s is not registered! flush-%ssync_supersread_ahead_kbmin_ratiomax_ratiomminit::pageflags_layout_widths Section %d Node %d Zone %d Flags %d mminit::pageflags_layout_shifts Section %d Node %d Zone %d mminit::pageflags_layout_offsets Section %lu Node %lu Zone %lu mminit::pageflags_layout_zoneid Zone ID: %lu -> %lu mminit::pageflags_layout_usage location: %d -> %d unused %d -> %d flags %d -> %d <7>mminit::zonelist %s %d:%s = general0:%s %s:%d: bad pgd %08lx. /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/mm/memory.c%s%s[%lx+%lx]<1>BUG: Bad page map: %lu messages suppressed <1>BUG: Bad page map in process %s pte:%08llx pmd:%08llx <1>addr:%p vm_flags:%08lx anon_vma:%p mapping:%p index:%lx <1>vma->vm_ops->fault: %s <1>vma->vm_file->f_op->mmap: %s anon_vma0x%p-0x%p %7ld pages=%d phys=%lx ioremap vmalloc vmap user vpagesvmallocinfo/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/mm/vmalloc.c<4>vmap allocation for size %lu failed: use vmalloc= to increase size. <3>Trying to vfree() bad address (%p) <3>Trying to vfree() nonexistent vm area (%p) <1>Write-error on swap-device (%u:%u:%Lu) <1>Read-error on swap-device (%u:%u:%Lu) %lu pages in swap cache Swap cache stats: add %lu, delete %lu, find %lu/%lu Free swap = %ldkB Total swap = %lukB swapFilename Type Size Used Priority \file partition%*s%s %u %u %d swaps<4>swap_dup: swap entry overflow <3>swap_dup: %s%08lx <3>swap_free: %s%08lx <3>Unable to find swap-space signature <4>Unable to handle swap header version %d <4>Swap area shorter than signature indicates <3>swapon: swapfile has holes <4>Empty swap-file <6>Adding %uk swap on %s. Priority:%d extents:%d across:%lluk %s%s <4>swapoff: cleared swap entry overflow /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/mm/swapfile.c<3>%s %s: dma_pool_free %s, %p/%lx (bad dma) <3>dma_pool_free %s, %p/%lx (bad dma) poolinfo - 0.1 %-16s %4u %4Zu %4Zu %2u <3>%s %s: dma_pool_destroy %s, %p busy <3>dma_pool_destroy %s, %p busy /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/mm/dmapool.cpoolssystem.posix_acl_accesssystem.posix_acl_defaultksm_rmap_itemksm_mm_slot<3>ksm: register sysfs failed ksmd<3>ksm: creating kthread failed ksmsleep_millisecspages_to_scanmax_kernel_pagespages_sharedpages_sharingpages_unsharedpages_volatilefull_scans<3>slub_debug option '%c' unknown. skipped <3>%8s 0x%p: %02x %s <3>INFO: %s in %pS age=%lu cpu=%u pid=%d Freed<4>SLUB: Unable to allocate memory on node %d (gfp=0x%x) <4> cache: %s, object size: %d, buffer size: %d, default order: %d, min order: %d <4> %s debugging increased min order, use slub_debug=O to disable. <4> node %d: slabs: %ld, objs: %ld, free: %ld <3>============================================================================= <3>BUG %s: %s <3>----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <3>FIX %s: %s <3>INFO: Slab 0x%p objects=%u used=%u fp=0x%p flags=0x%04lx <3>INFO: Object 0x%p @offset=%tu fp=0x%p Bytes b4ObjectRedzonePaddingFreechain corruptFreepointer corruptFreelist clearedWrong number of objects. Found %d but should be %dNumber of objects adjusted.Wrong object count. Counter is %d but counted were %dObject count adjusted.<6>TRACE %s %s 0x%p inuse=%d fp=0x%p freePadding overwritten. 0x%p-0x%pRestoring 0x%p-0x%p=0x%x Not a valid slab pageobjects %u > max %uinuse %u > max %u%s overwritten<3>INFO: 0x%p-0x%p. First byte 0x%x instead of 0x%x Alignment paddingPoisonObject paddingObject already freeAttempt to free object(0x%p) outside of slab<3>SLUB : no slab for object 0x%p. page slab pointer corrupt.Object at 0x%p not freedInvalid object pointer 0x%p<3>SLUB %s: SlubDebug not set on slab 0x%p <3>SLUB %s: SlubDebug set on slab 0x%p <3>INFO: Object 0x%p @offset=%tu Out of memory %7ld age=%ld/%ld/%ld age=%ld pid=%ld-%ld pid=%ldNo data %-17s %6lu %6lu %6u %4u %4d : tunables %4u %4u %4u : slabdata %6lu %6lu %6luslabinfo - version: 2.1 # name : tunables : slabdata slabinfoObject already allocatedMarking all objects usedFreelist Pointer check fails/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/mm/slub.cCannot create slab %s size=%lu realsize=%u order=%u offset=%u flags=%lx %07dCreation of kmalloc slab %s size=%d failed. kmalloc-%d<6>SLUB: Genslabs=%d, HWalign=%d, Order=%d-%d, MinObjects=%d, CPUs=%d, Nodes=%d <3>Cannot register slab subsystem. <3>SLUB: Unable to add boot slab %s to sysfs <3>SLUB: Unable to add boot slab alias %s to sysfs <3>SLUB %s: %ld partial slabs counted but counter=%ld <3>SLUB: %s %ld slabs counted but counter=%ld Cannot create slabcache %s Objects remaining on kmem_cache_close()<3>SLUB %s: %s called for cache that still has objects. slab_sizeobject_sizeobjs_per_slabmin_partialobjectsobjects_partialtotal_objectscpu_slabsaliasessanity_checkshwcache_alignreclaim_accountdestroy_by_rcured_zonepoisonstore_uservalidateshrinkalloc_callsfree_calls<3>VFS: Close: file count is 0 <4>%s called with NULL vfsmount filp/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/fs/file_table.c<6>VFS: file-max limit %d reached Emergency Remount complete &s->s_umount&s->s_lock&s->s_vfs_rename_mutex&s->s_dquot.dqio_mutex&s->s_dquot.dqonoff_mutex&s->s_dquot.dqptr_semVFS: Busy inodes after unmount of %s. Self-destruct in 5 seconds. Have a nice day... /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/fs/super.c%s set sb->s_maxbytes to negative value (%lld) char-major-%d-%dchar-major-%d%3d %s <4>Process %d(%s) has RLIMIT_CORE set to 0 <4>Aborting core <4>Pid %d(%s) over core_pipe_limit <4>Skipping core dump <4>%s failed to allocate memory <6>Core dump to %s pipe failed binfmt-%04xpipe:pipe:[%lu]pipefs/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/fs/namei.cfasync_cache<3>kill_fasync: bad magic number in fasync_struct! /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/fs/fcntl.cnames_cachedentryDentry cache/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/fs/dcache.c//deleted (deleted)<3>BUG: Dentry %p{i=%lx,n=%s} still in use (%d) [unmount of %s %s] <4>VFS: moving negative dcache entry <7>init_special_inode: bogus i_mode (%o) for inode %s:%lu inode_cacheInode-cache/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/fs/inode.c&inode->inotify_mutex&inode->i_mutex&inode->i_alloc_sem<4>alloc_fd: slot %d not NULL! nodev%s %s filesystems%.*sdevice no device mounted on with fstype %i %i %u:%u rw ro shared:%i master:%i propagate_from:%i unbindable - 0 0 &namespace_semmnt_cacheFailed to allocate mount hash table Mount-cache hash table entries: %lu <4>%s: sysfs_init error: %d <4>%s: kobj create error rootfsCan't create rootfsCan't allocate initial namespace/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/fs/namespace.c,nosuid,nodev,noexec,noatime,nodiratime,relatime,strictatime,sync,dirsync,mand&p->locksystem.trusted.user.&attr->mutex<4>%s: %s passed in a files arraywith an index of 1! /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/fs/fs-writeback.cbdev<7>%s(%d): dirtied inode %lu (%s) on %s <3>bdi-%s not registered /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/fs/splice.cEmergency Sync complete /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/fs/sync.cbuffer_head<6>warning: process `%s' used the obsolete bdflush system call <6>Fix your initscripts? /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/fs/buffer.c<3>Buffer I/O error on device %s, logical block %Lu __find_get_block_slow() failed. block=%llu, b_blocknr=%llu b_state=0x%08lx, b_size=%zu device blocksize: %d <3>VFS: brelse: Trying to free free buffer <3>getblk(): invalid block size %d requested <3>logical block size: %d <3>%s: requested out-of-range block %llu for device %s <4>Emergency Thaw on %s <4>Emergency Thaw complete <4>lost page write due to I/O error on %s /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/fs/bio.c<3>bio: unable to find slab! bio-%dbio: create slab <%s> at %d bio: can't allocate bios bio: can't create split pool biovec-1biovec-4biovec-16biovec-64biovec-128biovec-256<4>VFS: busy inodes on changed media or resized disk %s <6>%s: detected capacity change from %lld to %lld bdev_cacheCannot register bdev pseudo-fsCannot create bdev pseudo-fsbdev:&bdev->bd_mutex&bdev->bd_fsfreeze_mutex<3>VFS:Filesystem thaw failed <3>VFS:Filesystem freeze failed kintegritydFailed to create kintegrityd <3>%s: tag too big for bio: %u > %u <3>%s: bip_vec full <3>%s: could not alloc bip <3>could not allocate integrity buffer <3>could not allocate data integrity bioset fsnotify_eventfsnotify_event_holder&group->notification_mutexdnotify_structdnotify_mark_entryunable to allocate fsnotify group for dnotify &ih->mutex/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/fs/notify/inotify/inotify_fsnotify.cinotify closing but id=%d for entry=%p in group=%p still in idr. Probably leaking memory <4>entry->group=%p inode=%p wd=%d inotify: register_filesystem returned %d! inotify: kern_mount ret %ld! inotify_inode_mark_entryinotify_event_private_data/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/fs/notify/inotify/inotify_user.cinotifyfseventpoll_epieventpoll_pwq<3>reverse_path_check_proc: file is not an ep! &ep->mtx[eventpoll]anon_inode:<3>anon_inode_init() failed (%d) anon_inodefs[signalfd][timerfd][eventfd]kiocbkioctxaio<7>exit_aio:ioctx still alive: %d %d %d aio_run_iocb: iocb->ki_retry = NULL %d:%s POSIX ACCESS*NOINODE*MANDATORYADVISORY %6s %s FLOCK MSNFS FLOCK ADVISORY LEASE BREAKING ACTIVE BREAKER UNKNOWN UNKNOWN READ RW NONE WRITEUNLCK%d %02x:%02x:%ld %d :0 %Ld EOF %Ld %Ld 0 EOF ->file_lock_cache<3>locks_delete_lock: fasync == %p nfsd.svc.add.del.export.unexport.getfd.getfsCORERSDTZW<3>cache %s: %d orphaned entries<5>VFS: Disk quotas %s dquot_6.5.2dquotCannot create dquot hash tableDquot-cache hash table entries: %ld (order %ld, %ld bytes) <3>VFS: Failed to create quota netlink interface. <4>VFS (%s): Writes happened before quota was turned on thus quota information is probably inconsistent. Please run quotacheck(8). : warning, : write failed, file limit reached. file quota exceeded too long. file quota exceeded. block limit reached. block quota exceeded too long. block quota exceeded. <3>VFS: Not enough memory to send quota warning. <3>VFS: Cannot store netlink header in quota warning. <3>VFS: Not enough space to compose quota message! /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/fs/quota/dquot.cVFS: dqput: trying to free free dquot VFS: device %s, dquot of %s %d <3>VFS: cannot write quota structure on device %s (error %d). Quota may get out of sync! <4>VFS: Adding dquot with dq_count %d to dispose list. &dquot->dq_lockquota_v1quota_v2undefinedVmPeak: %8lu kB VmSize: %8lu kB VmLck: %8lu kB VmHWM: %8lu kB VmRSS: %8lu kB VmData: %8lu kB VmStk: %8lu kB VmExe: %8lu kB VmLib: %8lu kB VmPTE: %8lu kB %08lx-%08lx %c%c%c%c %08llx %02x:%02x %lu %n[vdso][heap][stack]Size: %8lu kB Rss: %8lu kB Pss: %8lu kB Shared_Clean: %8lu kB Shared_Dirty: %8lu kB Private_Clean: %8lu kB Private_Dirty: %8lu kB Referenced: %8lu kB Swap: %8lu kB KernelPageSize: %8lu kB MMUPageSize: %8lu kB proc_inode_cachede_put: entry %s already free! proc_read_super: get root inode failed mountsself/mountssysvipcfs/nfsd/procrchar: %llu wchar: %llu syscr: %llu syscw: %llu read_bytes: %llu write_bytes: %llu cancelled_write_bytes: %llu %-25s %-20s %-20s %-10s LimitSoft LimitHard LimitUnits%-25s %-20s unlimited%-25s %-20lu %-20s %-20lu %-10s pos: %lli flags: 0%o selffdinfoenvironauxvpersonalitylimitscmdlinestatmmapscwdrootexemountinfomountstatsclear_refssmapspagemapwchanoom_scoreoom_adjcoredump_filtercurrentprevexecfscreatekeycreatesockcreateMax cpu timesecondsMax file sizeMax data sizeMax stack sizeMax core file sizeMax open filesfilesMax address spaceMax resident setMax processesMax locked memoryMax file locksMax pending signalsMax msgqueue sizeMax nice priorityMax realtime priorityMax realtime timeout/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/fs/proc/generic.c<4>%s: removing non-empty directory '%s/%s', leaking at least '%s' <3>proc_file_read: Apparent buffer overflow! <4>proc_file_read: Read count exceeded <4>proc_dir_entry '%s/%s' already registered %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d (%s) %c %d %d %d %d %d %u %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %ld %ld %ld %ld %d 0 %llu %lu %ld %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %d %d %u %u %llu %lu %ld Name: State: %s Tgid: %d Pid: %d PPid: %d TracerPid: %d Uid: %d %d %d %d Gid: %d %d %d %d FDSize: %d Groups: Threads: %d SigQ: %lu/%lu SigPnd: ShdPnd: SigBlk: SigIgn: SigCgt: CapInh: CapPrm: CapEff: CapBnd: voluntary_ctxt_switches: %lu nonvoluntary_ctxt_switches: %lu R (running)S (sleeping)D (disk sleep)T (stopped)T (tracing stop)Z (zombie)X (dead)/dev/%-8s %3d %d-%d %3d %7d :/dev/tty:console:vtmasterserialpty:masterpty:slavetype:%d.%d%-20s /dev/%-8s /dev/ttysystem:/dev/tty system:console /dev/ptmxptmxsystem /dev/vc/0vc/0system:vtmaster tty/ldisctty/drivertty/ldiscstty/driverscpuinfoCharacter devices: Block devices: interrupts%lu.%02lu %lu.%02lu %lu.%02lu %ld/%d %d loadavgMemTotal: %8lu kB MemFree: %8lu kB Buffers: %8lu kB Cached: %8lu kB SwapCached: %8lu kB Active: %8lu kB Inactive: %8lu kB Active(anon): %8lu kB Inactive(anon): %8lu kB Active(file): %8lu kB Inactive(file): %8lu kB Unevictable: %8lu kB Mlocked: %8lu kB SwapTotal: %8lu kB SwapFree: %8lu kB Dirty: %8lu kB Writeback: %8lu kB AnonPages: %8lu kB Mapped: %8lu kB Shmem: %8lu kB Slab: %8lu kB SReclaimable: %8lu kB SUnreclaim: %8lu kB KernelStack: %8lu kB PageTables: %8lu kB NFS_Unstable: %8lu kB Bounce: %8lu kB WritebackTmp: %8lu kB CommitLimit: %8lu kB Committed_AS: %8lu kB VmallocTotal: %8lu kB VmallocUsed: %8lu kB VmallocChunk: %8lu kB meminfocpu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu cpu%d %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu intr %llu ctxt %llu btime %lu processes %lu procs_running %lu procs_blocked %lu softirq %llu%lu.%02lu %lu.%02lu uptime CPU%-8d%8s: %10usoftirqs/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/fs/proc/proc_sysctl.cself/netvmlinuxkcore<3>couldn't create /proc/kcore kmsgkpagecountkpageflagsslaves%sp%d%8lu %8lu %8llu %8u %8lu %8lu %8llu %8u %8u %8u %8u unknown-block(%u,%u)<6> %s: unknown partition table unable to read partition table <4>%s: p%d ignored, start %llu is behind the end of the disk <4>%s: p%d size %llu exceeds device capacity, enabling native capacity limited to end of disk <3> %s: p%d could not be added: %ld whole_diskalignment_offsetinflight %s%d < >[DM][EZD] [AIX]/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/fs/sysfs/sysfs.hsysfs/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/fs/sysfs/file.c<3>missing sysfs attribute operations for kobject: %s fill_read_buffer: %s returned bad count sysfsd<0>last sysfs file: %s /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/fs/sysfs/dir.c<4>sysfs: cannot create duplicate filename '%s' ../sysfs_dir_cache<3>sysfs: could not mount! <7>sysfs: could not get root inode <7>%s: could not get root dentry! &bb->mutex/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/fs/sysfs/group.c<4>sysfs group %p not found for kobject '%s' <3>devpts: called with bogus options ,ptmxmode=%03o<3>devpts: get root dentry failed <5>Unable to alloc dentry for ptmx node <3>Unable to alloc inode for ptmx node devptsptmxmode=%onewinstancedcookie_cacheext3_get_group_descblock_group >= groups_count - block_group = %d, groups_count = %luGroup descriptor not loaded - block_group = %d, group_desc = %lu, desc = %luBlock Allocation Reservation Windows Map (%s): reservation window 0x%p start: %lu, end: %lu Bad reservation %p (start >= end) Bad reservation %p (prev->end >= start) Restarting reservation walk in verbose mode Window map complete. Cannot read block bitmap - block_group = %d, block_bitmap = %uInvalid block bitmap - block_group = %d, block = %luext3_free_blocksFreeing blocks not in datazone - block = %lu, count = %luFreeing blocks in system zones - Block = %lu, count = %lubit already cleared for block %luext3_free_blocks: nonexistent deviceext3_new_block: nonexistent deviceext3_new_blockAllocating block in system zone - blocks from %lu, length %lublock(%lu) >= blocks count(%d) - block_group = %d, es == %p rec_len is smaller than minimalrec_len % 4 != 0rec_len is too small for name_lendirectory entry across blocksinode out of boundsbad entry in directory #%lu: %s - offset=%lu, inode=%lu, rec_len=%d, name_len=%dcall_filldir: called with null fname?!? directory #%lu contains a hole at offset %lldext3_readdirread_inode_bitmapCannot read inode bitmap - block_group = %lu, inode_bitmap = %ubad orphan ino %lu! e2fsck was run?inode bitmap error for orphan %lubad orphan inode %lu! e2fsck was run?<5>ext3_test_bit(bit=%d, block=%llu) = %d <5>inode=%p <5>is_bad_inode(inode)=%d <5>NEXT_ORPHAN(inode)=%u <5>max_ino=%lu <5>i_nlink=%u ext3_new_inodereserved inode or inode > inodes count - block_group = %d, inode=%luext3_free_inode: inode has count=%d ext3_free_inode: inode has nlink=%d ext3_free_inode: inode on nonexistent device ext3_free_inodereserved or nonexistent inode %lubit already cleared for inode %luext3_get_inode_locunable to read inode block - inode=%lu, block=%lu<0>%s: transactions do not match! ext3_block_to_pathblock < 0block > big/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/fs/ext3/inode.cerror %d when attempting revokeext3_free_datacircular indirect block detected, inode=%lu, block=%lluext3_free_branchesRead failure, inode=%lu, block=%luext3_delete_entryerror %d reading directory #%lu offset 0bad directory (dir #%lu) - no data blockempty_dirbad directory (dir #%lu) - no `.' or `..'error %d reading directory #%lu offset %luUnrecognised inode hash code %dUnimplemented inode hash flags: %#06xUnimplemented inode hash depth: %#06xdx entry: limit != root limitdx entry: no count or count > limitdx entry: limit != node limitCorrupt dir inode %ld, running e2fsck is recommended.ext3_add_entryDirectory index full!invalid rec_len for '..' in inode %luerror reading index page in directory #%lureading directory #%lu offset %luext3_find_entrydeleted inode referenced: %luext3_lookupbad inode number: %luext3_renameDeleting old file (%lu), %d, error=%dext3_rmdirempty directory has nlink!=2 (%d)ext3_unlinkDeleting nonexistent file (%lu), %dext3_get_parenthtree_dirblock_to_tree<4>EXT3-fs: Quota file not on filesystem root. Journaled quota will not work. /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/fs/ext3/super.c,sb=%lu,minixdf,grpid,nogrpid,resuid=%u,resgid=%u,errors=remount-ro,errors=continue,errors=panic,nouid32,debug,oldalloc,user_xattr,nouser_xattr,acl,noacl,noreservation,commit=%u,barrier=1,nobhorderedjournalwriteback,data=%s,data_err=abortvfsv0vfsold,jqfmt=%s,usrjquota=%s,grpjquota=%s,usrquota,grpquotaIO failureReadonly filesystemerror %dJournal has aborted<3>%s: aborting transaction: %s in %s EXT3 Inode %p: orphan list check failed! <6><3>EXT3-fs: cannot specify journal on remount <3>EXT3-fs (device %s): Cannot change data mode on remount. The filesystem is mounted in data=%s mode and you try to remount it in data=%s mode. <3>EXT3-fs: Cannot change journaled quota options when quota turned on. <3>EXT3-fs: not enough memory for storing quotafile name. <3>EXT3-fs: %s quota file already specified. <3>EXT3-fs: quotafile must be on filesystem root. <3>EXT3-fs: Cannot change quota options when quota turned on. EXT3-fs: resize option only available for remount <3>EXT3-fs: Unrecognized mount option "%s" or missing value <3>EXT3-fs: old and new quota format mixing. <3>EXT3-fs: journaled quota format not specified. <3>EXT3-fs: journaled quota format specified with no journaling enabled. <3>EXT3-fs: no journal found. <3>EXT3-fs: journal inode is deleted. <3>EXT3-fs: invalid journal inode. <3>EXT3-fs: Could not load journal inode <4>EXT3-fs: Quota write (off=%Lu, len=%Lu) cancelled because transaction is not started. &ei->xattr_sem&ei->truncate_mutexext3_inode_cache<4>EXT3-fs warning (device %s): %s: Filesystem error recorded from previous mount: %sMarking fs in need of filesystem check.updating to rev %d because of new feature flag, running e2fsck is recommended<3>EXT3-fs warning: revision level too high, forcing read-only mode <4>EXT3-fs warning: mounting unchecked fs, running e2fsck is recommended <4>EXT3-fs warning: mounting fs with errors, running e2fsck is recommended <4>EXT3-fs warning: maximal mount count reached, running e2fsck is recommended <4>EXT3-fs warning: checktime reached, running e2fsck is recommended <6>[EXT3 FS bs=%lu, gc=%lu, bpg=%lu, ipg=%lu, mo=%04lx] <6>EXT3 FS on %s, external journal on %s internal journal <2>ext3_abort called. <2>EXT3-fs error (device %s): %s: EXT3-fs panic from previous error <2>Remounting filesystem read-only Abort forced by user<4>EXT3-fs: %s: couldn't remount RDWR because of unsupported optional features (%x). <4>EXT3-fs: %s: couldn't remount RDWR because of unprocessed orphan inode list. Please umount/remount instead. Couldn't clean up the journal<3>sb orphan head is %d <3>sb_info orphan list: <3> inode %s:%lu at %p: mode %o, nlink %d, next %d EXT3-fs (device %s): panic forced after error <2>EXT3-fs error (device %s) in %s: %s sb=EXT3-fs: Invalid sb specification: %s <3>EXT3-fs: unable to set blocksize <3>EXT3-fs: unable to read superblock <4>EXT3-fs warning: feature flags set on rev 0 fs, running e2fsck is recommended <3>EXT3-fs: %s: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (%x). <3>EXT3-fs: %s: couldn't mount RDWR because of unsupported optional features (%x). <3>EXT3-fs: Unsupported filesystem blocksize %d on %s. <3>EXT3-fs: blocksize %d too small for device blocksize %d. <3>EXT3-fs: bad blocksize %d. <3>EXT3-fs: Can't read superblock on 2nd try. <3>EXT3-fs: Magic mismatch, very weird ! <3>EXT3-fs: unsupported inode size: %d <3>EXT3-fs: fragsize %lu != blocksize %u (unsupported) <3>EXT3-fs: #blocks per group too big: %lu <3>EXT3-fs: #fragments per group too big: %lu <3>EXT3-fs: #inodes per group too big: %lu <3>EXT3-fs: filesystem on %s: too large to mount safely <3>EXT3-fs: not enough memory <3>EXT3-fs: can't read group descriptor %d ext3_check_descriptorsBlock bitmap for group %d not in group (block %lu)!Inode bitmap for group %d not in group (block %lu)!Inode table for group %d not in group (block %lu)!<3>EXT3-fs: group descriptors corrupted! <6>EXT3-fs: external journal device major/minor numbers have changed <6>EXT3-fs: INFO: recovery required on readonly filesystem. <3>EXT3-fs: write access unavailable, cannot proceed. <6>EXT3-fs: write access will be enabled during recovery. <3>EXT3-fs: filesystem has both journal and inode journals! <3>EXT3: failed to open journal device %s: %ld <3>EXT3: failed to claim external journal device. <3>EXT3-fs: blocksize too small for journal device. <3>EXT3-fs: couldn't read superblock of external journal <3>EXT3-fs: external journal has bad superblock <3>EXT3-fs: journal UUID does not match <3>EXT3-fs: failed to create device journal <3>EXT3-fs: I/O error on journal device <3>EXT3-fs: External journal has more than one user (unsupported) - %d <3>EXT3-fs: error updating journal. <3>EXT3-fs: error loading journal. <3>EXT3-fs: readonly filesystem when trying to create journal. <6>EXT3-fs: creating new journal on inode %u <3>EXT3-fs: error creating journal. <3>ext3: No journal on filesystem on %s <3>EXT3-fs: Journal does not support requested data journaling mode <4>EXT3-fs: Ignoring nobh option - its supported only with writeback mode <3>EXT3-fs: get root inode failed <3>EXT3-fs: corrupt root inode, run e2fsck <3>EXT3-fs: get root dentry failed <3>EXT3-fs: write access unavailable, skipping orphan cleanup. <6>EXT3-fs: %s: Skipping orphan cleanup due to unknown ROCOMPAT features <6>EXT3-fs: %s: orphan cleanup on readonly fs <3>EXT3-fs: Cannot turn on journaled quota: error %d <7>%s: truncating inode %lu to %Ld bytes <7>%s: deleting unreferenced inode %lu <6>EXT3-fs: %s: %d orphan inode%s deleted <6>EXT3-fs: %s: %d truncate%s cleaned up <6>EXT3-fs: recovery complete. <6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with %s data mode. <3>VFS: Can't find ext3 filesystem on dev %s. Detected aborted journalext3bsddfminixdfgrpidbsdgroupsnogrpidsysvgroupsresgid=%uresuid=%usb=%uerrors=continueerrors=panicerrors=remount-ronouid32nocheckcheck=noneoldallocorlovuser_xattrnouser_xattraclnoaclreservationnoreservationnoloadnobhbhcommit=%ujournal=updatejournal=%ujournal_dev=%uabortdata=journaldata=ordereddata=writebackdata_err=abortdata_err=ignoreusrjquota=usrjquota=%sgrpjquota=grpjquota=%sjqfmt=vfsoldjqfmt=vfsv0grpquotanoquotausrquotabarrier=%uresizereserved GDT %lu missing grp %d (%lu)can't update backup for group %d (err %d), forcing fsck on next reboot<7>EXT3-fs: extending last group from %lu uto %lu blocks <3>EXT3-fs: filesystem on %s: too large to resize to %lu blocks safely can't shrink FS - resize abortedneed to use ext2online to resize furtherblocks_count overflowwill only finish group (%lu blocks, %u new)can't read last block, resize abortederror %d on journal startmultiple resizers run on filesystem!error %d on journal write access<7>EXT3-fs: extended group to %u blocks Can't resize non-sparse filesystem furtherblocks_count overflow inodes_count overflow No reserved GDT blocks, can't resizeError opening resize inodeno-super<7>EXT3-fs: adding %s group %u: %u blocks (%d free, %u reserved) Cannot add at group %u (only %lu groups)Last group not fullReserved blocks too high (%u)Bad blocks count %uCannot read last block (%lu)Block bitmap not in group (block %u)Inode bitmap not in group (block %u)Inode table not in group (blocks %u-%lu)Block bitmap same as inode bitmap (%u)Block bitmap (%u) in inode table (%u-%lu)Inode bitmap (%u) in inode table (%u-%lu)Block bitmap (%u) in GDT table (%lu-%lu)Inode bitmap (%u) in GDT table (%lu-%lu)Inode table (%u-%lu) overlapsGDT table (%lu-%lu)reserved block %lu not at offset %ld<7>EXT3-fs: ext3_add_new_gdb: adding group block %lu won't resize using backup superblock at %llunew group %u GDT block %lu not reservednot enough memory for %lu groupsext3_xattrinode %lu: block %lu read errorinode %lu: bad block %luext2_get_group_descreservation window 0x%p start: %lu, end: %lu ext2_free_blocksext2_new_blocks: nonexistent deviceext2_new_blocksunaligned directory entrysize of directory #%lu is not a multiple of chunk sizebad entry in directory #%lu: : %s - offset=%lu, inode=%lu, rec_len=%d, name_len=%dext2_check_pageentry in directory #%lu spans the page boundaryoffset=%lu, inode=%lubad page in #%luzero-length directory entrykaddr=%p, de=%p dir %lu size %lld exceeds block count %lluext2_new_inodereserved inode or inode > inodes count - block_group = %d,inode=%luext2_free_inodeext2_release_inodecan't get descriptor for group %dext2_get_inodeIO error syncing ext2 inode [%s:%08lx] ext2_block_to_pathext2_free_branchesRead failure, inode=%ld, block=%ldEXT2-fs warning: revision level too high, forcing read-only mode EXT2-fs warning: mounting unchecked fs, running e2fsck is recommended EXT2-fs warning: mounting fs with errors, running e2fsck is recommended EXT2-fs warning: maximal mount count reached, running e2fsck is recommended EXT2-fs warning: checktime reached, running e2fsck is recommended [EXT II FS %s, %s, bs=%lu, fs=%lu, gc=%lu, bpg=%lu, ipg=%lu, mo=%04lx] 0.5b95/08/09EXT2 xip option not supported reservations ON reservations OFF ext2_inode_cache<4>EXT2-fs warning (device %s): %s: refusing change of xip flag with busy inodes while remountingEXT2-fs: %s: couldn't remount RDWR because of unsupported optional features (%x). <2>EXT2-fs error (device %s): %s: EXT2-fs panic from previous error Remounting filesystem read-only EXT2-fs: Invalid sb specification: %s EXT2-fs: unable to set blocksize EXT2-fs: unable to read superblock EXT2-fs warning: feature flags set on rev 0 fs, running e2fsck is recommended EXT2-fs: %s: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (%x). EXT2-fs: %s: couldn't mount RDWR because of unsupported optional features (%x). <3>EXT2-fs: blocksize too small for device. EXT2-fs: Couldn't read superblock on 2nd try. EXT2-fs: Magic mismatch, very weird ! EXT2-fs: unsupported inode size: %d VFS: Unsupported blocksize on dev %s. EXT2-fs: fragsize %lu != blocksize %lu (not supported yet) EXT2-fs: #blocks per group too big: %lu EXT2-fs: #fragments per group too big: %lu EXT2-fs: #inodes per group too big: %lu EXT2-fs: not enough memory EXT2-fs: unable to read group descriptors ext2_check_descriptorsEXT2-fs: group descriptors corrupted! <3>EXT2-fs: corrupt root inode, run e2fsck <3>EXT2-fs: get root inode failed mounting ext3 filesystem as ext2VFS: Can't find an ext2 filesystem on dev %s. xipext2_xattrext2_xattr_delete_inodeinode %ld: block %d read errorinode %ld: bad block %dext2_xattr_cache_findinode %ld: block %ld read errorext2_xattr_setext2_xattr_listext2_xattr_get<4>JBD: Spotted dirty metadata buffer (dev = %s, blocknr = %llu). There's a risk of filesystem corruption in case of system crash. <3>EXT3-fs unexpected failure: %s; !jh->b_committed_data<3>inconsistent data on disk <0>%s: OOM for frozen_buffer buffer_uptodate(jh2bh(jh))<3>Possible IO failure. <0>%s: No memory for committed data <3>JBD: %s wants too many credits (%d > %d) <4>JBD: Detected IO errors while flushing file data on %s <4>JBD: barrier-based sync failed on %s - disabling barriers <3>JBD: corrupted journal superblock <3>JBD: bad block at offset %u <3>JBD: Failed to read block at offset %u <3>JBD: IO error %d recovering block %u in log <3>JBD: Out of memory during recovery. <3>JBD: recovery pass %d ended at transaction %u, expected %u <3>JBD: error %d scanning journal <3>%s: needed %d blocks and only had %d space available <3>%s: no way to get more journal space /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/fs/jbd/checkpoint.c!buffer_revoked(bh)revoke_recordrevoke_tablejournal_head<0>JBD: no memory for journal_head cache journal_handle<0>JBD: failed to create handle cache <4>%s: freeing b_frozen_data <4>%s: freeing b_committed_data <5>ENOMEM in %s, retrying. <3>JBD: IO error reading journal superblock <4>JBD: no valid journal superblock found <4>JBD: unrecognised superblock format ID <4>JBD: journal file too short <4>JBD: Invalid start block of journal: %u <4>JBD: Converting superblock from version 1 to 2. <4>JBD: %s recovery information on journal IgnoringClearing<0>journal commit I/O error <3>JBD: Journal too short (blocks %u-%u). kjournald<4>JBD: Unrecognised features on journal <4>JBD: recovery failed <6>kjournald starting. Commit interval %ld seconds &journal->j_barrier&journal->j_checkpoint_mutex<3>%s: Cant allocate bhs for commit thread <3>%s: Cannot get buffer for journal superblock /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/fs/jbd/journal.cjbd: bad log_start_commit: %u %u %u %u <3>Aborting journal on device %s. <1>%s: journal block not found at offset %u on %s <3>Journal length (%d blocks) too short. <0>%s: creation of journal on external device! <3>%s: Cannnot locate journal superblock <3>cramfs: wrong endianess <3>cramfs: wrong magic <3>cramfs: unsupported filesystem features <3>cramfs: root is not a directory <6>cramfs: empty filesystem<3>cramfs: bad root offset %lu <3>cramfs: bad compressed blocksize %u cramfszlib_inflateReset error %d Error %d while decompressing! %p(%d)->%p(%d) ramfsdebugfs0x%08llx 0x%04llx 0x%02llx &ids->rw_mutex%10d %10d %4o %10lu %10lu %5u %5u %5u %5u %5u %5u %10lu %10lu %10lu <6>msgmni has been set to %d sysvipc/msg key msqid perms cbytes qnum lspid lrpid uid gid cuid cgid stime rtime ctime %10d %10d %4o %10lu %5u %5u %5u %5u %10lu %10lu sysvipc/sem key semid perms nsems uid gid cuid cgid otime ctime SYSV%08x%10d %10d %4o %10lu %5u %5u %5lu %5u %5u %5u %5u %10lu %10lu %10lu sysvipc/shm key shmid perms size cpid lpid nattch uid gid cuid cgid atime dtime ctime auto_msgmnimqueue_inode_cacheQSIZE:%-10lu NOTIFY:%-5d SIGNO:%-5d NOTIFY_PID:%-6d mqueuequeues_maxmsg_maxmsgsize_maxkey_jar&candidate->cons_lock&key->semdead[anon]: %u/%u: emptykeyring%s;%d;%d;%08x;%s_tid_ses_uid.%u_uid_ses.%u/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/security/keys/request_key.c_req.%u/sbin/request-keykey: pid:%d ci:%zu.request_key_auth: %u%5u: %5d %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d permexpd%lus%lum%luh%lud%luw%08x %c%c%c%c%c%c %5d %4s %08x %5d %5d %-9.9s Cannot create /proc/keys key-usersCannot create /proc/key-users maxkeysmaxbytesroot_maxkeysroot_maxbytesgc_delaysecurity.capability<5>%s: get_vfs_caps_from_disk returned %d for %s <6>warning: `%s' has both setuid-root and effective capabilities. Therefore not raising all capabilities. /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/security/security.c<7>%s could not verify security_operations structure. <6>Security Framework initialized securitysecurityfs<4>SELinux: avc: seqno %d < latest_notif %d granteddeniedavc: %s null { } for ssid=%dscontext=%s tsid=%d tcontext=%sentries: %d buckets used: %d/%d longest chain: %d avc_nodeAVC INITIALIZED mountremountunmountgetattrrelabelfromrelabeltotransitionassociatequotamodquotagetadd_nameremove_namereparentsearchrmdirexecute_no_transentrypointexecmodconnecttonewconnacceptfromnode_bindname_connecttcp_recvtcp_sendudp_recvudp_sendrawip_recvrawip_sendenforce_destdccp_recvdccp_sendrecvfromsendtoingressegressforksigchldsigkillsigstopsignullsignalgetschedsetschedgetsessiongetpgidsetpgidgetcapsetcapsharesetexecsetfscreatenoatsecuresiginhsetrlimitrlimitinhdyntransitionsetcurrentexecmemexecstackexecheapsetkeycreatesetsockcreateenqueuereceivecompute_avcompute_createcompute_membercheck_contextload_policycompute_relabelcompute_usersetenforcesetboolsetsecparamsetcheckreqprotipc_infosyslog_readsyslog_modsyslog_consolechowndac_overridedac_read_searchfownerfsetidkillsetgidsetuidsetpcaplinux_immutablenet_bind_servicenet_broadcastnet_adminnet_rawipc_lockipc_ownersys_modulesys_rawiosys_chrootsys_ptracesys_pacctsys_adminsys_bootsys_nicesys_resourcesys_timesys_tty_configmknodaudit_writeaudit_controlsetfcapmac_overridemac_adminnlmsg_readnlmsg_writenlmsg_relaynlmsg_readprivnlmsg_tty_auditsetcontextpolmatchflow_inflow_outforward_inforward_outviewsetattrmmap_zerouse_as_overridecreate_files_asprocesscapabilityfilesystemdirlnk_filechr_fileblk_filesock_filefifo_filetcp_socketudp_socketrawip_socketnetifnetlink_socketpacket_socketkey_socketunix_stream_socketunix_dgram_socketmsgqnetlink_route_socketnetlink_firewall_socketnetlink_tcpdiag_socketnetlink_nflog_socketnetlink_xfrm_socketnetlink_selinux_socketnetlink_audit_socketnetlink_ip6fw_socketnetlink_dnrt_socketassociationnetlink_kobject_uevent_socketappletalk_socketpacketkeydccp_socketmemprotectpeercapability2kernel_servicetun_socketappendunlinkrenameexecuteswaponquotaonmountonconnectlistengetoptsetoptrecv_msgsend_msgname_binddestroyunix_readunix_write<6>SELinux: Disabled at boot. <6>SELinux: Initializing. SELinux: Failed to initialize initial task. selinux_inode_securitySELinux: No initial security operations SELinux: Unable to register with kernel. <7>SELinux: Starting in enforcing mode <7>SELinux: Starting in permissive mode <4>SELinux: failure in selinux_skb_peerlbl_sid(), unable to determine packet's peer label <4>SELinux: %s: unrecognized kind %d <4>SELinux: failure in selinux_parse_skb(), unable to parse packet security.selinuxselinux<3>SELinux: unable to map context to SIDfor (%s, %lu), rc=%d <4>SELinux: %s: getxattr returned %d for dev=%s ino=%ld <5>SELinux: inode=%lu on dev=%s was found to have an invalid context=%s. This indicates you may need to relabel the inode or the filesystem in question. <4>SELinux: %s: context_to_sid(%s) returned %d for dev=%s ino=%ld SELinux: unrecognized netlink message type=%hu for sclass=%hu <3>SELinux: WARNING: inside %s with unknown mode:%o <4>%s: security_transition_sid failed, rc=%d (dev=%s ino=%ld) &isec->lock&sbsec->lock<4>SELinux: duplicate or incompatible mount options <4>SELinux: unknown mount option <4>SELinux: (dev %s, type %s) has no xattr support <4>SELinux: (dev %s, type %s) has no security xattr handler <4>SELinux: (dev %s, type %s) getxattr errno %d <3>SELinux: initialized (dev %s, type %s), unknown behavior <7>SELinux: initialized (dev %s, type %s), %s /sys<4>SELinux: Unable to set superblock options before the security server is initialized <4>SELinux: security_context_to_sid(%s) failed for (dev %s, type %s) errno=%d <4>%s: security_fs_use(%s) returned %d <4>SELinux: defcontext option is invalid for this filesystem type <4>SELinux: mount invalid. Same superblock, different security settings for (dev %s, type %s) fscontext=rootcontext=defcontext=seclabel<3>SELinux: out of range capability %d <7>SELinux: Registering netfilter hooks SELinux: nf_register_hooks for IPv4: error %d SELinux: nf_register_hooks for IPv6: error %d <6>SELinux: Disabled at runtime. <7>SELinux: Unregistering netfilter hooks <7>SELinux: Completing initialization. <7>SELinux: Setting up existing superblocks. fscontext=%sdefcontext=%srootcontext=%suses xattruses transition SIDsuses task SIDsuses genfs_contextsnot configured for labelinguses mountpoint labeling<3>selinuxfs: could not mount! selinux=0 auid=%u ses=%u<3>SELinux: %s: context size (%u) exceeds payload max %s %s %hu%s %s %hu %x%x %x %x %x %u %xenforcing=%d old_enforcing=%d auid=%u ses=%u%d %d/%s/%sbooleansselinuxfsindexpermsnetwork_peer_controlsopen_permspolicy loaded auid=%u ses=%ulookups hits misses allocations reclaims frees %u %u %u %u %u %u avcpolicy_capabilities<3>SELinux: %s: failed while creating inodes initial_contextsenforcecontextaccesspolicyverscommit_pending_boolsmlsdisablecheckreqprotreject_unknowndeny_unknowncache_thresholdhash_statscache_statsSELinux: Cannot create netlink socket.<3>SELinux: OOM in %s avc_add_callback() failed, error %d <4>SELinux: failure in sel_netif_sid_slow(), invalid network interface (%d) <4>SELinux: failure in sel_netif_sid_slow(), unable to determine network interface label (%d) <4>SELinux: failure in sel_netnode_sid_slow(), unable to determine network node label <4>SELinux: failure in sel_netport_sid_slow(), unable to determine network port label <3>SELinux: ebitmap: map size %u does not match my size %Zd (high bit was %d) <3>SELinux: ebitmap: truncated map <3>SELinux: ebitmap start bit (%d) is not a multiple of the map unit size (%u) <3>SELinux: ebitmap start bit (%d) is beyond the end of the bitmap (%u) <3>SELinux: ebitmap: out of memory <3>SELinux: ebitmap: start bit %d comes after start bit %d <7>%s: %d entries and %d/%d buckets used, longest chain length %d <6>SELinux: Context %s is not valid (left unmapped). avtab_node<7>SELinux: %s: %d entries and %d/%d buckets used, longest chain length %d sum of chain length^2 %llu <3>SELinux: avtab: truncated entry <3>SELinux: avtab: entry overflow <3>SELinux: avtab: truncated source type <3>SELinux: avtab: truncated target type <3>SELinux: avtab: truncated target class <3>SELinux: avtab: null entry <3>SELinux: avtab: entry has both access vectors and types <3>SELinux: avtab: entry only had %d items, expected %d <3>SELinux: avtab: invalid type or class <3>SELinux: avtab: more than one specifier <3>SELinux: avtab: invalid type <7>SELinux: %d avtab hash slots, %d rules. <3>SELinux: avtab: truncated table <3>SELinux: avtab: table is empty <3>SELinux: avtab: out of memory <3>SELinux: avtab: duplicate entry <3>SELinux: type %s: too deep or looped boundary <3>SELinux: type %s: bounded by attribute %s<3>SELinux: mls: truncated level <3>SELinux: mls: error reading level categories <3>SELinux: mls: range overflow <3>SELinux: mls: truncated range <3>SELinux: mls: error reading low categories <3>SELinux: mls: error reading high categories <3>SELinux: mls: out of memory object_r<3>SELinux: Role %s has wrong value %d <3>SELinux: unknown common %s <3>SELinux: role %s: too deep or looped bounds <3>SELinux: boundary violated policy: role=%s type=%s bounds=%s <3>SELinux: user %s: too deep or looped boundary<3>SELinux: boundary violated policy: user=%s role=%s bounds=%s <3>SELinux: context truncated <3>SELinux: error reading MLS range of context <3>SELinux: invalid security context <3>SELinux: out of memory on SID table init <3>SELinux: SID %s was never defined. <3>SELinux: unable to load initial SID %s. <3>SELinux: policydb magic number 0x%x does not match expected magic number 0x%x SE Linux<3>SELinux: policydb string length %d does not match expected length %Zu <3>SELinux: unable to allocate memory for policydb string of length %d <3>SELinux: truncated policydb string identifier <3>SELinux: policydb string %s does not match my string %s <3>SELinux: policydb version %d does not match my version range %d-%d <3>SELinux: Cannot switch between non-MLS and MLS policies <3>SELinux: security policydb version %d (MLS) not backwards compatible <3>SELinux: Cannot switch between MLS and non-MLS policies <3>SELinux: unable to find policy compat info for version %d <3>SELinux: policydb table sizes (%d,%d) do not match mine (%d,%d) <7>SELinux: %d users, %d roles, %d types, %d bools, %d sens, %d cats<7>SELinux: %d classes, %d rules <3>SELinux: dup genfs fstype %s <3>SELinux: dup genfs entry (%s,%s) <4>SELinux: rangetrans: invalid range selinux_audit_rule_match: missing rule selinux_audit_rule_match: stale rule selinux_audit_rule_match: unrecognized SID %d <3>SELinux: %s: unrecognized SID %d <6>SELinux: class %s not defined in policy <3>SELinux: class %d is incorrect, found %s but should be %s <6>SELinux: permission %s in class %s not defined in policy <3>SELinux: permission %s in class %s not found in policy, bad policy <3>SELinux: permission %s in class %s has incorrect value <3>SELinux: class %s should have an inherits clause but does not allowed<6>SELinux: the above unknown classes and permissions will be %s <3>SELinux: %s: unrecognized class %s %s:%s:%s<4>SELinux: Context %s would be invalid if enforcing security_sid_mls_copy: invalid context %s<3>SELinux: %s: unrecognized SID %u op=security_bounded_transition result=denied oldcontext=%s newcontext=%s<3>SELinux: %s: unrecognized class %d security_validate_transition: denied for oldcontext=%s newcontext=%s taskcontext=%s tclass=%sbool=%s val=%d old_val=%d auid=%u ses=%u<3>SELinux: the definition of a class is incorrect <3>SELinux: unable to preserve booleans <6>SELinux: Context %s became valid (mapped). <3>SELinux: Unable to map context %s, rc = %d. <6>SELinux: Context %s became invalid (unmapped). security_compute_sid: invalid context %s for scontext=%s tcontext=%s tclass=%s<3>SELinux: %s: called before initial load_policy on unknown SID %d op=security_compute_av reason=%s scontext=%s tcontext=%s tclass=%s perms=bounds????unlabeledfile_labelsany_socketnetmsgigmp_packeticmp_socketsysctl_modprobesysctlsysctl_fssysctl_kernelsysctl_netsysctl_net_unixsysctl_vmsysctl_devkmodscmp_packetdevnull<3>SELinux: expression result was undefined - disabling all rules. <3>SELinux: conditional expressions uses unknown operator. <3>SELinux: conditional expressions uses unknown bool. <3>SELinux: type rule already exists outside of a conditional. <3>SELinux: too many conflicting type rules. <3>SELinux: conflicting type rules when adding type rule for true. <3>SELinux: could not insert rule. <3>SELinux: conflicting type rules. pid=%d comm= key=%d capability=%d path= name= dev=%s ino=%lu %s=%pI4laddr %s=%dlportfaddrfport %s=%pI6csaddrsrcdaddr netif=%s key_serial=%u key_desc=WARNINGERRORtomoyodomain_policyexception_policyself_domain.domain_status.process_statusmanager&head->io_semCOMMENTdelete keep_domain no_keep_domain initialize_domain no_initialize_domain alias allow_read file_pattern deny_rewrite <7>%s: Invalid domainname '%s' <7>%s: Invalid pathname '%s' manage_by_non_root<4>%s ( %s ) is not permitted to update policies. /sbin/tomoyo-start<6>Not activating Mandatory Access Control now since %s doesn't exist. <6>Calling %s to load policy. Please wait. <6>TOMOYO: 2.2.0 2009/04/01 <6>Mandatory Access Control activated. Profile %u (used by '%s') not defined. /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/security/tomoyo/common.c<4>TOMOYO-WARNING: Domain '%s' has so many ACLs to hold. Stopped learning mode. %u-COMMENT=%s %u-%s=%u %u-%s=%s 2.2.0%d %u %s%u %s quota_exceeded transition_failed ignore_global_allow_read %s use_profile %u %s%s%s allow_%s %s%s allow_%s %s%s %s%s select domain=# select %s # This is a deleted domain. use_profile %uignore_global_allow_readpid=%uMAC_FOR_FILEMAX_ACCEPT_ENTRYTOMOYO_VERBOSElearningpermissiveenforcing/sbin/tomoyo-initShared: %uPrivate: %u (Quota: %10u)Shared: %10u%s Private: %10u%s Dynamic: %10u Total: %10u <4>ERROR: Out of memory for tomoyo_alloc_element(). MAC Initialization failed. <3>WARNING: Reserved memory was tainted! The system might go wrong. <4>ERROR: Name too long for tomoyo_save_name(). <4>ERROR: Out of memory for tomoyo_save_name(). Can't register tomoyo_kernel_domain<4>tomoyo_realpath: Pathname too long. Failure registering TOMOYO Linux<6>TOMOYO Linux initialized =%d=/proc/sysalias %s %s no_ from %skeep_domain %s%s%s %sinitialize_domain %s%s%s /sbin/hotplug/sbin/modprobe %s<4>TOMOYO-ERROR: Domain '%s' not defined. /\*<4>TOMOYO-%s: Access '%s %s %s' denied for %s <4>TOMOYO-%s: Access '%s %s' denied for %s <7>%s: Invalid permission '%d %s' read/write<4>TOMOYO-%s: Access '%s(%s) %s' denied for %s do_execveallow_deny_rewrite %s file_pattern %s allow_read %s mkdirmkfifomksockmkblockmkchartruncatesymlinkrewrite%c %s:%s %s cryptomgr%s-allcrypto<6>fips mode: %s %s(%s)<3>alg: Unexpected test result for %s: %d /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/crypto/algapi.cname : %s driver : %s module : %s priority : %d refcnt : %d passedselftest : %s type : larval flags : 0x%x type : cipher blocksize : %u min keysize : %u max keysize : %u type : digest digestsize : %u type : compression type : unknown fips_enabledtype : nivaead async : %s ivsize : %u maxauthsize : %u geniv : %s type : aead chainiveseqivtype : givcipher type : ablkcipher type : blkcipher /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/crypto/blkcipher.ctype : ahash type : shash type : pcomp cryptomgr_probecryptomgr_test<3>alg: pcomp: compression setup failed on test %d for %s: error=%d <3>alg: pcomp: compression init failed on test %d for %s: error=%d <3>alg: pcomp: compression update failed on test %d for %s: error=%d <3>alg: pcomp: compression final failed on test %d for %s: error=%d <3>alg: comp: Compression test %d failed for %s: output len = %d (expected %d) <3>alg: comp: Compression test %d failed for %s: returned len = %u (expected %d) <3>alg: pcomp: Compression test %d failed for %s <3>alg: pcomp: decompression setup failed on test %d for %s: error=%d <3>alg: pcomp: decompression init failed on test %d for %s: error=%d <3>alg: pcomp: decompression update failed on test %d for %s: error=%d <3>alg: pcomp: decompression final failed on test %d for %s: error=%d <3>alg: comp: Decompression test %d failed for %s: output len = %d (expected %d) <3>alg: comp: Decompression test %d failed for %s: returned len = %u (expected %d) <3>alg: pcomp: Decompression test %d failed for %s <3>alg: comp: compression failed on test %d for %s: ret=%d <3>alg: comp: Compression test %d failed for %s: output len = %d <3>alg: comp: Compression test %d failed for %s <3>alg: comp: decompression failed on test %d for %s: ret=%d <3>alg: comp: Decompression test %d failed for %s: output len = %d <3>alg: comp: Decompression test %d failed for %s <3>alg: pcomp: Failed to load transform for %s: %ld decryptionencryption/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/crypto/testmgr.c<3>alg: cipher: setkey failed on test %d for %s: flags=%x <3>alg: cipher: Test %d failed on %s for %s <3>alg: hash: Failed to load transform for %s: %ld <3>alg: hash: Failed to allocate request for %s <3>alg: hash: setkey failed on test %d for %s: ret=%d <3>alg: hash: digest failed on test %d for %s: ret=%d <3>alg: hash: Test %d failed for %s <3>alg: hash: setkey failed on chunking test %d for %s: ret=%d <3>alg: hash: digest failed on chunking test %d for %s: ret=%d <3>alg: hash: Chunking test %d failed for %s <3>alg: skcipher: Failed to allocate request for %s <3>alg: skcipher: setkey failed on test %d for %s: flags=%x <3>alg: skcipher: %s failed on test %d for %s: ret=%d <3>alg: skcipher: Test %d failed on %s for %s <3>alg: skcipher: setkey failed on chunk test %d for %s: flags=%x <3>alg: skcipher: %s failed on chunk test %d for %s: ret=%d <3>alg: skcipher: Chunk test %d failed on %s at page %u for %s <3>alg: skcipher: Result buffer corruption in chunk test %d on %s at page %u for %s: %u bytes: <3>alg: comp: Failed to load transform for %s: %ld ecb(%s)<3>alg: cipher: Failed to load transform for %s: %ld %s: %s alg self test failed in fips mode! <6>alg: self-tests for %s (%s) passed <6>alg: No test for %s (%s) <3>alg: crc32c: Failed to load transform for %s: %ld <3>alg: crc32c: Operation failed for %s: %d <3>alg: crc32c: Test failed for %s: %d <3>alg: aead: Failed to allocate request for %s <3>alg: aead: setkey failed on test %d for %s: flags=%x <3>alg: aead: Failed to set authsize to %u on test %d for %s <3>alg: aead: %s failed on test %d for %s: ret was 0, expected -EBADMSG <3>alg: aead: %s failed on test %d for %s: ret=%d <3>alg: aead: Test %d failed on %s for %s <3>alg: aead: setkey failed on chunk test %d for %s: flags=%x <3>alg: aead: Failed to set authsize to %u on chunk test %d for %s <3>alg: aead: %s failed on chunk test %d for %s: ret was 0, expected -EBADMSG <3>alg: aead: %s failed on chunk test %d for %s: ret=%d <3>alg: aead: Chunk test %d failed on %s at page %u for %s <3>alg: aead: Result buffer corruption in chunk test %d on %s at page %u for %s: %u bytes: <3>alg: aead: Failed to load transform for %s: %ld <3>alg: skcipher: Failed to load transform for %s: %ld <3>alg: cprng: Failed to load transform for %s: %ld <3>alg: cprng: Failed to allocate seed space for %s <3>alg: cprng: Failed to reset rng for %s <3>alg: cprng: Failed to obtain the correct amount of random data for %s (requested %d, got %d) <3>alg: cprng: Test %d failed for %s __driver-cbc-aes-aesni__driver-ecb-aes-aesni__ghash-pclmulqdqniansi_cprngcbc(aes)cbc(anubis)cbc(blowfish)cbc(camellia)cbc(des)cbc(des3_ede)cbc(twofish)ccm(aes)crc32ccryptd(__driver-ecb-aes-aesni)cryptd(__ghash-pclmulqdqni)ctr(aes)cts(cbc(aes))deflateecb(__aes-aesni)ecb(aes)ecb(anubis)ecb(arc4)ecb(blowfish)ecb(camellia)ecb(cast5)ecb(cast6)ecb(des)ecb(des3_ede)ecb(khazad)ecb(seed)ecb(serpent)ecb(tea)ecb(tnepres)ecb(twofish)ecb(xeta)ecb(xtea)gcm(aes)hmac(md5)hmac(rmd128)hmac(rmd160)hmac(sha1)hmac(sha224)hmac(sha256)hmac(sha384)hmac(sha512)lrw(aes)lzomd4md5michael_micpcbc(fcrypt)rfc3686(ctr(aes))rfc4309(ccm(aes))rmd128rmd160rmd256rmd320salsa20sha1sha224sha256sha384sha512tgr128tgr160tgr192vmac(aes)wp256wp384wp512xcbc(aes)xts(aes)zlibfm`rBb泾x*#bJ"YS;Uyf/vA泾x*#bJ"|",ʏLA" 泾x*#bJ"泾x*#bJ"ݤV0$#~{:泾x*#bJ"%Fayx  Z[Q 4+rUHcv);g%pW,v&G~tĕH Ws=B0"ڀ,ASingle block msgSwy'-w†im|a> %ZV.m =(ݳiZ.oXҖ͔ϊ:0( u`-%<fsdR+ybR,k{k.@=~s*-WoEQ0F\ R$EO+A{l7OCc=qx:q٭}8v?iZW$ z=yY OV`=q+s}w5,;a- Lw_{֜N~ۀgw{p,}93iٺϥ0c#aÛljmڢ&}boRnnصo^fOx75555555555555555555555555555555555555555,oƄ!Ku.X[#Egôkw0VtX޹FYe+2v;P]QnPplJl>W^x^ˇ#Eg7654321 Now is the time s 9خءFxh4VxNow is tއ+|for all h7I|.v d$DMZ@„}3BoT oaMynS ceerstT ooM na yeSrcte soT oaMynS ceerstT ooM na yeSrcte soT oaMynS ceerstT ooM na yeSrcte soT oaMynS ceerstT ooM na yX\,2/*ZԑÞkxTX\,2/*ZԑÞkxTaX&4\jA Xacfm_kaÄ,& {]#NSen>Q?}-  S`$ZKyM?Bk^~_N4%w+@3 {Vj@kMׂ%b6ߓkcv܊L|rlUx\J3.}wd5./|:;͐Dҷہ `P^ge }[柔O!t'8j#)9jc|@ƺxV4  !"#$%&'(,)*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxtyz{|}~byК)+ J].YY3zA-u$  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~+~(Ҧ O<$RO+Y~n 9 Ύ6kpѽfV OxҘ XZXưP`wW(CMbʄ+ 0ڢ=Lp-ōzEyAchicken teriyakiI would like the 55h򿌴إ6-I would like the General Gau's I would like the General Gau's C91%#bվ̘hrh{%^I would like the General Gau's Chicken, please,hrh{%^儳 UI891%#bվ̘I would like the General Gau's Chicken, please, hrh{%^儝;ᡔ91%#bվ̘I would like the General Gau's Chicken, please, and wonton soup.hrh{%^91%#bվ̘H6&s /{@;ᡔij{0ͷpZݩ|Lnp qQgEIKI`mڢ&}boRnnBъIAo d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$J=a'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%+xk@;,oƄ!uŖtKyA7]:#E֡A<8߽aZbǺ6xX4Vx4Vx4Vx4Vxf։+3 .0<@֡A<8߽air6YRBNEaxyQ<z$N,^ôxiZK<-(;\כE.NS#EgܺvT2gg18TisWVHC4Nכ #}l |:u #Eg4Vx#Eg4Vx#O~D#Eg4Vx#Ejq,'#Egzn0.#B8T, VGa]Br= lѷSk#B8T,Ь ˜zw(c8lܭA#B8T,Ь ˜|G&IFzOj 8(hɇ6U3#EgWD%j^|EJnW9wgB#Eg"3DUfwWD%j^*3J&Ԑ#Eg"3DUfwWD%j^*3J#Eg"3DUfw"3DUfwWD%j^*3J&Ԑ*3JWD%j^i[ &#Eg磙{ʯi#EgUUUUUUUUܺvT2somedataHcbrRg fY!dj4Wsquiggle}*f0F4 b2[I2?8888888888888888~[Ŕ////////////////tpPӸtpPӸ^Nhm4l"@PPH57CGHQ]tad/}T>pm"k, J(üI}ϥ B+kJ.Y<^{с<] 6Q"ΛGj鏾CL}2r,>J:͡m&32[.p\k,4ZI :A@+hIvw]&l(xCtest me.w]*jΒ eCfD9%Q: nlonger_test_vectz-݉%!ߕMv2?u,]6rc/Tea is good for you!!! 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The key needs to be hashed before being used by the HMAC algorithm.:Af]?Tгgpۜ+e  ]L:M9uzjjfu!ϫOW2K11:ŴO*+X<: .@0$cIRf 5/%N,`$ λFŦx1m8` FR>|ޥaO$l#yNxzгE|ڨ3ָ'N依Nap.il :hTKz{;Vࣇd".' %TXuZJmOe걣MJkKcn 87Bc{贛FJ7RkV7_%!]jROs? 싑Z]xe{jw]}ߩn^?޽qr]- D,Z Lse_]HTcNYpGWGyTyD HZSk)*4jVP0i7G  d v2!Ybi^jһ%<(tƼ5MJeTa{̭J)p/U{("A/άŭƠR.o'j=e`H4vFl#w]{!!ːE4ŵ&vۘĘp+v=p ǕȲd`ZI0nx-^`dz/ [g_=iSȜ-p]"lknP8qIW֏ˍk)*bm _8k u|ɬB1|n2iۦ?O/fiTeL|o5'񴖂Z_PfD3p㖲ӻTZt-duݴTtӝQS>oN,@.>fvsDVr!Lڕ:F>:g`pX ,ʭ.QqvJt!,,N:.A j3}?#1tn̹""-ߥx9jmjOFlA<ΏB`qu@eCqMD M}1eu>;U~Œ@bseFc%=+d\$dKƖ}-hw2+̅twaqۉƵ\}9$9E+*\moUf/2]:sEǨ.)!ug7 1j1F$^$Hz!R_ zrmessage digest dTHKabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzמ0cA-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789?A5'S12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890;Mܜ8>{O6 u1Ùiw&aP1nbW:BX*(rR/ *h䈪 ]Oy-au&T;YH Qry Aӈ.FW0ߑA(6s<}mKU8OYNy5( nP VrzZNVcqX^ZCuTf.]f.Y0U$ȁ xg廷nw 5.boio~⋱pLnW+]2$١9m",~A Xn\KOZ0`V6x(cW{!v8~)>~(E-c^L Vz c x,UkpmKH;S޻l ")=9#kubNKuSsf 5&!P [g^lRzG n-؞+V#V6zpj zcaV\&?Bz`bʴ@_< .KRI1I "a3E+CoQ 0}&=eb4uN*T-|;|EA\2Y, u<'9Nc=CP;l)6rOf_ʱՏ,'0u eWkW\=; L59}96WZ3#/=cD%xOH99J9{r3&僌vԶFw?"+$3}H撗Zĩm=l޼j56\K:0_Ԍz]eMO @K6so@rﻀ!lX ?[ynq|?\ڲ3 t:/tұ.H}} ئ蓟lj.+/tұ.H}x5hAHlFQ*x5hxk+Nx3fؔTbWP>3sy贵wbojHa#8v:g4;I\Ṕ\BhlډV*ӆu`G=}ٷa$?g8O 9YskuH9&qJIWqDhX]eזh5)HxѺI]4Z/ԲfazaER@R|o4fBȒ6Xk<\ zeCUX]eזh5)HxѺWqg_ Dl:p^M9uzcړX]eזh5)HxѺ S;v?ٕuD@{HXcX^{x\LgqGc~YD Q2m [lM9\Rco+*o0#X{6Txw@Iqva AvTI;W%]bP>aFz3Dž/W3Jf亄ckiLw2{=nR0b-}Ѹ*qI"qNYbL`?EG2۲Ģiy_-"I:abcdefghbcdefghicdefghijdefghijkefghijklfghijklmghijklmnhijklmnoijklmnopjklmnopqklmnopqrlmnopqrsmnopqrstnopqrstuwk[%Fabcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijk4}F۬Ta(~H%1 ܝ-%k>ڮ4{܃ZF]zJưZ ]Ir#_!Y_6'i,V[(ep n1d:q0yQu.EW=K92EW  x<͈:4i)%n"-ۡ }hBuEequzQM\L9,kDeUJT d04uwḱxQ}Q3W@ D$cп@~wz@HhjbuSgx߉8CUs穀*4n/6?"]VaSlu{As%W}pZȀ:2x8&X uymfzWV,cT/G֗ ]LO0 s0Z[q>t/BLh-:(P.]B/hO繅3?*ҟ%ȍkNr}j|ʽ G k,(4?AQf@#@Dc TI@mgP2 {>Wp ;8# <Ux_m*iEҠ~SA$_]-B4 "Mi `YL&[tpir-+ hA hZNɱ@IX?RyplDFݕWx#h{#g4F&D?!vCoo SJ ʚs.0O !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:9P翗 G(5r#)HV^~ }]8{-q;#J<;RPY@Sу[)k^[/ӬA?/;ƕFETuD劁 \zC@SC^KPR?(=υin`tVb`Pax$4X,Yʐw[J߉,/gE賳uq)9E/ Z kpK/.@Hu!E ɶfYZ>6Gj>%qxPl؝>D;nJQ)Fp# }"4"BwU*你lu8Q'v]]PE\RR%%$ja8& >`9i(ψ:sr~mLq~'}4qǗص%) vTf&6,!*HJ8cB8D.;T*Q j zg>r]]ۤ;Fn񋫰M%ӊd7+̲TJ`)M[*lD8{&,`HŢ ,*:;*~padOHzZRebb\iž{v9 Vt[{;u%REsՄן)[7e/!ruoҢF4h9OcGEdb\c^OҹhsK(?˳͵wH|h웟ݦC테e/.""""""""""""""""DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDT^jn93@8ot(Ӕ""""""""""""""""3kYz .IҒL~ !S!"z'((EE#S`(tq5&1AY&SX#bd3'type : rng seedsize : %u stdrngasanticipatory<3>%s: forced dispatching is broken (nr_sorted=%u), please report this -ioschedas-iosched%s-ioschedcfq (default)<6>io scheduler %s registered%s &eq->sysfs_lock<3>I/O scheduler %s not found <3>Default I/O scheduler not found. Using noop. noopiosched<3>%s: bad insertion point %d <3>elevator: type %s not found elv switch: %s<3>elevator: switch to %s failed /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/include/trace/events/block.hblock_rq_abort: %d,%d %s (%s) %llu + %u [%d] block_rq_insert: %d,%d %s %u (%s) %llu + %u [%s] block_rq_issue: %d,%d %s %u (%s) %llu + %u [%s] block_rq_requeue: %d,%d %s (%s) %llu + %u [%d] block_rq_complete: %d,%d %s (%s) %llu + %u [%d] block_bio_bounce: %d,%d %s %llu + %u [%s] block_bio_complete: %d,%d %s %llu + %u [%d] block_bio_backmerge: %d,%d %s %llu + %u [%s] block_bio_frontmerge: %d,%d %s %llu + %u [%s] block_bio_queue: %d,%d %s %llu + %u [%s] block_getrq: %d,%d %s %llu + %u [%s] block_sleeprq: %d,%d %s %llu + %u [%s] block_plug: [%s] block_unplug_timer: [%s] %d block_unplug_io: [%s] %d block_split: %d,%d %s %llu / %llu [%s] block_remap: %d,%d %s %llu + %u <- (%d,%d) %llu block_rq_remap: %d,%d %s %llu + %u <- (%d,%d) %llu field:dev_t dev; offset:%u; size:%u; field:sector_t sector; offset:%u; size:%u; field:unsigned int nr_sector; offset:%u; size:%u; field:int errors; offset:%u; size:%u; field:char rwbs[6]; offset:%u; size:%u; field:__data_loc char[] cmd; offset:%u; size:%u; %d,%d %s (%s) %llu + %u [%d]((unsigned int) ((REC->dev) >> 20)), ((unsigned int) ((REC->dev) & ((1U << 20) - 1))), REC->rwbs, __get_str(cmd), (unsigned long long)REC->sector, REC->nr_sector, REC->errors field:unsigned int bytes; offset:%u; size:%u; %d,%d %s %u (%s) %llu + %u [%s]((unsigned int) ((REC->dev) >> 20)), ((unsigned int) ((REC->dev) & ((1U << 20) - 1))), REC->rwbs, REC->bytes, __get_str(cmd), (unsigned long long)REC->sector, REC->nr_sector, REC->comm%d,%d %s %llu + %u [%s]((unsigned int) ((REC->dev) >> 20)), ((unsigned int) ((REC->dev) & ((1U << 20) - 1))), REC->rwbs, (unsigned long long)REC->sector, REC->nr_sector, REC->comm field:unsigned nr_sector; offset:%u; size:%u; field:int error; offset:%u; size:%u; %d,%d %s %llu + %u [%d]((unsigned int) ((REC->dev) >> 20)), ((unsigned int) ((REC->dev) & ((1U << 20) - 1))), REC->rwbs, (unsigned long long)REC->sector, REC->nr_sector, REC->error[%s] field:int nr_rq; offset:%u; size:%u; [%s] %dREC->comm, REC->nr_rq field:sector_t new_sector; offset:%u; size:%u; %d,%d %s %llu / %llu [%s]((unsigned int) ((REC->dev) >> 20)), ((unsigned int) ((REC->dev) & ((1U << 20) - 1))), REC->rwbs, (unsigned long long)REC->sector, (unsigned long long)REC->new_sector, REC->comm field:dev_t old_dev; offset:%u; size:%u; field:sector_t old_sector; offset:%u; size:%u; %d,%d %s %llu + %u <- (%d,%d) %llu((unsigned int) ((REC->dev) >> 20)), ((unsigned int) ((REC->dev) & ((1U << 20) - 1))), REC->rwbs, (unsigned long long)REC->sector, REC->nr_sector, ((unsigned int) ((REC->old_dev) >> 20)), ((unsigned int) ((REC->old_dev) & ((1U << 20) - 1))), (unsigned long long)REC->old_sectordev_tsector_tnr_sectorchar[6]rwbsunsignednew_sectorold_devold_sector<6>%s: dev %s: type=%x, flags=%x <6> sector %llu, nr/cnr %u/%u <6> bio %p, biotail %p, buffer %p, len %u <6> cdb: %02x <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to block_rq_abort <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to block_rq_insert <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to block_rq_issue <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to block_rq_requeue <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to block_rq_complete <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to block_bio_bounce <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to block_bio_complete <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to block_bio_backmerge <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to block_bio_frontmerge <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to block_bio_queue <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to block_getrq <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to block_sleeprq <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to block_plug <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to block_unplug_timer <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to block_unplug_io <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to block_split <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to block_remap <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to block_rq_remap kblockdFailed to create kblockd blkdev_requestsblkdev_queue<3>%s: over max size limit. <3>%s: over max segments limit. <3>%s: want %u bytes done, %u left <3>end_request: I/O error, dev %s, sector %llu __end_that<3>%s: bio idx %d >= vcnt %d <3>blk: request botched <6>attempt to access beyond end of device <6>%s: rw=%ld, want=%Lu, limit=%Lu <3>generic_make_request: Trying to access nonexistent block-device %s (%Lu) <3>bio too big device %s (%u > %u) READ<7>%s(%d): %s block %Lu on %s /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/block/blk-core.c<3>%s: bad return=%d &q->sysfs_lock<3>%s: request %p for device [%s] already tagged %d<3>%s: tag %d is missing <3>%s: attempt to clear non-busy tag (%d) <3>%s: adjusted depth to %d /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/block/blk-sysfs.cnr_requestsmax_hw_sectors_kbmax_sectors_kbschedulerhw_sector_sizelogical_block_sizephysical_block_sizeminimum_io_sizeoptimal_io_sizerotationalnomergesrq_affinityiostats/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/block/blk-barrier.c<3>%s: prepare_flush_fn required <3>blk_queue_ordered: bad value %d <6>%s: set to minimum %lx <6>%s: set to minimum %d <5>%s: Warning: Device %s is misaligned /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/block/blk-settings.cblkdev_ioc/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/block/blk-exec.c/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/block/blk-merge.c<3>block: bad eh return: %d block-major-%d-%dblock-major-%dmajor minor #blocks name diskstatspartitionsMEDIA_CHANGE=1/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/block/genhd.cregister_blkdev: failed to get major for %s register_blkdev: cannot get major %d for %s blkext%4d %7d %10llu %s %4d %7d %s %lu %lu %llu %u %lu %lu %llu %u %u %u %u DISK_RO=1%-9s%03x:%05x%s%s %10llu %s driver: %s (driver?) ext_rangeremovable<4>%s: sending ioctl %x to a partition! <4>program %s is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please convert it to SG_IO bsg_cmd<3>bsg: failed creating slab cache bsg<6>Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major %d) bsg/%s<3>bsg: too many bsg devices %lu %% exit probability %lu %% probability of exiting without a cooperating process submitting IO %lu ms new thinktime %llu sectors new seek distance /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/block/as-iosched.crq->state %d est_timeread_expirewrite_expireantic_expireread_batch_expirewrite_batch_expirewrites_starvedfront_mergesfifo_batchcfq%d activate rq, drv=%d/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/block/cfq-iosched.ccfq%d deactivate rq, drv=%dcfq%d slice expired t=%dcfq%d resid=%ldcfq%d put_queuecfq schedule dispatchcfqq->new_cfqq loop detected cfq idle timer fired<3>cfq: bad prio %x cfq%d alloced<3>cfq: cic link failed! cfq%d breaking apart cfqqcfq%d merging with queue %pcfq set_request failcfq%d completecfq%d set_slice=%lucfq%d arm_idle: %lucfq%d del_from_rrcfq%d dispatch_insertcfq%d add_to_rrcfq forced_dispatch=%dcfq%d set_activecfq%d fifo=%pcfq%d dispatched a requestcfq%d insert_requestcfq%d idle=%dcfq%d preemptcfq_queuecfq_io_contextquantumfifo_expire_syncfifo_expire_asyncback_seek_maxback_seek_penaltyslice_syncslice_asyncslice_async_rqslice_idleblkdev_integrityintegrityunsupported<3>%s: %s/%s sector sz %u != %u <3>%s: %s/%s tuple sz %u != %u <3>%s: %s/%s tag sz %u != %u <3>%s: %s/%s type %s != %s tag_sizeread_verifywrite_generategzipbzip2lzmaCould not allocate output buferCould not allocate input buferData integrity error when decompressing.Compressed file ends unexpectedlyOut of memory while allocating output bufferOut of memory while allocating input bufferOut of memory while allocating z_streamOut of memory while allocating workspaceNot a gzip filewrite erroruncompression errorunexpected EOFbad headeridr_layer_cache<4>idr_remove called for id=%d which is not allocated. <4>ida_remove called for id=%d which is not allocated. must have a ktype to be initialized properly! <3>kobject (%p): tried to init an initialized object, something is seriously wrong. invalid kobject pointer!<3>kobject (%p): %s /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/lib/kobject.c<4>kobject: '%s' (%p): is not initialized, yet kobject_put() is being called. kobject: (%p): attempted to be registered with empty name! <3>%s failed for %s with -EEXIST, don't try to register things with the same name in the same directory. <3>%s failed for %s (%d) DEVPATH_OLD=%s<3>kobject: can not set name properly! <3>kobject '%s' (%p): tried to add an uninitialized object, something is seriously wrong. <4>%s: kobject_add error: %d <3>kobject_uevent: unable to create netlink socket! /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/lib/kobject_uevent.c<3>add_uevent_var: too many keys <3>add_uevent_var: buffer size too small ACTION=%sDEVPATH=%sSUBSYSTEM=%sSEQNUM=%llu%s@%sremovechangemoveonlineoffline/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/lib/kref.c/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/lib/plist.c&pd->mutexradix_tree_node<4>%s: %d callbacks suppressed <6>Mem-Info: <6>%lu pages RAM <6>%lu pages reserved <6>%lu pages shared <6>%lu pages non-shared /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/lib/vsprintf.c%s%16.16llx%s%8.8x%s%4.4x%s%s%*p: %s %s%s%.8x: %s %s%0*lx/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/lib/scatterlist.c.%03lld%lld%s %sKiBMiBGiBTiBPiBEiBZiBYiBkBGBTBPBEBZBYB/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/lib/devres.cinvalid distance too far backinvalid distance codeinvalid literal/length codeincorrect header checkunknown compression methodinvalid window sizeinvalid block typeinvalid stored block lengthstoo many length or distance symbolsinvalid code lengths setinvalid bit length repeatinvalid literal/lengths setinvalid distances setincorrect data checkts_%s<4>netlink: %d bytes leftover after parsing attributes. <4>io_map_base of root PCI bus %s unset. Trying to continue but you better fix this issue or report it to linux-mips@linux-mips.org or your vendor. To avoid data corruption io_map_base MUST be set with multiple PCI domains.16kb4kb64kb256kb1Mb4Mb16Mb64Mb256Mb1GbIndex: %2d pgmask=%s va=%0*lx asid=%02lx [pa=%0*llx c=%d d=%d v=%d g=%d] [pa=%0*llx c=%d d=%d v=%d g=%d] /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/pci/access.c&vpd->lock<3>%s %s: Error adding device, continuing <3>%s %s: Error adding bus, continuing pci%04x:%02x<6>%s %s: transparent bridge <7>%s %s: bridge io port: %pR <7>%s %s: bridge 32bit mmio: %pR <3>%s %s: can't handle 64-bit address space for bridge 3264<7>%s %s: bridge %sbit mmio pref: %pR <3>%s %s: can't handle 64-bit BAR 64bit mmio64bit mmio pref<7>%s %s: reg %x %s: %pR io port32bit mmio32bit mmio pref%04x:%02x:%02x.%d<3>%s %s: unknown header type %02x, ignoring device <3>%s %s: ignoring class %02x (doesn't match header type %02x) <4>pci %04x:%02x:%02x.%d: not responding PCI CardBus %04x:%02xPCI Bus %04x:%02xcpuaffinitycpulistaffinitypci_busnomsinoaernodomainscbiosize=cbmemsize=resource_alignment=ecrc=hpiosize=hpmemsize=<3>PCI: Unknown option `%s' %x:%x:%x.%x%n%x:%x.%x%n<3>PCI: Can't parse resource_alignment parameter: %s /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/pci/pci.c<3>%s %s: BAR: invalid resource #%d <6>%s %s: PME# %s <3>%s %s: unsupported PM cap regs version (%u) D1 D2<7>%s %s: supports%s%s D0 D3hot D3cold<6>%s %s: PME# supported from%s%s%s%s%s <6>%s %s: unrecognized suspend event %d <7>%s %s: cache line size of %d is not supported <3>%s %s: transaction is not cleared; proceeding with reset anyway <3>%s %s: buffer not found in %s <4>%s %s: BAR %d: can't reserve %s region %pR <3>%s %s: unable to preallocate PCI Express save buffer <3>%s %s: unable to preallocate PCI-X save buffer <7>%s %s: restoring config space at offset %#x (was %#x, writing %#x) <3>%s %s: invalid power transition (from state %d to %d) <6>%s %s: Refused to change power state, currently in D%d D0D1D2D3hotD3coldresource_alignment<6>%s %s: Activating ISA DMA hang workarounds <6>%s %s: Disabling direct PCI/PCI transfers <6>%s %s: Limiting direct PCI/PCI transfers <6>%s %s: AMD8131 rev %x detected; disabling PCI-X MMRBC <6>%s %s: Netmos %04x (%u parallel, %u serial); changing class SERIAL to OTHER (use parport_serial) <6>%s %s: Disabling L0s <6>%s %s: NCR 53c810 rev 1 detected; setting PCI class <6>%s %s: Setting PCI class for 816x PCIe device <4>%s %s: Can't reassign resources to host bridge. <6>%s %s: Disabling memory decoding and releasing memory resources. <6>%s %s: Rounding up size of resource #%d to %#llx. <6>%s %s: C0 revision 450NX. Disabling PCI restreaming <6>%s %s: Fixing P64H2 IOBL_ADR from 0x%x to 0x%x for 1KB granularity <6>%s %s: i801 SMBus device continues to play 'hide and seek'! 0x%x <6>%s %s: Enabled i801 SMBus device <6>%s %s: Chipset erratum: Disabling direct PCI/AGP transfers <6>%s %s: Enable I/O Space to 1KB granularity <6>%s %s: PIIX3: Enabling Passive Release <6>%s %s: Fixup for MediaGX/Geode Slave Disconnect Boundary (0x41=0x%02x) <6>%s %s: set SATA to AHCI mode <6>%s %s: IDE mode mismatch; forcing legacy mode <6>%s %s: Enabling SiS 96x SMBus <6>%s %s: Linking AER extended capability <6>%s %s: Disabling VIA CX700 PCI parking <6>%s %s: Disabling VIA CX700 PCI caching <6>%s %s: Enabling MCH 'Overflow' Device <6>%s %s: Onboard AC97/MC97 devices continue to play 'hide and seek'! 0x%x <6>%s %s: Enabled onboard AC97/MC97 devices <6>%s %s: [Firmware Bug]: TigerPoint LPC.BM_STS cleared <6>%s %s: %s MMIO at %04x-%04x <6>%s %s: %s PIO at %04x-%04x <6>%s %s: %s PIO at %04x (mask %04x) <6>%s %s: Applying VIA southbridge workaround <6>%s %s: ATI Northbridge, reserving I/O ports 0x3b0 to 0x3bb RadeonIGP<6>%s %s: quirk: region %04x-%04x claimed by %s ali7101 ACPIali7101 SMBPIIX4 ACPIPIIX4 SMBPIIX4 devres BPIIX4 devres CPIIX4 devres EPIIX4 devres FPIIX4 devres GPIIX4 devres HPIIX4 devres IPIIX4 devres JICH4 ACPI/GPIO/TCOICH4 GPIOICH6 ACPI/GPIO/TCOICH6 GPIOLPC Generic IO decode 1LPC Generic IO decode 2ICH7 LPC Generic IO decode 1ICH7 LPC Generic IO decode 2ICH7 LPC Generic IO decode 3ICH7 LPC Generic IO decode 4vt82c586 ACPIvt82c686 HW-monvt82c686 SMBvt8235 PMvt8235 SMB<4>%s %s: TI XIO2000a quirk detected; secondary bus fast back-to-back transfers disabled <6>%s %s: VIA VLink IRQ fixup, from %d to %d <4>%s %s: BIOS failed to enable PCI standards compliance; fixing this error /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/pci/quirks.c<6>%s %s: Enabled ICH6/i801 SMBus device <4>%s %s: PXH quirk detected; SHPC device MSI disabled <4>%s %s: Can't map e100 registers <4>%s %s: Firmware left e100 interrupts enabled; disabling <4>%s %s: igfx quirk: Can't iomap PCI device <4>%s %s: BIOS left Intel GPU interrupts enabled; disabling /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/pci/pci-driver.cPCI PM: Device state not saved by %pF PCI PM: State of device not saved by %pF %x %x %x %x %x %x%x %x %x %x %x %x %lxcompatremove_idnew_id/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/pci/search.cpci:v%08Xd%08Xsv%08Xsd%08Xbc%02Xsc%02Xi%02x 0x%06x 0x%04x 0x%016llx 0x%016llx 0x%016llx not<4>%s %s: forced subordinate bus to%s support MSI, bad things could happen /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/pci/pci-sysfs.cprocess "%s" tried to map 0x%08lx bytes at page 0x%08lx on %s BAR %d (start 0x%16Lx, size 0x%16Lx) resource%d_wcresource%dvpdrescanvendorsubsystem_vendorsubsystem_devicelocal_cpuslocal_cpulistmodaliasbroken_parity_statusmsi_busboot_vga<3>%s %s: Invalid ROM contents <3>%s %s: device not available because of BAR %d %pR collisions <6>%s %s: enabling device (%04x -> %04x) <4>%s %s: BAR %d: bogus alignment %pR flags %#lx pdev_sort_resources(): kmalloc() failed! no parent found foraddress space collision on<3>%s %s: BAR %d: %s of %s %pR <3>%s %s: BAR %d: error updating (%#08x != %#08x) <3>%s %s: BAR %d: error updating (high %#08x != %#08x) <6>%s %s: BAR %d: can't allocate resource (bogus alignment) %pR flags %#lx <6>%s %s: BAR %d: can't allocate %s resource %pR <3>%s %s: Potentially misrouted IRQ (Bridge %s %04x:%04x) <3>%s %s: %s <3>%s %s: Please report to linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/pci/irq.cMSIX routing failureMSI routing failureunknown cause (not MSI or ACPI)%02x%02x %04x%04x %x %16llx%02x.%xbus/pcislots<3>PCI: Slot initialization failure /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/pci/slot.c%04x:%02x:%02x %s-%daddressPCI_CLASS=%04XPCI_ID=%04X:%04XPCI_SUBSYS_ID=%04X:%04XPCI_SLOT_NAME=%sMODALIAS=pci:v%08Xd%08Xsv%08Xsd%08Xbc%02Xsc%02Xi%02xvirtfn%uphysfndep_link<3>%s %s: not enough MMIO resources for SR-IOV <3>%s %s: SR-IOV: bus number out of range &iov->lockio: mem:pref mem<7>%s %s: resource %d %s %pR <6>%s %s: CardBus bridge, secondary bus %04x:%02x <6>%s %s: IO window: %#08lx-%#08lx <6>%s %s: PREFETCH window: %#08lx-%#08lx <6>%s %s: MEM window: %#08lx-%#08lx <6>%s %s: PCI bridge, secondary bus %04x:%02x <6>%s %s: IO window: %#04lx-%#04lx <6>%s %s: IO window: disabled <6>%s %s: MEM window: disabled <6>%s %s: PREFETCH window: %#0*llx-%#0*llx <6>%s %s: PREFETCH window: disabled <6>%s %s: not setting up bridge for bus %04x:%02x <4>%s %s: BAR %d bad alignment %llx: %pR dummy devicebacklight<4>Unable to create backlight class; errno = %ld SOURCE=sysfsSOURCE=hotkeySOURCE=unknownactual_brightness&new_bd->update_lock&new_bd->ops_lockbl_powermax_brightness&fbdefio->lock<3>no mapping available <3>%s: no way to set suspend state <3>%s: failed to enabled/disable <3>%s: failed to set voltage <3>%s: failed to set mode <3>%s: no constraints for %s <3>%s: operation not allowed for %s <3>%s: invalid mode %x for %s <6>regulator: core version %s 0.5voltage current unknown fast normal idle standby constraint not defined fastidleregulator<6>%s: disabling %s <3>%s: couldn't disable %s: %d <4>%s: incomplete constraints, leaving %s on <3>%s: failed to prepare %s <3>%s: invalid output voltage found for %s <3>%s: invalid input voltage found for %s <3>%s: failed to get optimum mode for %s @ %d uA %d -> %d uV <3>%s: failed to set optimum mode %x for %s <3>%s: failed to enable %s: %d <3>%s: is_enabled() failed for %s: %d /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/regulator/core.csupply&rdev->mutex&(&rdev->notifier)->rwsemregulator.%d<3>%s: %s '%s' voltage constraints invalidunsupportable<3>%s: failed to apply %duV constraint to %s <3>%s: failed to set suspend state for %s <3>%s: no set_mode operation for %s <3>%s: failed to set initial mode for %s: %d <3>%s: failed to enable %s %d <--> %d mV %d <--> %d mA fast normal idle <6>regulator: %s: %s <3>%s: could not add device link %s err %d unbalanced disables for %s <3>%s: failed to disable %s <3>%s: failed to force disable %s <3>Failed to disable %s <3>Failed to enable %s <3>regulator: get() with no identifier microamps_requested_%s<4>%s: could not add regulator_dev load sysfs %s-%s<4>%s: could not add device link %s err %d <3>%s %s: Failed to get supply '%s' opmoderequested_microampsmin_microvoltsmax_microvoltsmin_microampsmax_microampssuspend_standby_statesuspend_mem_statesuspend_disk_statesuspend_standby_microvoltssuspend_mem_microvoltssuspend_disk_microvoltssuspend_standby_modesuspend_mem_modesuspend_disk_modenum_usersunable to get major %d for memory devs char/memfullurandomHardware RNG duplicated output! %02x%02x%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02xblockingnonblockingNULL ttyCouldn't register /dev/tty driver Couldn't register /dev/console driver <4>Warning: dev (%s) tty->count(%d) != #fd's(%d) in %s <4>null TTY for (%d:%d) in %s <4>bad magic number for tty struct (%d:%d) in %s tty_fasynctty_polltty_read<7>tty not NULL!! /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/char/tty_io.c<3>Attempt to register invalid tty line number (%d). %s%c%x&tty->termios_mutex&tty->ldisc_mutex&tty->atomic_read_lock&tty->atomic_write_lock&tty->output_lock&tty->echo_lockdo_tty_hangup<5>SAK: killed process %d (%s): task_session(p)==tty->session <5>SAK: killed process %d (%s): fd#%d opened to the tty tty_release_dev<7>tty_release_dev: bad idx when trying to free (%s) <7>tty_release_dev: driver.table[%d] not tty for (%s) <7>tty_release_dev: driver.termios[%d] not termios for (%s) <7>tty_release_dev: other->table[%d] not o_tty for (%s) <7>tty_release_dev: other->termios[%d] not o_termios for (%s) <7>tty_release_dev: bad pty pointers <4>tty_release_dev: %s: read/write wait queue active! <4>tty_release_dev: bad pty slave count (%d) for %s <4>tty_release_dev: bad tty->count (%d) for %s tty_write<3>tty driver %s lacks a write_room method. <4>tty_check_change: tty->pgrp == NULL! tty_ioctl<6>tty_init_dev: ldisc open failed, clearing slot %d tty_open<3>n_tty_read: no tty->pgrp! <4>%s: %d input overrun(s) <3>%s: unknown flag %d n_tty<4>Warning?!? termios_locked is NULL. <4>Use of setserial/setrocket to set SPD_* flags is deprecated ???%-10s %2d tty-ldisc-%dn_tty: init_tty/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/char/tty_ldisc.cn_tty: getCouldn't open N_TTY ldisc for %s --- error %d./build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/char/tty_buffer.c<4>tty_port_close_start: tty->count = 1 port count = %d. <4>tty_port_close_start: count = %d &port->mutexCouldn't allocate Unix98 ptm driverCouldn't allocate Unix98 pts driverpty_masterptmpty_slaveptsCouldn't register Unix98 ptm driverCouldn't register Unix98 pts driverCouldn't register /dev/ptmx driver /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/char/pty.c%3i %s miscunable to get major %d for misc devices vcs%uvcsa%uvcsunable to get major %d for vcs devicevcvcsa<4>selection: kmalloc() failed kbd<3>keyboard.c: k_lowercase was called - impossible keyboard mode must be unicode for braille patterns <4>keyboard.c: can't emulate rawmode for keycode %d /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/char/vt.cvtconsole<4>Unable to create vt console class; errno = %ld vtcon%i<4>Unable to create device for %s; errno = %ld (M)%s %s Couldn't register /dev/tty0 driver tty0Couldn't allocate console driver Couldn't register console driver %c%c%cmonocolourConsole: %s %s %dx%dConsole: switching consoles %d-%d to %s %s %dx%d unblank_screen: tty %d not allocated ?? <3>vt: argh, driver_data is NULL ! con_write: tty %d not allocated [?6c[%d;%dR%s pid=%u uid=%u auid=%u ses=%u major=%d minor=%d comm= data=/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/char/tty_audit.cioctl=TIOCSTI&buf->mutexout of memory in TTY auditing<6>debug: sysrq always enabled. Loglevel set to %d <6>SysRq : HELP : This sysrq operation is disabled. sysrq-triggerloglevel(0-9)Changing LoglevelreBootResettingCrashTrigger a crashterminate-all-tasks(E)Terminate All Tasksmemory-full-oom-kill(F)Manual OOM executionkill-all-tasks(I)Kill All Tasksthaw-filesystems(J)Emergency Thaw of all frozen filesystemssaKSAKshow-memory-usage(M)Show Memorynice-all-RT-tasks(N)Nice All RT Tasksshow-registers(P)Show Regsshow-all-timers(Q)Show clockevent devices & pending hrtimers (no others)unRawKeyboard mode set to system defaultSyncEmergency Syncshow-task-states(T)Show StateUnmountEmergency Remount R/Oshow-blocked-tasks(W)Show Blocked Statedump-ftrace-buffer(Z)Dump ftrace bufferio+memcount:%d,PCI:%s,decodes=%s,owns=%s,locks=%s(%d:%d) /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/gpu/vga/vgaarb.c<6>vgaarb: device changed decodes: PCI:%s,olddecodes=%s,decodes=%s:owns=%s <6>vgaarb: transferring owner from PCI:%s to PCI:%s <3>vgaarb: failed to allocate pci device <6>vgaarb: device added: PCI:%s,decodes=%s,owns=%s,locks=%s <3>vgaarb: error %d registering device <6>vgaarb: loaded lock unlock trylock target PCI:%x:%x:%x.%x<3>vgaarb: invalid PCI domain and/or bus address %x:%x <3>vgaarb: invalid PCI address %x:%x <3>vgaarb: this pci device is not a vga device <3>vgaarb: maximum user cards (%d) number reached! decodes vga_arbiter<1>Removing wrong port: %p != %p I/O 0x%lxI/O 0x%lx offset 0x%xMMIO 0x%llx*unknown*<6>%s%s%s%d at %s (irq = %d) is a %s <3>Cannot register tty device on line %d serinfo:1.0 driver%s%s revision:%s port:mmio:0x%d: uart:%s %s%08llX irq:%d tx:%d rx:%d fe:%d pe:%d brk:%d oe:%d|RTS|CTS|DTR|DSR|CD|RI/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/serial/serial_core.c<5>%s sets custom speed on %s. This is deprecated. <3>uart_close: bad serial port count; tty->count is 1, port->count is %d <3>uart_close: bad serial port count for %s: %d <3>%s%s%s%d: Unable to drain transmitter serial-rsa<4>ttyS%d: detected caps %08x should be %08x <6>ttyS%d: LSR safety check engaged! <3>serial8250: too much work for irq%d <6>Serial: 8250/16550 driver, %d ports, IRQ sharing %sabled <3>%s %s: unable to register port at index %d (IO%lx MEM%llx IRQ%d): %d 8250164501655016550ACirrusST16650ST16650V2TI16750Startech16C950/954ST16654XR16850RSANS16550AXScaleOCTEONAR78250_pci<7>serial8250: skipping TxEn test for device [%04x:%04x] subsystem [%04x:%04x] <4>%s: %s Please send the output of lspci -vv, this message (0x%04x,0x%04x,0x%04x,0x%04x), the manufacturer and name of serial board or modem board to rmk+serial@arm.linux.org.uk. no memory in barno memory in bar 0<7>Local i960 firmware missing<3>pciserial: Unable to re-enable ports, trying to continue. <7>%d ports detected on Oxford PCI Express device Unknown SIIG cardite887xUnknown ITE887x<3>ite887x: could not find iobase <4>Couldn't register serial port %s: %d <3>pci_init_one: invalid driver_data: %ld Redundant entry in serial pci_table.uartuart8250,uart,mmio,<3>%s: Couldn't ioremap 0x%llx io,I/O portMMIO<6>Early serial console at %s 0x%llx (options '%s') virtualsubsystemdev_attr_show: %s returned bad count /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/base/core.c<3>Device '%s' does not have a release() function, it is broken and must be fixed. MAJOR=%uMINOR=%uDEVNAME=%sDEVMODE=%#oDEVTYPE=%sDRIVER=%s<3>%s %s: uevent: unsupported action-string; this will be ignored in a future kernel version uevent/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/base/sys.cInterrupts enabled after %pF Interrupts enabled while resuming system devices Interrupts enabled while suspending system devices <3>Class suspend failed for %s <3>Class driver suspend failed for %s <4>sysdev: invalid class passed to sysdev_driver_register! <4>sysdev: class %s: driver (%p) has already been registered to a class, something is wrong, but will forge on! <3>%s: invalid device class <3>%s: uevent attr (%s) failed <3>%s: driver_add_attrs(%s) failed <3>%s: add_bind_files(%s) failed /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/base/bus.c&(&priv->bus_notifier)->rwsemdrivers_autoprobedrivers_probeunbind<4>%s: device %s already bound /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/base/dd.c<3>%s: driver_sysfs_add(%s) failed <4>%s: probe of %s failed with error %d /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/base/driver.cUnexpected driver unregister! <4>Driver '%s' needs updating - please use bus_type methods <3>Error: Driver '%s' is already registered, aborting... /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/base/class.c%s called for class '%s' before it was initializedstruct class mutexplatform:%s MODALIAS=%s%splatform:<4>%s: unable to parse %s parameter <4>%s: unable to probe %s early. %s.%d<3>%s: failed to claim resource %d possiblepresentkernel_max/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/base/devres.c<3>%s %s: failed to allocate class container <3>devtmpfs: unable to register devtmpfs type %i <3>devtmpfs: unable to create devtmpfs %i <6>devtmpfs: initialized mode=0755<6>devtmpfs: error mounting %i <6>devtmpfs: mounted devtmpfs<3>%s(): %pF returns %d freezequiescehibernatethawrestorerecover(unknown PM event)<3>PM: Device %s failed to %s%s: error %d <3>PM: Failed to prepare device %s for power transition: error %d early late<4>%s %s: parent %s should not be sleeping /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/base/power/main.cDevice: %s Parentless device registered during a PM transaction <4>%s %s: Unbalanced %s! /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/base/dma-mapping.c<3>%s: class_register failed <3>%s: class_create_file failed FIRMWARE=%sTIMEOUT=%ifirmware/%s<3>%s %s: %s: vmap() failed <3>%s %s: %s: unexpected value (%d) <3>%s %s: %s: kmalloc(struct firmware) failed <6>%s %s: firmware: using built-in firmware %s /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/base/firmware_class.c<3>%s %s: firmware: %s will not be loaded <6>%s %s: firmware: requesting %s <3>%s %s: %s: kmalloc failed <3>%s %s: %s: Firmware name allocation failed <3>%s %s: %s: device_register failed <3>%s %s: %s: sysfs_create_bin_file failed <3>%s %s: %s: device_create_file failed loading%s:%sram%dramdisk<6>brd: module loaded Well-known LUN No Device Unknown <5>SCSI subsystem initialized <3>SCSI subsystem failed to initialize, error = %d <4>%s %s: scsi_adjust_queue_depth, bad queue type, disabled scsi_cmd_cache(DMA)scsi_sense_cache(DMA)scsi_cmd_cachescsi_sense_cacheDirect-Access Sequential-AccessPrinter Processor WORM CD-ROM Scanner Optical Device Medium Changer Communications ASC IT8 RAID Enclosure Direct-Access-RBCOptical card Bridge controllerObject storage Automation/Drive <3>ERROR: Scsi host '%s' attempted to flush scsi-work, when no workqueue created. <3>ERROR: Scsi host '%s' attempted to queue scsi-work, when no workqueue created. &shost->scan_mutexhost%dscsi_eh_%d<4>scsi_register() called on new-style template for driver %s <6>scsi%d : %s <3>%s: can_queue = 0 no longer supported scsi_wq_%dscsi_host<6>ioctl_internal_command: ILLEGAL REQUEST asc=0x%x ascq=0x%x <6>%s %s: ioctl_internal_command return code = %x Result: hostbyte=0x%02x driverbyte=0x%02x <6>%s %s: [%s] <6>%s %s: Sense Key : 0x%x [deferred] [current] [descriptor]<6>0x%0xshort opcode=0x%x command, len=%d ext_len=%dcdb[0]=0x%x, sa=0x%x, in_cdb_len=%d, ext_len=%dcdb[0]=0x%xcdb[0]=0x%x (vendor)<6>%s %s: [%s] CDB: <6>%s %s: CDB: %02x<> ASC=0x%x ASCQ=0x%xASC=0x%x <> ASCQ=0x%xASC=0x%x ASCQ=0x%x<6>%s %s: [%s] %s: <6>%s %s: %s: <6>%s: Unrecognized sense data (in hex):<6> Info fld=0x%xFMKEOMILIDescriptor sense data with sense descriptors (in hex):<6>%s %s: reservation conflict <6>%s %s: Device offlined - not ready after error recovery /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/scsi/scsi_error.c/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/scsi/scsi_lib.c<3>%s: Bytes in sg: %zu, requested offset %zu, elements %d <3>%s %s: rejecting I/O to offline device <3>%s %s: rejecting I/O to dead device <3>%s %s: event %d eaten due to OOM SDEV_MEDIA_CHANGE=1scsi_data_buffer<3>SCSI: can't init scsi sdb cache <3>SCSI: can't init sg slab %s <3>SCSI: can't init sg mempool %s <2>impossible request in %s. <6>%s %s: [%s] killing request <6>%s %s: killing request <2>impossible request in %s. please mail a stack trace to linux-scsi@vger.kernel.org fooUnhandled sense codeMedia ChangedHost Data Integrity FailureTarget Data Integrity FailureDevice not ready<6>%s %s: [%s] %s <6>%s %s: %s Unhandled error code<3>%s %s: timing out command, waited %lus sgpool-8sgpool-16sgpool-32sgpool-64sgpool-128<3>%s: allocation failure target%d:%d:%d<3>%s %s: target allocation failed, error %d <3>%s: Allocation failure during SCSI scanning, some SCSI devices might not be configured <6>scsi: waiting for bus probes to complete ... <6>scsi scan: %d byte inquiry failed. Consider BLIST_INQUIRY_36 for this device <6>scsi scan: INQUIRY result too short (%d), using 36 <6>scsi: unknown device type %d CCS<5>%s %s: %s %.8s %.16s %.4s PQ: %d ANSI: %d%s <3>%s %s: in wrong state %s to complete scan <3>%s %s: failed to configure device <5>scsi: unlocking floptical drive host %d channel %d id %d<4>scsi: On %s only %d (max_scsi_report_luns) of %d luns reported, try increasing max_scsi_report_luns. <4>scsi: %s lun 0x has a LUN larger than currently supported. <4>scsi: %s lun%d has a LUN larger than allowed by the host adapter <3>%s %s: Unexpected response from lun %d while scanning, scan aborted %s called twice for host %dscsi_scan_%dscsi_targetnullnullnullnullsimple%hd %hu scsi:t-0x%02x %.4s %.16s %.8s InitiatorTarget%10s %10s %10s %cMODALIAS=scsi:t-0x%02x%d:%d:%d:%d<3>%s %s: target device_add failed, error %d <6>error 1 <6>error 2 <6>%s %s: Failed to register bsg queue, errno=%d scsi_devicecreatedrunningdeletedcreated-blockedcancel/recoverydeleted/recoveryqueue_depthqueue_typeunique_idhost_busycmd_per_luncan_queuesg_tablesizeunchecked_isa_dmaproc_namescansupported_modeactive_modeprot_capabilitiesprot_guard_typedevice_blockedscsi_levelmodelrevdeleteiocounterbitsiorequest_cntiodone_cntioerr_cntevt_media_change[%s]: '%.8s' '%.16s' 0x%x scsi/device_info<4>%s: %s string '%s' is too long <3>%s: no memory ,"<3>%s: bad dev info string '%s' '%s' '%s' AashimaIMAGERY 2400SP1.03CHINONCD-ROM CDS-431H42CD-ROM CDS-535Q14DENONDRD-25XHITACHIDK312CCM81DK314CCR21IBM2104-DU32104-TU3IMSCDD521/102.06MAXTORXT-3280PR02XT-4380SB3CMXT-1240SI1.2XT-4170SB5AXT-8760SB7BMEDIAVISRENO CD-ROMX2A2.03MICROTEKScanMakerIII2.30NECCD-ROM DRIVE:8411.0PHILIPSPCA80SCV4-2RODIMERO3000S2.33SUNSENASANYOCRD-250S1.20SEAGATEST157N|jST296921ST15816538SONYCD-ROM CDU-5414.3dCD-ROM CDU-55S1.0iCD-ROM CDU-5611.7xCD-ROM CDU-8012SDT-50003.17TANDBERGTDC 3600U07TEACCD-R55S1.0HCD-ROM1.06MT-2ST/45S2-27RV MHPC1750A3226C1790AC2500ACDR-H93MV1.31ScanMaker II5.61MITSUMICD-R CR-2201CS6119D38560009QUANTUMLPS525S3110PD1225SFIREBALL ST4.3S0F0CRELISYSScorpioSANKYOCP5256.64TEXELtranstecT50080001YAMAHACDR1001.00CDR102CRW8424SCRW6416S1.0cScanner1.803PARdataVVADAPTECAACRAIDAdaptec 5400SAFT PRO-IX CF0.0>BELKINUSB 2 HS-CF1.95BROWNIE1200U3P1600U3PCANONIPUBJDCBOX3USB Storage-SMC300ACMDCRA-7280CNSIG7324CNSiG8324COMPAQARRAY CONTROLLERLOGICAL VOLUMECR3500MSA1000MSA1000 VOLUMEHSV110DDNSAN DataDirectorDECHSG80DELLPV660FPV660F PSEUDOPSEUDO DEVICE .PV530FPERCRAIDDGCDISKEMCInvistaSYMMETRIXEMULEXMD21/S2 ESDIeasyRAID16PX6PF8FSCCentricStorGenericUSB SD Reader01800207DF400DF500DISK-SUBSYSTEMOPEN-OP-C-3380-3390-6586-6588-A6189ANetRAID-4MHSV100C1557AC3323-3004269C5713ADF600AuSaV1S2ProFibre 4000R2105iomegajaz 1GBJ.86IOMEGAZIPIo20S *FINSITEFloptical F*8II325VMiRiveriFP Mass DriverLASOUNDCDX74053.10MATSHITAPD-1DMC-LC5DMC-LC40MedionFlash XL MMC/SD2.6DMegaRAIDLDMICROP4110MYLEXDACARMRBnCipherFastness CryptoNAKAMICHMJ-4.8SMJ-5.16SPD-1 ODX654PiStorageNRCMBR-7MBR-7.4PIONEERCD-ROM DRM-600CD-ROM DRM-602XCD-ROM DRM-604XCD-ROM DRM-624XPromiseXP343011071REGALCDC-4XSanDiskImageMate CF-SD1ST34555N0930ST3390N9546SGIRAID3RAID5TP9100Universal XportSMSCCD-ROM CDU-8001TSLST650211T300T4Tornado-F4TOSHIBACDROMTraxdataCDR4120USB2.0SMARTMEDIA/XDWangDATModel 260001.7Model 320002.2Model 130002.4WDC WD2500JB-00FUA0XYRATEXRSZzyzxRocketStor 500SRocketStor 2000<4>%s: Dropped SCSI Msg : host %d vendor_unique - err %d netlink socketalloc_skbnlmsg_unicastnlmsg_put<4>%s: Dropped Message : pid %d Transport %d, msgtype x%x, msglen %d: %s : err %d <4>%s: Msgtype %d failed - err %d <4>%s: discarding partial skb <4>%s: discarding partial message <3>%s: register of event handler failed - %d <3>%s: register of recieve handler failed <3>%s: register of GENERIC transport handler failed - %d <3>%s: removal of driver failed - vendor_id 0x%llx scsi/scsiAttached devices: Host: scsi%d Channel: %02d Id: %02d Lun: %02d Vendor: Model: Rev: Type: %s ANSI SCSI revision: %02x CCS scsi add-single-devicescsi remove-single-device<3>%s: Failed to register host %d in%s <3>%s: proc_mkdir failed for %s <3>%s %s: [%s] formatted with unsupported protection type %u. Disabling disk! <3>%s %s: formatted with unsupported protection type %u. Disabling disk! <5>%s %s: [%s] Enabling DIF Type %u protection <5>%s %s: Enabling DIF Type %u protection <5>%s %s: [%s] Disabling DIF Type %u protection <5>%s %s: Disabling DIF Type %u protection <4>%s %s: [%s] getting Control mode page failed, assume no ATO <4>%s %s: getting Control mode page failed, assume no ATO <3>%s %s: [%s] ATO Got wrong page <3>%s %s: ATO Got wrong page <4>%s %s: [%s] START_STOP FAILED <4>%s %s: START_STOP FAILED <5>%s %s: [%s] Starting disk <5>%s %s: Starting disk <5>%s %s: [%s] Synchronizing SCSI cache <5>%s %s: Synchronizing SCSI cache <5>%s %s: [%s] Stopping disk <5>%s %s: Stopping disk <5>%s %s: [%s] Sense not available. <5>%s %s: Sense not available. <5>%s %s: [%s] READ CAPACITY failed <5>%s %s: READ CAPACITY failed <4>%s %s: SCSI disk (sd) name space exhausted. <5>%s %s: [%s] READ CAPACITY(16) failed <5>%s %s: READ CAPACITY(16) failed <5>%s %s: [%s] physical block alignment offset: %u <5>%s %s: physical block alignment offset: %u <4>%s %s: [%s] sd_revalidate_disk: Memory allocation failure. <4>%s %s: sd_revalidate_disk: Memory allocation failure. <5>%s %s: [%s] Unit Not Ready <5>%s %s: Unit Not Ready <5>%s %s: [%s] Spinning up disk...<5>%s %s: Spinning up disk...ready <5>%s %s: [%s] Very big device. Trying to use READ CAPACITY(16). <5>%s %s: Very big device. Trying to use READ CAPACITY(16). <5>%s %s: [%s] Using 0xffffffff as device size <5>%s %s: Using 0xffffffff as device size <6>%s %s: [%s] Adjusting the sector count from its reported value: %llu <6>%s %s: Adjusting the sector count from its reported value: %llu <5>%s %s: [%s] Sector size 0 reported, assuming 512. <5>%s %s: Sector size 0 reported, assuming 512. <5>%s %s: [%s] Unsupported sector size %d. <5>%s %s: Unsupported sector size %d. <5>%s %s: [%s] %llu %d-byte logical blocks: (%s/%s) <5>%s %s: %llu %d-byte logical blocks: (%s/%s) <5>%s %s: [%s] %u-byte physical blocks <5>%s %s: %u-byte physical blocks <5>%s %s: [%s] Assuming Write Enabled <5>%s %s: Assuming Write Enabled <4>%s %s: [%s] Test WP failed, assume Write Enabled <4>%s %s: Test WP failed, assume Write Enabled <5>%s %s: [%s] Write Protect is %s <5>%s %s: Write Protect is %s <7>%s %s: [%s] Mode Sense: %02x %02x %02x %02x <7>%s %s: Mode Sense: %02x %02x %02x %02x <3>%s %s: [%s] Missing header in MODE_SENSE response <3>%s %s: Missing header in MODE_SENSE response <3>%s %s: [%s] Malformed MODE SENSE response <3>%s %s: Malformed MODE SENSE response <3>%s %s: [%s] Got wrong page <3>%s %s: Got wrong page <5>%s %s: [%s] Uses READ/WRITE(6), disabling FUA <5>%s %s: Uses READ/WRITE(6), disabling FUA doesn't support DPO or FUAsupports DPO and FUA<5>%s %s: [%s] Write cache: %s, read cache: %s, %s <5>%s %s: Write cache: %s, read cache: %s, %s <5>%s %s: [%s] Cache data unavailable <5>%s %s: Cache data unavailable <3>%s %s: [%s] Asking for cache data failed <3>%s %s: Asking for cache data failed <3>%s %s: [%s] Assuming drive cache: write through <3>%s %s: Assuming drive cache: write through not responding... removable <5>%s %s: [%s] Attached SCSI %sdisk <5>%s %s: Attached SCSI %sdisk <3>%s %s: [%s] Bad block number requested <3>%s %s: Bad block number requested <3>%s %s: [%s] Unknown command %x <3>%s %s: Unknown command %x <3>%s %s: [%s] FUA write on READ/WRITE(6) drive <3>%s %s: FUA write on READ/WRITE(6) drive sd_ext_cdb<3>sd: can't init extended cdb cache <3>sd: can't init extended cdb pool scsi_diskwrite throughwrite backwrite back, no read (daft)cache_typeFUAallow_restartmanage_start_stopprotection_typeapp_tag_own<3>%s %s: [%s] %s: virt %u, phys %u, ref %u, app %4x <3>%s %s: %s: virt %u, phys %u, ref %u, app %4x <3>%s: bad phys ref tag on sector %lu <3>%s: ref tag error on sector %lu (rcvd %u) <3>%s: guard tag error on sector %lu (rcvd %04x, data %04x) <5>%s %s: [%s] Enabling DIX %s protection <5>%s %s: Enabling DIX %s protection <5>%s %s: [%s] DIF application tag size %u <5>%s %s: DIF application tag size %u T10-DIF-TYPE3-IPT10-DIF-TYPE1-IPT10-DIF-TYPE3-CRCT10-DIF-TYPE1-CRC%sata%u.%02u: device reported invalid CHS sector 0 <4>%sata%u: FORCE: cable set to %s <5><4>ata: failed to extend force table, libata.force ignored unknown valueambigious valueinvalid deviceinvalid port/link<4>ata: failed to parse force parameter "%s" (%s) ata_aux<7>libata version 3.00 loaded. <3>%s %s: failed to enable device after resume (%d) /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/ata/libata-core.c%sata%u: %s: EXIT <3>%s %s: failed to start port %d (errno=%d) %sata%u.%02u: FORCE: PHY spd limit set to %s %sata%u: FORCE: PHY spd limit set to %s %sata%u.%02u: FORCE: link flag 0x%x forced -> 0x%x %sata%u: FORCE: link flag 0x%x forced -> 0x%x <3>%s %s: BUG: trying to register unstarted host %sata%u: %cATA max %s %s %sata%u: DUMMY irq %d%sata%u.%02u: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=%d) %sata%u: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=%d) %sata%u.%02u: SATA link up %s (SStatus %X SControl %X) %sata%u: SATA link up %s (SStatus %X SControl %X) %sata%u.%02u: SATA link down (SStatus %X SControl %X) %sata%u: SATA link down (SStatus %X SControl %X) %sata%u.%02u: failed to resume link (SControl %X) <3>%sata%u: failed to resume link (SControl %X) %sata%u.%02u: link resume succeeded after %d retries %sata%u: link resume succeeded after %d retries %sata%u.%02u: failed to resume link for reset (errno=%d) %sata%u: failed to resume link for reset (errno=%d) %sata%u.%02u: COMRESET failed (errno=%d) %sata%u: COMRESET failed (errno=%d) %sata%u.%02u: limiting SATA link speed to %s %sata%u: limiting SATA link speed to %s waking up from sleep%sata%u: illegal qc_active transition (%08x->%08x) %sata%u.%02u: limiting speed to %s %sata%u.%02u: qc timeout (cmd 0x%x) %sata%u.%02u: %s: ENTER %sata%u.%02u: NODEV after polling detection %sata%u.%02u: IDENTIFY failed on device w/ SEMB sig, disabled %sata%u.%02u: both IDENTIFYs aborted, assuming NODEV device reports invalid typeSPINUP failedunsupported classI/O errorINIT_DEV_PARAMS failed%sata%u.%02u: failed to IDENTIFY (%s, err_mask=0x%x) %sata%u.%02u: class mismatch %d != %d %sata%u.%02u: model number mismatch '%s' != '%s' %sata%u.%02u: serial number mismatch '%s' != '%s' %sata%u.%02u: %s: ENTER/EXIT -- nodev %sata%u.%02u: FORCE: horkage modified (%s) %sata%u.%02u: unsupported device, disabling not supported with this driver%sata%u.%02u: WARNING: ATAPI is %s, device ignored. %sata%u.%02u: applying link speed limit horkage to %s 1.5 Gbps%sata%u.%02u: failed to read native max address (err_mask=0x%x) %sata%u.%02u: HPA support seems broken, skipping HPA handling %sata%u.%02u: HPA detected: current %llu, native %llu %sata%u.%02u: native sectors (%llu) is smaller than sectors (%llu) %sata%u.%02u: failed to set max address (err_mask=0x%x) %sata%u.%02u: failed to re-read IDENTIFY data after HPA resizing %sata%u.%02u: HPA unlocked: %llu -> %llu, native %llu %sata%u.%02u: %s: cfg 49:%04x 82:%04x 83:%04x 84:%04x 85:%04x 86:%04x 87:%04x 88:%04x %sata%u.%02u: supports DRM functions and may not be fully accessable. CFAATA-%dLBA48LBANCQ (not used), AA%sata%u.%02u: failed to enable AA(error_mask=0x%x) NCQ (depth %d)%sNCQ (depth %d/%d)%s%sata%u.%02u: %s: %s, %s, max %s %sata%u.%02u: %Lu sectors, multi %u: %s %s %sata%u.%02u: %Lu sectors, multi %u, CHS %u/%u/%u %sata%u.%02u: unsupported CDB len %sata%u.%02u: failed to enable ATAPI AN (err_mask=0x%x) , ATAPI AN, CDB intr, DMADIR%sata%u.%02u: ATAPI: %s, %s, max %s%s%s%s %sata%u.%02u: applying bridge limits %sata%u.%02u: Drive reports diagnostics failure. This may indicate a drive %sata%u.%02u: fault or invalid emulation. Contact drive vendor for information. %sata%u.%02u: WARNING: device requires firmware update to be fully functional. %sata%u.%02u: contact the vendor or visit http://ata.wiki.kernel.org. %sata%u.%02u: %s: EXIT, err %sata%u.%02u: device aborted resize (%llu -> %llu), skipping HPA handling %sata%u.%02u: class mismatch %u != %u %sata%u.%02u: n_sectors mismatch %llu != %llu %sata%u.%02u: new n_sectors matches native, probably late HPA unlock, n_sectors updated %sata%u.%02u: old n_sectors matches native, probably late HPA lock, will try to unlock HPA %sata%u.%02u: revalidation failed (errno=%d) %sata%u.%02u: device is on DMA blacklist, disabling DMA %sata%u.%02u: simplex DMA is claimed by other device, disabling DMA %sata%u.%02u: limited to UDMA/33 due to 40-wire cable %sata%u.%02u: FORCE: xfer_mask set to %s %sata%u.%02u: no PIO support (SET_XFERMODE skipped)%sata%u.%02u: NOSETXFER but PATA detected - can't skip SETXFER, might malfunction (device error ignored)%sata%u.%02u: configured for %s%s %sata%u.%02u: failed to set xfermode (err_mask=0x%x) 40c80cshort40cunkignsata1.5Gbps3.0Gbpsnoncqncqpio0pio1pio2pio3pio4pio5pio6mwdma0mwdma1mwdma2mwdma3mwdma4udma0udma16udma/16udma1udma25udma/25udma2udma33udma/33udma3udma44udma/44udma4udma66udma/66udma5udma100udma/100udma6udma133udma/133udma7nohrstnosrstnorst3.0 Gbps6.0 GbpsWDC AC11000HWDC AC22100HWDC AC32500HWDC AC33100HWDC AC31600HWDC AC32100H24.09P07WDC AC23200L21.10N21Compaq CRD-8241BCRD-8400BCRD-8480BCRD-8482BCRD-84SanDisk SDP3BSanDisk SDP3B-64SANYO CD-ROM CRDHITACHI CDR-8HITACHI CDR-8335HITACHI CDR-8435Toshiba CD-ROM XM-6202BTOSHIBA CD-ROM XM-1702BCCD-532E-AE-IDE CD-ROM CR-840CD-ROM Drive/F5AWPI CDD-820SAMSUNG CD-ROM SC-148CSAMSUNG CD-ROM SCATAPI CD-ROM DRIVE 40X MAXIMUM_NEC DV5800ASAMSUNG CD-ROM SN-124N001Seagate STT20000AConfig DiskTORiSAN DVD-ROM DRD-N216QUANTUM DAT DAT72-000WDC WD740ADFD-00WDC WD740ADFD-00NLR1FUJITSU MHT2060BHMaxtor *BANC*Maxtor 7V300F0VA111630ST380817AS3.42ST3160023ASOCZ CORE_SSD02.10104ST31500341ASSD15SD16SD17SD18SD19ST31000333ASST3640623ASST3640323ASST3320813ASST3320613ASHTS541060G9SA00MB3OC60DHTS541080G9SA00MB4OC60DHTS541010G9SA00MBZOC60DC300-CTFDDAC128MAGHDS724040KLSA80KFAOA20NWDC WD3200JD-00KLB0WD-WCAMR1130137WDC WD2500JD-00HBB0WD-WMAL71490727MAXTOR 6L080L4A93.0500OCZ-VERTEX1.30ST340823AST320413AST310211AQUANTUM FIREBALLlct10 05A03.0900TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S202HSB00SB01TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S202JTSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S202NMTRON MSP-SATA*WD My BookPIONEER DVD-RW DVRTD08PIO0PIO1PIO2PIO3PIO4PIO5PIO6MWDMA0MWDMA1MWDMA2MWDMA3MWDMA4UDMA/16UDMA/25UDMA/33UDMA/44UDMA/66UDMA/100UDMA/133UDMA7%sata%u.%02u: invalid multi_count %u ignored <4>ata%u: no sense translation for error 0x%02x <4>ata%u: no sense translation for status: 0x%02x <3>ata%u: translated ATA stat/err 0x%02x/%02x to SCSI SK/ASC/ASCQ 0x%x/%02x/%02x %sata%u.%02u: WARNING: zero len r/w req <4>ata%u: status=0x%02x { DriveReady DeviceFault SeekComplete DataRequest CorrectedError Index Error <4>ata%u: error=0x%02x { DriveStatusError BadCRC Sector UncorrectableError SectorIdNotFound TrackZeroNotFound AddrMarkNotFound %sata%u.%02u: drain buffer allocation failed %sata%u.%02u: sector_size=%u > PAGE_SIZE, PIO may malfunction /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/ata/libata-scsi.c%sata%u.%02u: detaching (SCSI %s) %sata%u: WARNING: synchronous SCSI scan failed without making any progress, switching to async MaxtorBANC1G10ATA n/a linux libata 3.00link_power_management_policyunload_headsem_messageem_message_typesw_activitymax_performancemin_powermedium_power/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/ata/libata-eh.c%sata%u.%02u: head unload failed! %sata%u.%02u: disabled %sata%u.%02u: port disabled. ignoring. %sata%u: port disabled. ignoring. %sata%u.%02u: prereset failed (errno=%d) %sata%u: prereset failed (errno=%d) hardsoft%sata%u.%02u: %s resetting link %sata%u: %s resetting link %sata%u.%02u: hard resetting link %sata%u: hard resetting link %sata%u.%02u: follow-up softreset required but no softreset avaliable %sata%u: follow-up softreset required but no softreset avaliable %sata%u.%02u: no reset method available, skipping reset %sata%u: no reset method available, skipping reset %sata%u.%02u: link online but device misclassifed %sata%u.%02u: link offline, clearing class %d to NONE %sata%u.%02u: link status unknown, clearing UNKNOWN to NONE %sata%u.%02u: link online but %d devices misclassified, retrying %sata%u: link online but %d devices misclassified, retrying %sata%u.%02u: link online but %d devices misclassified, device detection might fail %sata%u: link online but %d devices misclassified, device detection might fail %sata%u.%02u: reset failed (errno=%d), retrying in %u secs %sata%u: reset failed (errno=%d), retrying in %u secs frozen t%d%sata%u.%02u: exception Emask 0x%x SAct 0x%x SErr 0x%x action 0x%x%s%s %sata%u.%02u: %s %sata%u: exception Emask 0x%x SAct 0x%x SErr 0x%x action 0x%x%s%s %sata%u: %s RecovData RecovComm UnrecovData Persist Proto HostInt PHYRdyChg PHYInt CommWake 10B8B Dispar Handshk LinkSeq TrStaTrns UnrecFIS DevExch %sata%u.%02u: SError: { %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s} %sata%u: SError: { %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s} %s %u %scdb %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %sata%u.%02u: failed command: %s host bus errorATA bus errorHSM violationinternal errormedia errorinvalid argumentunknown errordevice error %sata%u.%02u: cmd %02x/%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x/%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x/%02x tag %d%s %sres %02x/%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x/%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x/%02x Emask 0x%x (%s)%s %sata%u.%02u: status: { Busy } DRDY DF DRQ ERR %sata%u.%02u: status: { %s%s%s%s} ICRC UNC IDNF ABRT %sata%u.%02u: error: { %s%s%s%s} %sata%u.%02u: invalid checksum 0x%x on log page 10h %sata%u.%02u: failed to read log page 10h (errno=%d) %sata%u: failed to read log page 10h (errno=%d) %sata%u.%02u: log page 10h reported inactive tag %d %sata%u: log page 10h reported inactive tag %d %sata%u.%02u: NCQ disabled due to excessive errors %sata%u.%02u: reset failed, giving up %sata%u: reset failed, giving up %sata%u.%02u: TEST_UNIT_READY failed (err_mask=0x%x) %sata%u.%02u: failed to clear UNIT ATTENTION (err_mask=0x%x) %sata%u.%02u: UNIT ATTENTION persists after %d tries %sata%u: EH pending after %d tries, giving up %sata%u: EH complete %s %s%llu@0x%llx%s 0x%llxbidiDEVICE RESETCHECK POWER MODESTANDBYIDLEEXECUTE DEVICE DIAGNOSTICDOWNLOAD MICROCODENOPFLUSH CACHEFLUSH CACHE EXTIDENTIFY DEVICEIDENTIFY PACKET DEVICESERVICEREAD DMAREAD DMA EXTREAD DMA QUEUEDREAD STREAM EXTREAD STREAM DMA EXTWRITE DMAWRITE DMA EXTWRITE DMA QUEUED EXTWRITE STREAM EXTWRITE STREAM DMA EXTWRITE DMA FUA EXTWRITE DMA QUEUED FUA EXTREAD FPDMA QUEUEDWRITE FPDMA QUEUEDREAD SECTOR(S)READ SECTOR(S) EXTWRITE SECTOR(S)WRITE SECTOR(S) EXTREAD MULTIPLEREAD MULTIPLE EXTWRITE MULTIPLEWRITE MULTIPLE EXTWRITE MULTIPLE FUA EXTSET FEATURESSET MULTIPLE MODEREAD VERIFY SECTOR(S)READ VERIFY SECTOR(S) EXTWRITE UNCORRECTABLE EXTSTANDBY IMMEDIATEIDLE IMMEDIATESLEEPINITIALIZE DEVICE PARAMETERSREAD NATIVE MAX ADDRESSREAD NATIVE MAX ADDRESS EXTSET MAX ADDRESSSET MAX ADDRESS EXTREAD LOG EXTWRITE LOG EXTREAD LOG DMA EXTWRITE LOG DMA EXTTRUSTED RECEIVETRUSTED RECEIVE DMATRUSTED SENDTRUSTED SEND DMAREAD BUFFERWRITE BUFFERDEVICE CONFIGURATION OVERLAYSECURITY SET PASSWORDSECURITY UNLOCKSECURITY ERASE PREPARESECURITY ERASE UNITSECURITY FREEZE LOCKSECURITY DISABLE PASSWORDCONFIGURE STREAMSMARTDOOR LOCKDOOR UNLOCKCHECK MEDIA CARD TYPECFA REQUEST EXTENDED ERRORCFA WRITE SECTORS WITHOUT ERASECFA TRANSLATE SECTORCFA ERASE SECTORSCFA WRITE MULTIPLE WITHOUT ERASEREAD LONG (with retries)READ LONG (without retries)WRITE LONG (with retries)WRITE LONG (without retries)RECALIBRATE<4>%s %s: failed to request/iomap BARs for port %d (errno=%d) cmd 0x%llx ctl 0x%llx<3>%s %s: no available native port <3>%s %s: failed to request/iomap BAR4 bmdma 0x%llx<3>%s %s: failed to allocate ATA host <3>%s %s: no valid port_info specified %sata%u: drained %d bytes to clear DRQ. %sata%u: ata_dev_select: ENTER, device %u, wait %u %sata%u: port is slow to respond, please be patient (Status 0x%x) %sata%u: port failed to respond (%lu secs, Status 0x%x) /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/ata/libata-sff.cST_FIRST: !(DRQ|ERR|DF)ST_FIRST: DRQ=1 with device error, dev_stat 0x%XST-ATAPI: DRQ=1 with device error, dev_stat 0x%Xunexpected or too much trailing data buf=%u cur=%u bytes=%uATAPI check failed (ireason=0x%x bytes=%u)ST-ATA: DRQ=0 without device error, dev_stat 0x%XST-ATA: BUSY|DRQ persists on ERR|DF, dev_stat 0x%XBMDMA stat 0x%x%sata%u: lost interrupt (Status 0x%x) %sata%u: disabling port %sata%u.%02u: SRST failed (errno=%d) %sata%u: SRST failed (errno=%d) %sata%u.%02u: device not ready (errno=%d), forcing hardreset %sata%u: device not ready (errno=%d), forcing hardreset %sata%u.%02u: failed to recover link after %d tries, disabling %sata%u: failed to recover link after %d tries, disabling failed to write GSCR_ERROR_EN1.21.1%sata%u.%02u: Port Multiplier %s, 0x%04x:0x%04x r%d, %d ports, feat 0x%x/0x%x %sata%u.%02u: Asynchronous notification not supported, hotplug won't work on fan-out ports. Use warm-plug instead. invalid nr_ports%sata%u.%02u: failed to configure Port Multiplier (%s, Emask=0x%x) %sata%u.%02u: failed to write SCR %d (Emask=0x%x) %sata%u: failed to write SCR %d (Emask=0x%x) %sata%u.%02u: failed to read PMP GSCR[%d] (Emask=0x%x) %sata%u.%02u: failed to read SCR %d (Emask=0x%x) %sata%u: failed to read SCR %d (Emask=0x%x) %sata%u.%02u: Port Multiplier detaching /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/ata/libata-pmp.c%sata%u.%02u: failed to reset PMP, giving up %sata%u: failed to reset PMP, giving up %sata%u.%02u: Port Multiplier vendor mismatch '0x%x' != '0x%x' %sata%u.%02u: Port Multiplier device ID mismatch '0x%x' != '0x%x' %sata%u.%02u: Port Multiplier nr_ports mismatch '0x%x' != '0x%x' %sata%u.%02u: PMP revalidation failed (errno=%d) %sata%u.%02u: failed to read PMP product ID (Emask=0x%x) %sata%u.%02u: PMP product ID mismatch %sata%u.%02u: failed to recover PMP after %d tries, giving up %sata%u.%02u: failed to disable NOTIFY (err_mask=0x%x) %sata%u: failed to disable NOTIFY (err_mask=0x%x) %sata%u.%02u: failed to clear SError.N (errno=%d) %sata%u: failed to clear SError.N (errno=%d) %sata%u.%02u: failed to write PMP_FEAT_EN (Emask=0x%x) %sata%u.%02u: failed to read PMP_GSCR_ERROR (Emask=0x%x) %sata%u.%02u: PHY status changed but maxed out on retries, giving up %sata%u: PHY status changed but maxed out on retries, giving up %sata%u.%02u: Manully issue scan to resume this link %sata%u: Manully issue scan to resume this link %sata%u: PMP SError.N set for some ports, repeating recovery %sata%u: failed to recover PMP after %d tries, giving up %sata%u.%02u: host does not support Port Multiplier %sata%u.%02u: Port Multiplier must be the first device %sata%u.%02u: failed to initialize PMP links %sata%u.%02u: Port Multipliers cannot be nested pata_via<7>%s %s: version 0.3.4 /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/ata/pata_via.cvx855vx800vt8261vt8237svt8251cx700vt6410vt6415vt8237avt8237vt8235vt8233avt8233cvt8233vt8231vt82c686bvt82c686avt82c686vt82c596bvt82c596avt82c586bvt82c586avt82c586vt82c576vtxxxx<3>Error registering mtd class: %d dev: size erasesize name mtd%d: %8.8llx %8.8x "%s" <5>Removing MTD device #%d (%s) with use count %d <4>%s: unlock failed, writes may not work mtd%dmtd%droabsentnornanddataflasherasesizewritesizesubpagesizeoobsizenumeraseregions<5>MTD: MTD device with name "%s" not found. <5>MTD: Attempt to mount non-MTD device "%s" <5>%s partition parsing not available <5>%d %s partitions found on MTD device %s <5>Creating %d MTD partitions on "%s": <3>memory allocation error while creating partitions for "%s" <5>Moving partition %d: 0x%012llx -> 0x%012llx <5>0x%012llx-0x%012llx : "%s" <3>mtd: partition "%s" is out of reach -- disabled <4>mtd: partition "%s" extends beyond the end of device "%s" -- size truncated to %#llx <4>mtd: partition "%s" doesn't start on an erase block boundary -- force read-only <4>mtd: partition "%s" doesn't end on an erase block -- force read-only <5>Can't allocate major number %d for Memory Technology Devices. <4>Unable to register %s block device on major %d: %d %sd<5>Unknown request %u &new->lock%s%c%s%c%c %s Extended Query Table at 0x%4.4X <3>Failed to allocate memory <5>using fwh lock/unlock method <4>%s: Bad S29GL032N CFI data, adjust from 127 to 63 sectors <4>%s: Bad S29GL064N CFI data, adjust from 64 to 128 sectors <4>%s: JEDEC Device ID is 0x%02X. Assuming broken CFI table. <3>Waiting for chip to be ready timed out. <3>MTD %s(): chip not ready after erase suspend <3>MTD: put_chip() called with oldstate %d!! <4>MTD %s(): software timeout <3>Argh. Chip not in PM_SUSPENDED state upon resume() <4>Failed to allocate memory for MTD device Amd/Fujitsu<3> Unknown Amd/Fujitsu Extended Query version %c.%c. <4>%s: CFI does not contain boot bank location. Assuming top. <4>%s: Swapping erase regions for broken CFI table. JEDECCFI<5>number of %s chips: %d <4>Failed to allocate memory for MTD erase region info <4>Sum of regions (%lx) != total size of set of interleaved chips (%lx) <5>cfi_cmdset_0002: Disabling erase-suspend-program due to code brokenness. cfi_cmdset_0002cfi_cmdset_%4.4X<5>Support for command set %04X not present <4>NOR chip too large to fit in mapping. Attempting to cope... <4>%s: kmalloc failed for CFI chip map <4>%s: kmalloc failed for CFI private structure <4>Reducing visibility of %ldKiB chip to %ldKiB <4>gen_probe: No supported Vendor Command Set found <5>Probe at base(0x%08x) past the end of the map(0x%08lx) <4>MTD %s(): Unsupported device type %d <6>Found: %s <7>%s: Found different chip or no chip at all (mfr 0x%x, id 0x%x) at 0x%x <7>%s: Found an alias at 0x%x for the chip at 0x%lx <6>%s: Found %d x%d devices at 0x%x in %d-bit bank jedec_probeAMD AM29F032BAMD AM29LV160DTAMD AM29LV160DBAMD AM29LV400BBAMD AM29LV400BTAMD AM29LV800BBAMD AM29DL800BBAMD AM29DL800BTAMD AM29F800BBAMD AM29LV800BTAMD AM29F800BTAMD AM29F017DAMD AM29F016DAMD AM29F080AMD AM29F040AMD AM29LV040BAMD AM29F002TAMD AM29SL800DTAMD AM29SL800DBAtmel AT49BV512Atmel AT29LV512Atmel AT49BV16XAtmel AT49BV16XTAtmel AT49BV32XAtmel AT49BV32XTEon EN29SL800BTEon EN29SL800BBFujitsu MBM29F040CFujitsu MBM29F800BAFujitsu MBM29LV650UEFujitsu MBM29LV320TEFujitsu MBM29LV320BEFujitsu MBM29LV160TEFujitsu MBM29LV160BEFujitsu MBM29LV800BAFujitsu MBM29LV800TAFujitsu MBM29LV400BCFujitsu MBM29LV400TCHyundai HY29F002TIntel 28F004B3BIntel 28F004B3TIntel 28F400B3BIntel 28F400B3TIntel 28F008B3BIntel 28F008B3TIntel 28F008S5Intel 28F016S5Intel 28F008SAIntel 28F800B3BIntel 28F800B3TIntel 28F016B3BIntel I28F016S3Intel 28F016B3TIntel 28F160B3BIntel 28F160B3TIntel 28F320B3BIntel 28F320B3TIntel 28F640B3BIntel 28F640B3TIntel 28F640C3BIntel 82802ABIntel 82802ACMacronix MX29LV040CMXIC MX29LV160TNEC uPD29F064115MXIC MX29LV160BMacronix MX29F040Macronix MX29F016Macronix MX29F004TMacronix MX29F004BMacronix MX29F002TPMC Pm49FL002PMC Pm49FL004PMC Pm49FL008LH28F640BFSST 39LF512SST 39LF010SST 29EE020SST 29LE020SST 39LF020SST 39LF040SST 39SF010ASST 39SF020ASST 39SF040SST 49LF040BSST 49LF004BSST 49LF008ASST 49LF030ASST 49LF040ASST 49LF080ASST 39LF160SST 39VF1601SST 39VF3201SST 36VF3203ST M29F800ABST M29W800DTST M29W800DBST M29W400DTST M29W400DBST M29W160DTST M29W160DBST M29W040BST M50FW040ST M50FW080ST M50FW016ST M50LPW080ST M50FLW080AST M50FLW080BST PSD4256G6VToshiba TC58FVT160Toshiba TC58FVB160Toshiba TC58FVB321Toshiba TC58FVT321Toshiba TC58FVB641Toshiba TC58FVT641Winbond W49V002A<5>physmap platform flash device: %.8llx at %.8llx <3>%s %s: Could not reserve memory region <3>%s %s: Failed to ioremap flash region <3>physmap-flash: multiple devices found but MTD concat support disabled. <5>Using physmap partition information <3>%s %s: map_probe failed cfi_probeqinfo_probemap_romcmdlinepartRedBootspi:<3>%s %s: cannot alloc spi_device <3>%s %s: cs%d >= max %d %s.%u<3>%s %s: chipselect %d already in use <3>%s %s: can't %s %s, status %d setup/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/spi/spi.cspi%uspispi_masterethloloopback: Failed to register netdevice: %d de2104x0.7<4>%s: chip is running while changing media! <6>%s: set link %s %s: mode 0x%x, sia 0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x %s: set mode 0x%x, set sia 0x%x,0x%x,0x%x <4>%s: timeout expired stopping DMA <3>%s: pci_enable_device failed in resume <7>%s: tx queued, slot %d, skblen %d <6>%s: link down <6>%s: link nway restart, status %x,%x <7>%s: NIC status %08x mode %08x sia %08x desc %u/%u/%u <7>%s: disabling interface <7>%s: enabling interface <3>%s: ring allocation failure, err=%d <3>%s: IRQ %d request failure, err=%d <3>%s: h/w init failure, err=%d <6>%s: link up, media %s <7>%s: intr, status %08x mode %08x desc %u/%u/%u <7>%s: rx err, slot %d status 0x%x len %d <4>%s: Oversized Ethernet frame spanned multiple buffers, status %8.8x! <7>%s: rx slot %d status 0x%x len %d copying? %d <4>%s: rx work limit reached <7>%s: tx err, status 0x%x <7>%s: tx done, slot %d <3>%s: PCI bus error, status=%08x, PCI status=%04x <6>de%d: SROM leaf offset %u, default media %s <6>de%d: media block #%u: %s (%x,%x,%x) <3>de2104x: invalid irq (%d) for pci dev %s <3>de2104x: no MMIO resource for pci dev %s <3>de2104x: MMIO resource (%llx) too small on pci dev %s <3>de2104x: Cannot map PCI MMIO (%llx@%lx) on pci dev %s <3>de2104x: Cannot reset MAC, pci dev %s <4>de2104x: timeout reading 21040 MAC address byte %u 2104121040<6>%s: %s at 0x%lx, %pM, IRQ %d <6>%s: %s link ok, mode %x status %x <6>%s: no link, trying media %s, status %x <6>%s: %s link ok, status %x 10baseT autoBNCAUI10baseT-HD10baseT-FD<6>%s: Controller %d of multiport board. <6>%s: Missing EEPROM, this interface may not work correctly! <6>%s: Old format EEPROM on '%s' board. Using substitute media control info. <6>%s: Old style EEPROM with no media selection information. <4>%s: no phy info, aborting mtable build Autosense<6>%s: EEPROM default media type %s. <6>%s: MII interface PHY %d, setup/reset sequences %d/%d long, capabilities %2.2x %2.2x. <6>%s: Index #%d - Media %s (#%d) described by a %s (%d) block. AsanteSMC9332DSTCogent EM100Maxtech NX-110Accton EN1207NetWinderCobalt Microserver21140 non-MII21140 MII PHY21142 Serial PHY21142 MII PHY21143 SYM PHY21143 reset method<7> In tulip_rx(), entry %d %8.8x. <7>%s: In tulip_rx(), entry %d %8.8x. <7>%s: Receive error, Rx status %8.8x. <3>%s: Internal fault: The skbuff addresses do not match in tulip_rx: %08x vs. %Lx %p / %p. <7>%s: interrupt csr5=%#8.8x new csr5=%#8.8x. <7>%s: Transmit error, Tx status %8.8x. <3>%s: Out-of-sync dirty pointer, %d vs. %d. <4>%s: The transmitter stopped. CSR5 is %x, CSR6 %x, new CSR6 %x. <7>%s: tulip_stop_rxtx() failed (CSR5 0x%x CSR6 0x%x) <3>%s: (%lu) System Error occurred (%d) <3>%s: Re-enabling interrupts, %8.8x. <4>%s: Too much work during an interrupt, csr5=0x%8.8x. (%lu) (%d,%d,%d) <4>%s: in rx suspend mode: (%lu) (tp->cur_rx = %u, ttimer = %d, rx = %d) go/stay in suspend mode <4>%s: in rx suspend mode: (%lu) set timer <7>%s: exiting interrupt, csr5=%#4.4x. <6>tulip%d: MII transceiver #%d config %4.4x status %4.4x advertising %4.4x. <7>tulip%d: Advertising %4.4x on PHY %d, previously advertising %4.4x. <6>tulip%d: ***WARNING***: No MII transceiver found! <6>%s: MII status %4.4x, Link partner report %4.4x. <6>%s: No link beat on the MII interface, status %4.4x. half<6>%s: Setting %s-duplex based on MII#%d link partner capability of %4.4x. <7>%s: Using a 21140 non-MII transceiver with control setting %2.2x. <7>%s: Resetting the transceiver. <7>%s: 21143 non-MII %s transceiver control %4.4x/%4.4x. <7>%s: Setting CSR15 to %8.8x/%8.8x. <7>%s: Advertising %4.4x on MII %d. <7>%s: Invalid media table selection %d. <7>%s: Using media type %s, CSR12 is %2.2x. <7>%s: PNIC PHY status is %3.3x, media %s. <7>%s: No media description table, assuming %s transceiver, CSR12 %2.2x. <7>%s: Comet link status %4.4x partner capability %4.4x. <6>%s: MXIC negotiation status %8.8x. <7>%s: Media selection tick, %s, status %8.8x mode %8.8x SIA %8.8x %8.8x %8.8x %8.8x. <7>%s: network media monitor CSR6 %8.8x CSR12 0x%2.2x. <7>%s: Transceiver monitor tick CSR12=%#2.2x, no media sense. <7>%s: Transceiver monitor tick: CSR12=%#2.2x bit %d is %d, expecting %d. <7>%s: Link beat detected for %s. <7>%s: No link beat on media %s, trying transceiver type %s. tulip1.1.15<7>%s: tulip_up(), irq==%d. <6>%s: Using user-specified media %s. <6>%s: Using EEPROM-set media %s. <6>%s: Using MII transceiver %d, status %4.4x. <7>%s: Done tulip_up(), CSR0 %8.8x, CSR5 %8.8x CSR6 %8.8x. <3>tulip: pci_enable_device failed in resume <3>tulip: request_irq failed in resume <4>%s: Transmit timeout using MII device. <4>%s: 21140 transmit timed out, status %8.8x, SIA %8.8x %8.8x %8.8x %8.8x, resetting... <4>%s: PNIC2 transmit timed out, status %8.8x, CSR6/7 %8.8x / %8.8x CSR12 %8.8x, resetting... <4>%s: Transmit timed out, status %8.8x, CSR12 %8.8x, resetting... <6>%s: Added filter for %pM %8.8x bit %d. <7>%s: Shutting down ethercard, status was %2.2x. <6>%s<3>tulip: skipping LMC card. <3>tulip: Cannot enable tulip board #%d, aborting <3>tulip: ether device alloc failed, aborting <3>tulip: %s: I/O region (0x%llx@0x%llx) too small, aborting <7>%s: tulip_mwi_config() <7>%s: MWI config cacheline=%d, csr0=%08x <6>tulip%d: Transceiver selection forced to %s. tulip%deth%d<6>%s: %s rev %d at MMIO %#llx, EEPROM not present, %pM, IRQ %d. 10base2100baseFxMII 10baseTMII 10baseT-FDXMII10baseT(forced)MII 100baseTxMII 100baseTx-FDXMII 100baseT4MII 100baseFx-HDXMII 100baseFx-FDXHome-PNA 1MbpsInvalid-19Transceiver resetDigital DS21140 TulipDigital DS21142/43 TulipLite-On 82c168 PNICMacronix 98713 PMACMacronix 98715 PMACMacronix 98725 PMACASIX AX88140Lite-On PNIC-IIADMtek CometCompex 9881 PMACIntel DS21145 TulipConexant LANfinity<7>%s: Restarting 21143 autonegotiation, csr14=%8.8x. <6>%s: 21143 link status interrupt %8.8x, CSR5 %x, %8.8x. <6>%s: Switching to %s based on link negotiation %4.4x & %4.4x = %4.4x. <6>%s: Autonegotiation failed, using %s, link beat status %4.4x. <7>%s: Setting CSR6 %8.8x/%x CSR12 %8.8x. good<6>%s: 21143 %s link beat %s. <6>%s: 21143 10baseT link beat good. <6>%s: 21143 10mbps sensed media. <6>%s: 21143 using NWay-set %s, csr6 %8.8x. <6>%s: 21143 100baseTx sensed media. <6>%s: 21143 negotiation status %8.8x, %s. <6>%s: Using NWay-set %s media, csr12 %8.8x. <6>%s: No 21143 100baseTx link beat, %8.8x, trying NWay. <6>%s: 21143 negotiation failed, status %8.8x. <6>%s: Testing new 21143 media %s. <7>%s: PNIC autonegotiated status %8.8x, %s. <7>%s: PNIC link changed state %8.8x, CSR5 %8.8x. <7>%s: PNIC timer PHY status %8.8x, %s CSR5 %8.8x. <7>%s: %s link beat failed, CSR12 %4.4x, CSR5 %8.8x, PHY %3.3x. <6>%s: Changing PNIC configuration to %s %s-duplex, CSR6 %8.8x. <6>%s: sw timer wakeup. <7>%s: Restarting PNIC2 autonegotiation, csr14=%8.8x. <7>%s: On Entry to Nway, csr6=%8.8x. <6>%s: PNIC2 link status interrupt %8.8x, CSR5 %x, %8.8x. <6>%s: funny autonegotiate result csr12 %8.8x advertising %4.4x <7>%s: Ugh! Link blew? <6>%s: PNIC2 %s link beat %s. <6>%s: PNIC2 Link Change Default? <6>%s: PNIC2 negotiation status %8.8x. <4>%s %s: HCRESET not completed yet! <4>%s %s: Can't enable PCI device, BIOS handoff failed. <4>%s %s: OHCI: BIOS handoff failed (BIOS bug?) %08x <4>%s %s: EHCI: BIOS handoff failed (BIOS bug?) %08x <4>%s %s: EHCI: unrecognized capability %02x <7>%s %s: EHCI: capability loop? <4>%s %s: xHCI BIOS handoff failed (BIOS bug ?) %08x <4>%s %s: xHCI HW not ready after 5 sec (HC bug?) status = 0x%x <4>%s %s: xHCI HW did not halt within %d usec status = 0x%x <3>input: failed to attach handler %s to device %s, error: %d handlersbus/inputN: Number=%u Name=%s Minor=%dB: %s=%lxI: Bus=%04x Vendor=%04x Product=%04x Version=%04x N: Name="%s" P: Phys=%s S: Sysfs=%s U: Uniq=%s H: Handlers=EVKEYRELABSMSCLEDSNDFFSW%X,input:b%04Xv%04Xp%04Xe%04X-<3>input: unable to register input_dev class <3>input: unable to register char major %dinput/%s/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/input/input.cinput%ldUnspecified deviceN/A<6>input: %s as %s <3>input_set_capability: unknown type %u (code %u) %04x PRODUCT=%x/%x/%x/%xNAME="%s"PHYS="%s"UNIQ="%s"EV=KEY=REL=ABS=MSC=LED=SND=FF=SW=MODALIAS=&dev->mutexcapabilitiesuniqbustypeproductrelmscsndsw<3>ff-core: cannot allocate device without any effects &ff->mutex&mousedev->mutexmicemouse%d<4>mice: could not register psaux device, error: %d <6>mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice <3>mousedev: no more free mousedev devices mousedevpsauxrtc0%s: unable to open rtc device (%s) /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/rtc/hctosys.c<6>%s %s: setting system clock to %d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d UTC (%u) <3>%s %s: hctosys: invalid date/time <3>%s %s: hctosys: unable to read the hardware clock rtc<3>%s: couldn't create class /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/rtc/class.c&rtc->ops_lockrtc%d<6>%s %s: rtc core: registered %s as %s <3>%s %s: rtc core: unable to register %s, err = %d <4>%s %s: alarm rollover not handled <3>%s: failed to allocate char dev region /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/drivers/rtc/rtc-dev.c<4>%s: failed to add char device %d:%d driver/rtcrtc_time : %02d:%02d:%02d rtc_date : %04d-%02d-%02d alrm_time : %02d:**:%02d alrm_date : %04d-****-%02d-**-alarm_IRQ : %s alrm_pending : %s 24hr : yes %02d:%02d:%02d %04d-%02d-%02d <3>%s %s: failed to create alarm attribute, %d since_epochmax_user_freqhctosyswakealarmokayperiodic_IRQ : %s update_IRQ : %s HPET_emulated : %s DST_enable : %s periodic_freq : %d batt_status : %s no alarmsalarms up to one yearalarms up to one dayalarms up to one month, y3k<6>%s: %s%s, %zd bytes nvram%s nvram57600o8&led_cdev->trigger_lock<6>Registered led device: %s trigger<4>LED trigger %s failed to register (%d) <4>LED trigger %s failed to register (no memory) [none] none qube::frontide-diskraq::power-offraq::web<3>PCI: Device %s not available because of resource collisions PCI: Enabling device %s (%04x -> %04x) <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device %s to %d <4>registering PCI controller with io_map_base unset <4>Skipping PCI bus scan due to resource conflict <6>Galileo: fixed bridge class <6>Galileo: revision %u Cannot read board ID<6>Cobalt board ID: %d socket:sock_inode_cachesockets: used %d <2>protocol %d >= NPROTO(%d) <6>NET: Registered protocol family %d <6>NET: Unregistered protocol family %d 8021qdlcisocket:[%lu]<3>sock_release: fasync list not empty! <7>sock_close: NULL inode <6>%s uses obsolete (PF_INET,SOCK_PACKET) <4>socket: no more sockets net-pf-%dsockfsCannot initialize net inuse countersprotocols%-9s %-4s %-8s %-6s %-5s %-7s %-4s %-10s %ssocketspressmaxhdrcl co di ac io in de sh ss gs se re sp bi br ha uh gp em NI%-9s %4u %6d %6d %-3s %6u %-3s %-10s %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c <2>%s: Can't create sock SLAB cache! <2>%s: Can't create request sock SLAB cache! <3>PROTO_INUSE_NR exhausted <7>%s: optmem leakage (%d bytes) detected. <4>process `%s' is using obsolete %s SO_BSDCOMPAT getsockopt<6>sock_set_timeout: `%s' (pid %d) tries to set negative timeout setsockopt/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/core/request_sock.c<4>%s: received packets cannot be forwarded while LRO is enabled <0>skb_under_panic: text:%p len:%d put:%d head:%p data:%p tail:%#lx end:%#lx dev:%s <0>skb_over_panic: text:%p len:%d put:%d head:%p data:%p tail:%#lx end:%#lx dev:%s <4>bad partial csum: csum=%u/%u len=%u /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/include/linux/skbuff.h/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/core/skbuff.cskbuff_head_cacheskbuff_fclone_cache/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/core/datagram.c/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/core/stream.c<3>RTNL: assertion failed at %s (%d) /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/core/gen_estimator.cnet_namespacenetnsCould not create netns workqCould not allocate generic netnsCould not setup the initial network namespace<5>%s: Dropping NETIF_F_SG since no checksum feature. <5>%s: Dropping NETIF_F_TSO since no SG feature. <3>%s: Dropping NETIF_F_UFO since no NETIF_F_HW_CSUM feature. <3>%s: Dropping NETIF_F_UFO since no NETIF_F_SG feature. ptypesoftnet_statType Device Function ALL %04x %-8s %pF %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x Inter-| Receive | Transmit face |bytes packets errs drop fifo frame compressed multicast|bytes packets errs drop fifo colls carrier compressed %6s:%8lu %7lu %4lu %4lu %4lu %5lu %10lu %9lu %8lu %7lu %4lu %4lu %4lu %5lu %7lu %10lu /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/core/dev.c__dev_addr_discard: address leakage! da_users=%d <4>dev_remove_pack: %p not found. <4>%s: promiscuity touches roof, set promiscuity failed, promiscuity feature of device might be broken. leftentered<6>device %s %s promiscuous mode dev=%s prom=%d old_prom=%d auid=%u uid=%u gid=%u ses=%u<4>%s: allmulti touches roof, set allmulti failed, allmulti feature of device might be broken. <4>Redir loop detected Dropping packet (%d->%d) <3>%s: hw csum failure. %s: caps=(0x%lx, 0x%lx) len=%d data_len=%d ip_summed=%d<2>protocol %04x is buggy, dev %s <2>Virtual device %s asks to queue packet! <2>Dead loop on virtual device %s, fix it urgently! <3>network todo '%s' but state %d <0>unregister_netdevice: waiting for %s to become free. Usage count = %d dev%d<0>%s: failed to move %s to init_net: %d <7>unregister_netdevice: device %s/%p never was registered <3>%s: name change rollback failed: %d. <3>alloc_netdev: Unable to allocate device. <3>alloc_netdev: Unable to allocate tx qdiscs. <5>%s: mixed HW and IP checksum settings. <5>%s: mixed no checksumming and other settings. /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/core/ethtool.cdev_mcast%-4d %-15s %-5d %-5d /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/core/dst.cproto/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/core/neighbour.centries allocs destroys hash_grows lookups hits res_failed rcv_probes_mcast rcv_probes_ucast periodic_gc_runs forced_gc_runs unresolved_discards %08x %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx NEIGH: BUG, double timer add, state is %x neigh_resolve_output: dst=%p neigh=%p neigh_parms_release: not found cannot create neighbour cache statisticscannot create neighbour proc dir entrycannot allocate neighbour cache hashes<3>NEIGH: Registering multiple tables for family %d <4>Destroying alive neighbour %p <4>Impossible event. <2>neighbour leakage <4>neigh: timer & !nud_in_timer Unable to register rtnetlink message handler, protocol = %d, message type = %d rtnetlink_init: cannot allocate rta_buf rtnetlink_init: cannot initialize rtnetlink <4>A link change request failed with some changes comitted already. Interface %s may have been left with an inconsistent configuration, please check. /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/core/rtnetlink.crtnl-link-%s%s%%d/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/core/filter.cUnknown code:%u jt:%u tf:%u k:%u flow_cacheNET: failed to allocate flow cache order %lu INTERFACE=%sIFINDEX=%d/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/core/net-sysfs.cnotpresentlowerlayerdowntestingdormantstatisticsaddr_lendev_idifaliasiflinkifindexfeaturescarrierduplexoperstaterx_packetstx_packetsrx_bytestx_bytesrx_errorstx_errorsrx_droppedtx_droppedmulticastcollisionsrx_length_errorsrx_over_errorsrx_crc_errorsrx_frame_errorsrx_fifo_errorsrx_missed_errorstx_aborted_errorstx_carrier_errorstx_fifo_errorstx_heartbeat_errorstx_window_errorsrx_compressedtx_compressed<6>%s: local port %d <6>%s: local IP %pI4 <6>%s: interface %s <6>%s: remote port %d <6>%s: remote IP %pI4 <6>%s: remote ethernet address %pM <3>%s: %s doesn't exist, aborting. <3>%s: %s doesn't support polling, aborting. <6>%s: device %s not up yet, forcing it <3>%s: failed to open %s <5>%s: timeout waiting for carrier <5>%s: carrier detect appears untrustworthy, waiting 4 seconds <3>%s: no IP address for %s, aborting <6>%s: couldn't parse config at %s! /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/core/netpoll.cnetpoll_send_skb(): %s enabled interrupts in poll (%pF) /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/core/fib_rules.c/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/include/trace/events/skb.hkfree_skb: skbaddr=%p protocol=%u location=%p skb_copy_datagram_iovec: skbaddr=%p len=%d field:void * skbaddr; offset:%u; size:%u; field:unsigned short protocol; offset:%u; size:%u; field:void * location; offset:%u; size:%u; skbaddr=%p protocol=%u location=%pREC->skbaddr, REC->protocol, REC->location field:const void * skbaddr; offset:%u; size:%u; field:int len; offset:%u; size:%u; skbaddr=%p len=%dREC->skbaddr, REC->lenskbaddrlocationkfree_skbskb_copy_datagram_iovec<6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to kfree_skb <6>event trace: Could not activate trace point probe to skb_copy_datagram_iovec skbnapi_poll<6>Initalizing network drop monitor service <3>Could not create drop monitor netlink family <2>Failed to register operation %d <2>Failed to register netdevice notifier <7>%s: unable to resolve type %X addresses. /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/sched/sch_generic.c<6>NETDEV WATCHDOG: %s (%s): transmit queue %u timed out <6>%s: activation failed <4>Dead loop on netdevice %s, fix it urgently! <4>BUG %s code %d qlen %d psched%08x %08x %08x %08x rule prio %u protocol %02x reclassify loop, packet dropped <4>%s: %s qdisc %X: is non-work-conserving? /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/include/net/sch_generic.hsch_%s/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/sched/sch_api.ccls_%spolicetc_dump_action: action bad kind tc_dump_action: %s !capable of dumping table tcf_action_destroy: BUG? destroying NULL ops act_%screate_a: failed to alloc! tca_action_flush: couldnt create tc_action tca_action_flush: failed skb alloc tc_ctl_action: received NO action attribs /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/sched/act_api.ctcf_generic_walker: unknown action %d fifonet_clsLocal stack overflow, increase NET_EMATCH_STACK ematch-kind-%unetlinksk Eth Pid Groups Rmem Wmem Dump Locks Drops %p %-3d %-6d %08x %-8d %-8d %p %-8d %-8d nlk->cb_mutexnet-pf-%d-proto-%d<3>Freeing alive netlink socket %p /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/netlink/af_netlink.cnetlink_init: Cannot allocate nl_table /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/include/net/sock.hGENL: Cannot initialize generic netlink GENL: Cannot register controller: %d cannot create netfilter proc entrycannot initialize nf_queuecannot initialize nf_log%2lld NONE (%2lld %s (nf_logNONE%2lld NONE %2lld %s nf_queue<4>dst cache overflow <4>martian source %pI4 from %pI4, on dev %s <4>ll header: <4>host %pI4/if%d ignores redirects for %pI4 to %pI4. IP: failed to allocate ip_rt_acct ip_dst_cacheIP route cache<3>Unable to setup rt_secret_timer <3>Unable to create route proc files rt_acctentries in_hit in_slow_tot in_slow_mc in_no_route in_brd in_martian_dst in_martian_src out_hit out_slow_tot out_slow_mc gc_total gc_ignored gc_goal_miss gc_dst_overflow in_hlist_search out_hlist_search %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %-127s Iface Destination Gateway Flags RefCnt Use Metric Source MTU Window IRTT TOS HHRef HHUptod SpecDst%s %08lX %08lX %8X %d %u %d %08lX %d %u %u %02X %d %1d %08X%n%*s <7>ip_rt_bug: %pI4 -> %pI4, %s <4>Neighbour table failure & not caching routes. <4>%s: %d rebuilds is over limit, route caching disabled <4>Route hash chain too long! <4>Adjust your secret_interval! <4>Neighbour table overflow. <2>Bug in ip_route_input_slow(). Please, report <4>martian destination %pI4 from %pI4, dev %s <6>Redirect from %pI4 on %s about %pI4 ignored. Advised path = %pI4 -> %pI4 <7>rt_bind_peer(0) @%p inet_peer_cache<6>source route option %pI4 -> %pI4 %s: proto %d isn't netns-ready <3>ip_frag_create: no memory left ! /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/ipv4/ip_fragment.c<3>IP: queue_glue: no memory for gluing queue %p <6>Oversized IP packet from %pI4. <2>ip_forward(): Argh! Destination lost! <6>IP: frag: no memory for new fragment! <7>ip_finish_output2: No header cache and no neighbour! /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/ipv4/ip_output.c/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/ipv4/inet_hashtables.c/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/ipv4/inet_timewait_sock.c/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/ipv4/inet_connection_sock.c/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/include/net/request_sock.htcp_bind_bucketTCP establishedTCP bind<6>TCP: Hash tables configured (established %d bind %d) /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/ipv4/tcp.c<6>TCP: too many of orphaned sockets <6>cleanup rbuf bug: copied %X seq %X rcvnxt %X <6>recvmsg bug: copied %X seq %X rcvnxt %X fl %X <6>recvmsg bug 2: copied %X seq %X rcvnxt %X fl %X <7>TCP(%s:%d): Application bug, race in MSG_PEEK. /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/ipv4/tcp_input.c<3>%s: Impossible, sk->sk_state=%d <7>prune_queue: c=%x <7>ofo packet was already received <7>ofo requeuing : rcv_next %X seq %X - %X <7>partial packet: rcv_next %X seq %X - %X <7>out of order segment: rcv_next %X seq %X - %X <7>Leak l=%u %d <7>Leak s=%u %d <7>Leak r=%u %d <7>Ack %u after %u:%u <7>Ack %u before %u:%u <6>tcp_parse_options: Illegal window scaling value %d >14 received. <7>tcp_send_synack: wrong queue state /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/ipv4/tcp_output.c<7>retrans_out leaked. <6>Out of socket memory /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/ipv4/tcp_timer.c<7>TCP: Peer %pI4:%u/%u unexpectedly shrunk window %u:%u (repaired) <7>TCP: Peer %pI6:%u/%u unexpectedly shrunk window %u:%u (repaired) Failed to create the TCP control socket. %-*s sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode%4d: %08X:%04X %08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %lu %d %p %lu %lu %u %u %d%n%4d: %08X:%04X %08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %u %d %p%n%4d: %08X:%04X %08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %d %d %p%n<6>possible SYN flooding on port %d. Sending cookies. <7>TCP: drop open request from %pI4/%u tcp_v4_calc_md5_hash failed<6>MD5 Hash failed for (%pI4, %d)->(%pI4, %d)%s /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/ipv4/tcp_ipv4.ctcp<6>TCP: time wait bucket table overflow tcp_%scubic/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/ipv4/tcp_cong.c<3>TCP %s does not implement required ops <5>TCP %s already registered <6>TCP %s registered <6>%s forgot to set AF_INET in raw sendmsg. Fix it! sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode ref pointer drops %4d: %08X:%04X %08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %lu %d %p %d sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode ref pointer drops%4d: %08X:%04X %08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %lu %d %p %d%n<4>UDPLITE: partial coverage %d while full coverage %d requested <4>UDPLITE: coverage %d too small, need min %d <7>UDPLITE: zeroed checksum field <7>UDPLITE: bad csum coverage %d/%d -Lite<7>UDP%s: short packet: From %pI4:%u %d/%d to %pI4:%u <7>UDP%s: bad checksum. From %pI4:%u to %pI4:%u ulen %d <7>udp cork app bug 2 <7>udp cork app bug 3 udp<3>%s: Cannot register /proc! <2>%s: Cannot add UDP-Lite protocol. udplitearpIP address HW type Flags HW address Mask Device %-16s 0x%-10x0x%-10x%s * %s 00:00:00:00:00:00<7>trying to ucast probe in NUD_INVALID <7>arp_find is called with dst==NULL <7>ARP: arp called for own IP address arp_cache<6>Wrong address mask %pI4 from %s/%pI4 <6>ICMP: %pI4: fragmentation needed and DF set. <6>ICMP: %pI4: Source Route Failed. <4>%pI4 sent an invalid ICMP type %u, code %u error to a broadcast: %pI4 on %s /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/ipv4/devinet.cFreeing alive in_device %p <7>inetdev_event: bug /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/ipv4/af_inet.c<6>%s(): shifting inet->saddr from %pI4 to %pI4 <3>Attempt to override permanent protocol %d. <3>Ignoring attempt to register invalid socket type %d. <2>inet_init: Cannot add ICMP protocol <2>inet_init: Cannot add UDP protocol <2>inet_init: Cannot add TCP protocol <2>inet_init: Cannot add IGMP protocol Failed to create the ICMP control socket. <2>inet_init: Cannot init ipv4 mroute <2>inet_init: Cannot init ipv4 mibs <3>Attempt to unregister permanent protocol %d. net-pf-%d-proto-%d-type-%d<3>Attempt to release TCP socket in state %d %p <3>Attempt to release alive inet socket %p mcfilterigmp%3s %6s %10s %10s %6s %6s IdxDeviceMCASRCINCEXC%3d %6.6s 0x%08x 0x%08x %6lu %6lu Idx Device : Count Querier Group Users Timer Reporter V3V1V2%d %-10s: %5d %7s %08X %5d %d:%08lX %d /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/ipv4/igmp.c<4>fib_add_ifaddr: bug: prim == NULL <4>fib_del_ifaddr: bug: prim == NULL <4>fib_semantic_match bad type %#x <4>Freeing alive fib_info %p /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/ipv4/fib_semantics.c/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/ipv4/inet_fragment.cudp_memudp_rmem_minudp_wmem_minrt_cache_rebuild_countIface Destination Gateway Flags RefCnt Use Metric Mask MTU Window IRTT%s %08X %08X %04X %d %u %d %08X %d %u %u%n* %08X %08X %04X %d %u %d %08X %d %u %u%n<2>route.c: bad divisor %d! ip_fib_haship_fib_aliassnmpnetstatsockstat IcmpMsg:InOut %sType%uIp: Forwarding DefaultTTL Ip: %d %d Icmp: InMsgs InErrors In%s OutMsgs OutErrors Out%s Icmp: %lu %lu %lu %lu Tcp: Udp: UdpLite:TcpExt: TcpExt: IpExt:TCP: inuse %d orphan %d tw %d alloc %d mem %d UDP: inuse %d mem %d UDPLITE: inuse %d RAW: inuse %d FRAG: inuse %d memory %d InReceivesInHdrErrorsInAddrErrorsForwDatagramsInUnknownProtosInDiscardsInDeliversOutRequestsOutDiscardsOutNoRoutesReasmTimeoutReasmReqdsReasmOKsReasmFailsFragOKsFragFailsFragCreatesRtoAlgorithmRtoMinRtoMaxMaxConnActiveOpensPassiveOpensAttemptFailsEstabResetsCurrEstabInSegsOutSegsRetransSegsInErrsOutRstsInDatagramsNoPortsInErrorsOutDatagramsRcvbufErrorsSndbufErrorsDestUnreachsTimeExcdsParmProbsSrcQuenchsRedirectsEchosEchoRepsTimestampsTimestampRepsAddrMasksAddrMaskRepsSyncookiesSentSyncookiesRecvSyncookiesFailedEmbryonicRstsPruneCalledRcvPrunedOfoPrunedOutOfWindowIcmpsLockDroppedIcmpsArpFilterTWTWRecycledTWKilledPAWSPassivePAWSActivePAWSEstabDelayedACKsDelayedACKLockedDelayedACKLostListenOverflowsListenDropsTCPPrequeuedTCPDirectCopyFromBacklogTCPDirectCopyFromPrequeueTCPPrequeueDroppedTCPHPHitsTCPHPHitsToUserTCPPureAcksTCPHPAcksTCPRenoRecoveryTCPSackRecoveryTCPSACKRenegingTCPFACKReorderTCPSACKReorderTCPRenoReorderTCPTSReorderTCPFullUndoTCPPartialUndoTCPDSACKUndoTCPLossUndoTCPLossTCPLostRetransmitTCPRenoFailuresTCPSackFailuresTCPLossFailuresTCPFastRetransTCPForwardRetransTCPSlowStartRetransTCPTimeoutsTCPRenoRecoveryFailTCPSackRecoveryFailTCPSchedulerFailedTCPRcvCollapsedTCPDSACKOldSentTCPDSACKOfoSentTCPDSACKRecvTCPDSACKOfoRecvTCPAbortOnSynTCPAbortOnDataTCPAbortOnCloseTCPAbortOnMemoryTCPAbortOnTimeoutTCPAbortOnLingerTCPAbortFailedTCPMemoryPressuresTCPSACKDiscardTCPDSACKIgnoredOldTCPDSACKIgnoredNoUndoTCPSpuriousRTOsTCPMD5NotFoundTCPMD5UnexpectedTCPSackShiftedTCPSackMergedTCPSackShiftFallbackInNoRoutesInTruncatedPktsInMcastPktsOutMcastPktsInBcastPktsOutBcastPktsInOctetsOutOctetsInMcastOctetsOutMcastOctetsInBcastOctetsOutBcastOctetsip_mr_cacheip_mr_vifInterface BytesIn PktsIn BytesOut PktsOut Flags Local Remote %2Zd %-10s %8ld %7ld %8ld %7ld %05X %08X %08X Group Origin Iif Pkts Bytes Wrong Oifs %08lX %08lX %-3hd %8lu %8lu %8lu %2d:%-3dip_mrt_cache<3>ip_mr_init: can't add PIM protocol <4>mroute: pending queue full, dropping entries. pimregtunl0dvmrp%dxfrm4_gc_thresh/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/xfrm/xfrm_policy.cxfrm_dst_cachexfrm-mode-%d-%dxfrm-type-%d-%d/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/xfrm/xfrm_state.csecpath_cache/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/xfrm/xfrm_algo.cecb(cipher_null)cipher_nulldesdes3_edecbc(cast5)cast5blowfishaescbc(serpent)serpenttwofishdigest_nulllzslzjhrfc4106(gcm(aes))xfrm_larval_dropxfrm_acq_expires<2>%s: Cannot create unix_sock SLAB cache! Num RefCount Protocol Flags Type St Inode Path %p: %08X %08X %08X %04X %02X %5lu/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/unix/af_unix.c%05x&u->readlock<6>Attempt to release alive unix socket: %p /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/ipv6/inet6_hashtables.csk RefCnt Type Proto Iface R Rmem User Inode %p %-6d %-4d %04x %-5d %1d %-6u %-6u %-6lu &po->pg_vec_lock<3>TPACKET version not supported <3>packet size is too long (%d > %d) <3>packet size is too short (%d < %d) <3>Packet exceed the number of skb frags(%lu) <3>packet_mmap: vma is busy: %d /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/packet/af_packet.c<3>Attempt to release alive packet socket: %p /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/wireless/wext.c<3>%s (WE) : Invalid/Unknown Wireless Event (0x%04X) <3>%s (WE) : Wireless Event too big (%d) <3>%s (WE) : Wireless Event too small (%d) wirelessInter-| sta-| Quality | Discarded packets | Missed | WE face | tus | link level noise | nwid crypt frag retry misc | beacon | %d %6s: %04x %3d%c %3d%c %3d%c %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d /build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/net/sysctl_net.c/build/buildd-linux-2.6_2.6.32-48-mipsel-eDFvlV/linux-2.6-2.6.32/debian/build/source_mipsel_none/lib/klist.csched_kthread_stopsched_kthread_stop_retsched_wait_tasksched_wakeupsched_wakeup_newsched_switchsched_migrate_tasksched_process_freesched_process_exitsched_process_waitsched_process_forksched_signal_sendsched_stat_waitsched_stat_runtimesched_stat_sleepsched_stat_iowaitirq_handler_entryirq_handler_exitsoftirq_entrysoftirq_exittimer_inittimer_starttimer_expire_entrytimer_expire_exittimer_cancelhrtimer_inithrtimer_starthrtimer_expire_entryhrtimer_expire_exithrtimer_cancelitimer_stateitimer_expireworkqueue_insertionworkqueue_executionworkqueue_creationworkqueue_destructionmodule_loadmodule_freemodule_getmodule_putmodule_requestpower_startpower_endpower_frequencykmallockmem_cache_allockmalloc_nodekmem_cache_alloc_nodekfreekmem_cache_freemm_page_free_directmm_pagevec_freemm_page_allocmm_page_alloc_zone_lockedmm_page_pcpu_drainmm_page_alloc_extfragblock_rq_abortblock_rq_insertblock_rq_issueblock_rq_requeueblock_rq_completeblock_bio_bounceblock_bio_completeblock_bio_backmergeblock_bio_frontmergeblock_bio_queueblock_getrqblock_sleeprqblock_plugblock_unplug_timerblock_unplug_ioblock_splitblock_remapblock_rq_remapkfree_skbskb_copy_datagram_iovecnapi_pollLxcx%jp%jN2i,8v*8v)8v!8v 8v{h#$({f#$({e#$({c#$({b#$({a#$({`#$((_(_(_f(_$UKf$iFA1`F4b ,>FL@>F LU>FDf >FFf >F f >Ff >Fg >F0i >Fi ?F,j 2?Fj M?Fk e?F0l r?F m ?Fe ?Fe ?F\n ?Fn ?Fn ?Fo ?F0AM @F@M@F{ @F{ )@Fk@F(w@F}@F& @F`@FPy @F| @Fط@F@F@FAFx 1AF`x AAFYAFvAFAFAFAFw AFLw AFv *BFp& 4BFJBF0GSBFFMbBF& jBFp zBF@ BFW BFV BF0V BF(] BFD] BF[ CF [ CF<$CFHM*CFHM6CFpd JCF e aCFKF`GNKFy fKF$y zKFz KF KF8 KF KFL KFw KFp KF@ KFcO_LFGgLFGvLF LFH LF LF LF LF$ MF yMF MFD MFx NF ,NF ?NF UNF fNFd tNF OF  OF DOF kOF , OF/ OF& OFt0 OF1 OF@& PF1 PF% 'PF@2 6PF2 FPFT2 VPF3 fPFh2 vPF5 PF|2 PF3 PF2 PFX5 PF2 PF<4 PF2 PF5 QF2 QF4 QFQ QFR QFP QFV QFW QF`W QFQFQFRF)RFdX 7RFX IRFX bRF\V wRFU RFT RFtT RFT RFS RFS RFY RFF@@$FA5F>AF8CFFVsF>F@>FEF,GÁF[ׁFp\F,JFLFLF=FtJF?F ^0F\UMFHM_FNkFLN{F|PFYFbFL`ÂF|eтF^F(hFgFg FrFw(FDt4FvJF^FiF\F,~F,Fp̃F|߃F}F}F FxFFFF`Fȸ˄FTԄF݄F`FF̹F$F0F@FKFTF`FkFLvFlFF0FF\F(ÅFՅFxFFFH†FنFF FpFD(FT6FCFQF4cFF8FHFFF;чFއFFRF^FiFzFFF|FF4FĉFϚFܚFFFRFăF1FRGFXTFcfFcwF(eF4eFFL%F|0F0FϝF|FXFF0 'F CF XF8iFyF8FF8 FxFǞF ԞFFFF$5F  KF ^FoFx 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This document defines the application of the DEFLATE algorithm to the IP Payload Compression Protocol.]10/ …?p/$gGIhQvg'ޅ!] --iB#lqϋ3/bLR7RkYNzvOV\WӠyz]10/ …?p/$gGIhQvg'ޅ!] --iB#lqϋ3/bLR7RkYNzvOV\WӠyThis document describes a compression method based on the DEFLATEcompression algorithm. 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